Marlene Mizzi: ‘My husband suffered because of me’

Labour candidate Marlene Mizzi says her husband, Magistrate Antonio Mizzi, was not appointed a senior magistrate by seniority when another magistrate Michael Mallia was made a judge, because of her political career

Marlene Mizzi revealed all in an interview with Julia Farrugia for sister newspaper Illum. Mizzi was referring to her position with the Labour Party, which she said had negatively affected her husband’s position of magistrate and his chances to move forward in his career.  She adds that even his involvement with sports was putting him in situations where the government is boycotting him from official invitations due to “the excuse of code of ethics.”

She was referring to the code of ethics for the judiciary which precludes members of the bench from taking up roles in associations: both Mizzi and Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco occupy senior roles in sporting associations, namely the Malta Basketball Association and the Malta Olympic Committee respectively.

Mizzi denied that she would be a candidate with the PL for the next general elections, but she did not deny a rumour that she has already been approached to stand for parliament.

Marlene Mizzi describes herself as a person “with a hard shell, but a soft core”, who  detests cruelty against those who cannot defend themselves, such as animals, children and the elderly. Talking about her new role as the chairman of Labour's Business Forum, Mizzi says that they are very busy with their  agenda which is already scheduled out with meetings, seminars and conferences. Being herself an owner of four shops and an insurance agency, she has first-hand relations with people in business. “The high price of electricity is without doubt causing businesses to be unsustainable,” she said.

She admits that she is annoyed at recent episodes where Labour leader Joseph Muscat has arrived late for meetings: “It annoys me if he goes late, if he really goes late. It irritates me if it’s true, however it irritates me even more if this is just spinning.”

The rest of this interview appears in Illum

I can assure you that there are hundred of people who are suffering, directing or indirectly, due to their political beliefs, however, and this is most sad, most of these people have no one to turn to. The labour party needs to be proactive and protects these individuals.
Sorry to hear. You’re not alone, the first, nor the last. Time will soon pass. I’m confident that with Joseph at the Helm, Justice will be done. Honest people deserves better . Corrupted people will have to pay. Note : Better late, then never......