Over 36% of 20,000 new jobs are part-time employment – PQ

One-quarter of new jobs created since 2008 are part-time jobs providing sole source of income.

Lawrence Gonzi sets much store in promoting the 20,000 new jobs created over the past four years, but a good proportion are part-time jobs.
Lawrence Gonzi sets much store in promoting the 20,000 new jobs created over the past four years, but a good proportion are part-time jobs.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has told parliament that over 20% of the 20,000 jobs created over the past four years, are part-time jobs which provide the sole source of income for workers.

In several replies to parliamentary questions, the prime minister - who puts much store in the boast of having created 23,939 jobs amid trying economic conditions - revealed that 8,775 (36.6%) were part-time jobs: 5,202 providing the sole source of income, while 3,573 are secondary jobs.

The rest of the figure is made up of 7,193 full-time jobs and 7,971 jobs for formerly redundant workers.

Gonzi has insisted that his priority in the last four-years and a half has been the creation of jobs, even while handling internal political problems that last week resulted in the resignation of one of his ministers after Nationalist MP Franco Debono voted in favour of an Opposition motion. The prime minister has also said that government's efforts were crucial to saveguard 5,000 jobs during the 2008 crisis.

In public appearances, the prime minister has chosen to ignore the political thorn in his side that prompted the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici, and instead insist that job creation is his top priority.

On PBS's Dissett on Sunday, Gonzi said his policies and decisions had reaped positive results, but his claim of having created 20,000 new jobs was somewhat deflated interviewer Reno Bugeja: "It's starting to sound like an advertisement, Prime Minister."

In parliament on Monday, Gonzi said he would persist in advertising his achievements. "The results of these last four years are the confirmation that our policies have delivered, even while the Opposition insists we are not governing well."













