Nurses’ union echoes Labour's calls against retirement age increase

MUMN says Prime Minister’s ‘silence’ on Brussels’ warning to raise retirement age is ‘dangerous’

MUMN Paul Pace has echoed calls by the Opposition leader against the rise in retirement age for nurses.
MUMN Paul Pace has echoed calls by the Opposition leader against the rise in retirement age for nurses.

The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses has reiterated its condemnation of a European Commission recommendation to ensure the sustainability of pensions by raising the retirement age.

Union president Paul Pace echoed warnings by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat on Sunday, in which the Labour leader denounced any rise in retirement age and warned of the increase in pensionable age should the PN be re-elected.

"The silence from the prime minister could be very dangerous to Maltese workers since it could be interpreted that the present government is in agreement with what the European Commission is recommending - to increase retirement age," Pace said in a statement.

The MUMN has already stated it will not accept any increase in retirement for nurses over and above the age of 65, and has called for a tax on luxury goods and a clampdown on tax evasion to increase revenues needed to sustain age-related costs such as pensions and healthcare.

The European Commission has warned that Malta remains at high risk to sustain public finances, due to an increase in spending on pensions and other age-related costs such as healthcare that will exceed the EU average considerably and urged the government to raise the retirement age.

I am against a mandatory increase in the pensionable age as there is simply no need for it. There are many other easier ways to solve this financial problem. I reiterate that the Government has many ways to increase revenue and national productivity, which would make affordable the present pensionable ages. The Government must ensure near private sector efficiency within its operations. This alone would solve all of the nation's financial problems. Productivity would be increased and more presently untaxed perks brought in to the taxable account. Much more tax than at present would be collected. Of course tax evasion must be tackled, especially with fully employed persons doing undeclared part time work. This would cover the whole Government service not just nurses and teachers, as well as the self employed. Taxes need to be reduced to achieve growth. The total tax collected would increase if growth is allowed to flourish.
Dear Mr Paul Pace, you are either 'blind' and 'deaf' or else your alliances with the PL are getting out 'loud and clear! You, complain about the raising of retiring age! You the president of the Maltese nurses and midwives! It's unbelievable! If there are Maltese employees who after reaching retirement age, continue to work, are your members! You, have signed an agreement with the government appropriately giving the advantage to nurses and midwives to continue, 'business as usual' after reaching retiring age! I too, worked in the health sector, but not as a nurse, and had to go on to live with my pension because I did not have the privilage which you fought for your nurses, to continue working till 65yrs while receiving their full pensions. And you know that the majority of those nurses and midwives to are now pensioners, receive double pensions, one from the Treasury and the Social Security one. Your ambivalence is making everybody sick! There were times, where Joseph Muscat was nicknamed as Dr Alfred Sant's poodle! But in my humble opinion, you are Dr Joseph MUscat, mastiff!
What the hell is wrong with this guy? As a nurse he should be the first to know that people are living longer and that means, a bigger strain on pension and health care costs. It's easy to say "raise taxes" or "clampdown on tax evasion". That's the usual cliche from Leftists. Has Paul Pace done his accounts? How did he come to this conclusion? This stance is populist at best, and frankly, not worthy of a union representing one of the most dedicated public sector profession in Malta.
Ghaliex f’dan il-pajjiz meta wiehed jilhaq l-eta tal-penzjoni ikollu jistenna biex jiehu dak li jkun hadem ghalih? Wara 43 sena nahdem u nhallas ghal penzjoni qaluli li irrid nahdem sena ohra biex inkun nista nahdem u niehu il-penzjoni. Meta jien suppost li hdimt 35 sena ghaliha lanqas biss sejjer niehu iz-zewgt terzi ghaliex il-massimu huwa ta xi €223 fil-gimgha. Meta ma ikollox bolli bizzejjed wiehed jiehu proporzjon, u meta wiehed ikollu iz-zejjed ma jiehu xejn aktar. Hlief sfruttament il-haddiem m’ ghandux f’hajtu. Meta mara tilhaq is-60 tista tibqa tahdem sa 61 u tiehu il-paga u il-penzjoni. M’ ghandi xejn kontra dan anzi nahseb li hija gusta. Ghaliex ma l-irgiel ma nimxux l-istess. Mhux talli hekk talli meta wiehed jispicca bil-penzjoni u jinqabad jahdem titnehhilu il-penzjoni sakemm ikollu 62. Din hija il-gustizzja? Il-Gvern donnu ma jafx jaghmel ftit kalkoli, ghaliex meta wiehed jiehu il-penzjoni u jibqa jahdem legalment dan irid jibqa ihallas il-bolla sakemm ikollu 65 sena w aktar taxxa u b’hekk il-pajjiz ikun qed jigwadanja. Allura dawk tal-qalba jispiccaw u jinghataw xi forma ta kuntrat. Dawn ukoll qeghdin jitilfu il-penzjoni? Minn ftit kalkoli li ghamilt sibt illi jekk jien niehu il-penzjoni u nibqa nahdem flok €2000 f’taxxa ikolli inhallas it-tripplu. Il-gvernijiet taghna ghandhom ftit melh jew basta jippredkaw? Ara il-President Franciz nizzel l-eta tal-penzjoni ghal 60 sena u hawn jekk jitla l-Hon Gonzi jew il-Partit Nazzjonalista dan sejjer izida. Suppost ilkoll ahwa f’din l-Ewropa ta Kain u Abel. Meta ha nibdew inkuna ahwa veru? Nistaw nibdew mill-pagi u kundizzjonijiet ohra. Ghalinqas hekk weghdna l-eks Prim Ministru Dr Eddie Fenech Adami. Tal-Partit Nazzjonalista minn dejjem kienu “Paroli Si, Fatti NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”
Manuvra ohra faxxista kif jaf jaghmlu n nazzjonalisti ta gonzipn.ghalissa ihallija tvenven inbghad jiddikjara li muhiex ser joghlli l eta tal pensjoni sabiex jirbah ftit voti...Hallina mela il poplu qed tahsbu beccun jew.
The people want an assurance that pension age will be lowered like Hollande did in France. All unions must unite behind such a call.