PM should pick technocrat for Home Affairs minister – MaltaToday online poll

The majority of voters on a MaltaToday online poll believe the appointment of a technocrat to head the Home Affairs ministry would have been preferable than Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi himself, in the wake of Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s resignation.

Too much on Gonzi's plate?
Too much on Gonzi's plate?

Over half of some 2,000-odd voters on a MaltaToday online poll believe the appointment of a technocrat to steward the Home Affairs ministry would be a more apt choice for the Prime Minister, after the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

The loss of Mifsud Bonnici in May saw Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi take responsibility of the home affairs and local councils ministry, just five months after having promoted previous responsibilities for public dialogue, local councils, environment, tourism and culture to respective ministries.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is now responsible for some serious decisions concerning immigration, as well as the Police Corps and the prisons, meaning the prime minister's work this summer will not be a light load.

But only 226 (11%) of the 1,977 votes submitted to the MaltaToday online poll feel the prime minister should be responsible for this important job.

And asked whether a former minister, like the experienced Francis Zammit Dimech, should be given the job, only 10% (200) voted in favour. Zammit Dimech was previously minister in charge of the environment, resources, and also tourism, having presided over waste management reforms and the introduction of low-cost airlines to Malta.

There was slightly more approval for Beppe Fenech Adami, the parliamentary assistant in the home affairs ministry, to take the lead. With support from 22% of the votes (400), Fenech Adami's promotion to minister would seal a sense of continuity with the legacy left by his father, former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami.

But a decision to appoint a new minister could be fraught with trouble for Gonzi, whose one-seat majority might be threatened yet again by unhappy aspirants who believe they are minister-material.

Here the online vote seems to clearly understand the benefits of appointing technocrats to such positions in times of emergency, with 1,105 voters (56%) saying an unelected expert should be given the ministry.

Technically, that could mean the home affairs permanent secretary, who is the top civil servant with expertise on home affairs.

But in the past, Gonzi has remarked privately in a conversation with the US ambassador Molly Bordonaro of the "limited talent pool" at his disposal, and that he could not appoint technocrats to the Cabinet.

Giovanni Demartino hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
immisu jihu chance u ippogi lil Francis Zammit Dimech ha jghamel qassata bhal ma kien ghamel meta kien ministru tat turizmu.
Dawn il-votazzjonijiet iqajjmu hafna suspetti. Ghandi nahseb li l-ebda nazzjonalist f'sessih ma vvota li dan il-ministeru jiehdu f'idejh il-Prim Ministru; ir-riformi li hemm bzonn fih mhumiex zghar u Dr Gonzi qajla ghandu bzonn jiehi c-cans li jaqa' xi ohra ghac-cajt. U mhux kumbinazzjoni li jixtiequ li t-tort ta' falliment jiehdu xi hadd minn barra l-partit. Forsi veru li m'hemmx min hu kapaci minn fosthom, imma qabel elezzjoni ma jridux jissugraw li ikollhom jarmu lil xi MP iehor minn fosthom.
Bhalissa ahjar inpoggu Technocrat biex imexxi l-finanzi ghax ghan nizla qeghdin.
The constitution does not allow the appointment of non-parliamentarians to cabinet posts.
Polls ae what they are and obviously made from the Malta today quite limited. I believe that we are to let the Government continue with the job and no matter what people say the fact that the PM has taken the job on his shoulder marks the importance that this section is given. Lets let the Gov work and not stay throwing more gunpowder in the smoke !!! Lets see what happens and how the job is tackled. Lets not frget that there is still a parliamentary assistant assigned to the
May I suggest Ex Ass. Police Inspector Josie Brincat
Chalmers is my choice LOL, to join Spain for a bailout.
Igor P. Shuvalov
But if I am not mistaken our Constitution does not allow a non elected person to occupy a ministerial post. If this is so this is something to be taken in consideration when the revision of our Constitution is taken in hand.
Luke Camilleri
Talent is limited within GinziPM, no doubt about that, even he Prime Minister knows it and confided so with the ex-American Ambassador! New ideas needed, new blood is needed...and not the usual muscial chairs between the usual Blue-Eyed nominees ! TWe can no longer afford INEPTOCRACY by GonziPM's OLIARCHY!
Haw jien lest, On. Prim Ministru.