Increase in full-time posts






Increase in part-time posts













Meta jkollok gvern li lill-haddiem inehhilu d-dritt ta' l-istrajk, jaghlaqlu l-Qorti kostituzzjonali, igib lill-haddiem "tallab jilqa l-loqom li jtij, jekk joghgbu, l-gvern hanin" (Attard |Kingswell), ihallieh 5 snin bil-wage freeze u jghollilu l-hobz, il-halib, il-laham, il-petrol, il-pitrolu, jibghat il-pulizija jsawtu lill-haddiem.....u tibqa' ssib eluf ta' cwiec icapcpulu....ghal dawk kont qed nghid jien.
Hawn min jitlef argument u jispicca jghid il hmerijiet.(pajjiz qiesna fil qalba ta' l-Afrika) hekk konna qabel ma gvernijiet laburisti dahlu is-servizzi socjali KOLLHA f'Malta bil PN dejjem jopponi u jivvota kontra. Ghal dawk kont qed nirreferi jien. Issa inhalli lil qarrejja jiggudikaw.
Ghal sittax-il sena shah gabu lil Malta pajjiz tal-qamel. pajjiz qiesna tribu fil-qalba ta' l-Afrika, pajjiz tal-misthija maddinja kollha.....u tibqa ssib min ifahharhom. Ghal dawk kont qed nghid.
Jghaddik biz-zmien min gimgha wara r-rizultat ta' l-elezzzjoni jgholli b'goff u esegerat il kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma ghax skond hu qeghdin fil maltemp, u fl-istess nifs jiehu ghalih u il-klikka tieghu bil MOHBI ta kullhadd 600 ewro zieda fil gimgha. Ghal dawk it-talin li icappwulhom kont qed nirreferi.
Toninu ghandu elf ragun! Harsu lejn l-eluf jigru wara Joseph Muscat u jcapcpulu u taraw kemm verament haw min jifrah u jcapcap lil min jghaddih biz-zmien. Min jaf fil-fond nett ta' qalbu jkun qed jidhaq bihom!
Il-verita sagrosanta hi li min kien qed jirrepeti bhal pappagall li holoq 20000 impieg GDID kien qed jigdeb. Xejn iktar u xejn anqas. Li jikwietani hu li hawn min jifrah ghax jigi mghoddi biz-zmien.
Ma nistghageb xejn Progress li qsamt qalbek bid-dahq. Mhux kulhadd jaf li t-tfal u l-boloh jidhqu bix-xejn? Anki taqlaghlu ghajnu jidhaq l-iblah! Ma jafx ahjar, miskin. Nikkumpatik. Ara jien tghidx kemm dhaqt bil-porkerija ta' Malti li ktibt int. Kemm int injurant!
U issa kif se naghmlu Dr. Gonzi, biex noholqu x-xoghol?
What is the average pay rate for these jobs? What are the standards of living of those in employment, by type of employment, gender, age, and, social class? How well do the pay rates meet the needs of the persons being paid?
@Sur Giovanni De Martino vera naqbel mieghek x'cuc hu Gonzi hdejn KMB u vera cuc ha nghidlek ghaliex ghax dawk it-tmien t'elef kellom leave , sick leave u paga dicenti u meta spicca mil Gvern il MLP halla Lm500miljun fil kaxxa barra l-assi li halla u riservi tad-deheb, jigiefiri seta jdahhal anki sittax il elf u ma jfalliex pajjiz bhal lum €5biljun dejn, bihhejtu kollox u issa dalwaqt nisimaw b'xi wahda ghax ghandna x'naqsmu hafna mal Grecja li nistaw nintlaqtu sew. Sur De Martino il -hmerijiet li tghid mghandomx bazi ta xejn infatti gbajt nidhaq bli tghid li ma nistax nieqaf ghax tant tigdeb li tad dahq. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Mr Demartino, if your Government on being elected had sacked these 8000 workers (mostly these had been already employed with the then wider public service so were not new to Government)(also I am not saying KMB acted correctly), I would stand by you and understand your braying. BUT, not only did your preferred government not sack them, but promoted them and engaged further corps to enlarge the public service as "money was no problem" and we had to keep up appearances by doubling the "feel good factor" didn't we. Or there would have been exposed the fallacy of some of the more important Government's policies of the time. Not only, but even with so many privatisations, after 25 years of your Government the nation still sports an outstandingly large albatross around its neck. This being the civil service in all its underemployed mess.
I am a retired teacher who have been doing two hours evening classes twice a week for thirteen years Now I was obliged to make a contract to continue teaching.Besides paying income tax I have been ordered to pay social security without being able to apply for any benefits. Now I received congratulations from ETC for the job I found. Therefore I am one of the 20 000 new jobs. There are many more like me. This baloon has bursts like all the Gonzipn lies. Pensioner
Lies. Damn Lies, and GozniPN Statistics!
Since the unemployment figures for the last 4 years are approximately the same for all 4 years goes to show that no progress was made. An interesting point would be i9f the PM could give a list of where the jobs were created, what kind of jobs and how many are of minimum wage type. personnally I see that every time I visit Mater Dei the number of security is always increasing as are those in some ministries. The number of "gardeners" that are constanly changing flowers on round abouts also have increased. If these are the types of jobs gonzi is boasting about then I must say he is a very silly person.
Tajjeb,tajjeb hafna, mela fit 2008 GonziPn kien qal Par idejn sodi. Nahseb ghax kieku tara dan ic-chart nahseb li Par idejn Frodi. Hija haga cara li min gie redundant qal li sablu x-xoghol u ziedom fic-chart minflok hallihom ipattu ghal din is-somma jew naqqasom. Barra hekk jien naf hafna li dahlu ghal xoghol ta tnax il siegha kuljum anki meta jmissek gieli s-sibt u il-Hadd ghal paga misera ta €2.33 is-siegha. Dawn in-nies kellom sena u issa bahh. Kellom ukoll xoghol ta tmien sieghat kuljum, 40 siegha fil gimgha, u paga dicenti u overtime bis-siegha, siegha u nofs. Dawn in-nies gew traduti li dan il-Gvern ghamel min kollox biex jghalaq din L-Intrapriza li fl-ahhar gabilom barrani biex imexxihom ghal xi kuntratt, tradihom u harab, mhux cuc Malti, imma cuc Gvern u ghalhekk par idejn frodi , u xejn izjed Dr. Lawrence Gonzi.
Yep. My daughter is working for a couple of months in the summer at Euro3.00 an hour. That's a job created!!!! Maybe Mr. Gonzi will want to tell us how many of those jobs have been with the government or government entities??
L-aqwa li ma kull nifs li jiehdu ta Gonzi PN jiftahru li holqu 20000 impieg gdid, biex issa kellhom jammettu li mhux qeghdin jghidu is-sewwa. L-aqwa li tigdeb
X'CUC hu Gonzi hdejn KMB tas-CNI! Dan, KMB jigifieri, f'hames minuti lejliet elezzjoni generali HOLOQ 8000 IMPJIEG GDID. Qed nghid sewwa jew le Malonki?
A veritable, complex, web of creative figure-juggling worthy of an expert manipulator. A true lawyer arguing a case for his client, in this case the PM defending himself. A truly "safe (sic) pair of hands"! Just whom does the PM think he is fooling? Does he believe everyone has deep blue tinted sunglasses on, to shade their eyes from his brilliance?
@ james grech | I have no other information but the Prime Minister has stated that the government's efforts helped save 5,000 jobs; these could have been part of the redundancies' figure.
Well well. It seems that the balloon has started to deflate. Finally!! Having said that, it is not clear whether the number of increased full-time, 7193, provides a factual representation of the Government's effort in job creation. Were all these jobs motivated or supported by Government's initiatives? Matthew is this fact verifiable in some way?
Araw dan l-ezempju kemm gonzipn hu kapaci li johloq l-impiegi -- wara li t-"twajjeb" carmelo mifsud bonnici tilef il-post tax-xoghol tieghu bhala ministru fuq l-altar tal-kontabilita, dan ifisser li tlifna post tax-xoghol. L-ghada pero qalu li rega' mar lura l-qorti biex jerga' jaqbad jahdem bhala avukat. DAN SKOND GONZIPN IFISSER LI ZDIED POST TAX-XOGHOL IEHOR B'DIN IL-MOSSA. B'dan l-argument tista' tghid mela li franco debono holoq post gdid tax-xoghol b'dak li ghamel -- xi tghid gonzipn? qed nirraguna sew jew le?