Environment should not be subject of political disagreement, says Nature Trust

Nature Trust: ‘give the environment the importance it deserves’.

Malta still lags behind on law enforcement, sustainable development, the use of groundwater, air quality and sustainable fishing, environmental NGO Nature Trust warned in a statement for World Environment Day.

"We are still in the initial stages in other areas such as climate change, renewable energy, biodiversity protection, and marine protected areas," Nature Trust.

"We're calling on our political leaders to join forces and work together on the various environmental issues, placing the environment at the very top of their agenda."

On the occasion of World Environment day, Nature Trust said the national authorities had to give the environment the importance it deserves.

"Malta needs to make a stronger effort to ensure that elements of our natural environment aren't lost forever. The environment should not be a subject of political disagreement, and we should all understand that making progress in this sector means that we all stand to benefit in the long term.

"At the same time we appeal to members of the public to give their contribution on a daily basis. Programmes such as EkoSkola show that there is hope for the future, as children have been setting an example and bringing about a change in mentality."

Environmental and Economical issues should not be put together. End of story