Franco Debono admits party financing’s lukewarm appeal to parties [WATCH]

“There is lethargy on party financing from both the PN and Labour,” says MP piloting party finance reform.

Franco Debono is piloting a party financing bill that is yet to be discussed by Cabinet and tabled in the House.
Franco Debono is piloting a party financing bill that is yet to be discussed by Cabinet and tabled in the House.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has admitted his campaign for a party financing bill lacks the enthusiasm of both sides of the House, but insisted the law was fundamental to the democratic development of the country.

"There is lethargy on party financing from both the PN and Labour," Debono said on Favourite Channel's Reporter, which is produced by Mediatoday. "It's not a romantic subject, it's something that people find little connection to the things they complain about on a daily basis.

"But it ultimately conditions the decisions parties-in-government take," Debono said.

Debono's bill, which is to be discussed at Cabinet level, stipulates that political parties must register all donations exceeding €300 made from any one source in a calendar year. When aggregate donations add up to more than €7,000, the names of the donors must be made public by being given to the Electoral Commissioner. Donations of more than €50,000 in one year would not be permissible.

Now famed for his rebellious stance towards the Nationalist party when he demanded that ministers like Austin Gatt and Carm Mifsud Bonnici take political responsibility for shortcomings in transport and justice reforms respectively, Debono said he had no regrets of having vote in favour of Opposition motions of no-confidence against government ministers.

"I would do the same again," Debono said of his vote that cost Mifsud Bonnici's ministerial post. "I don't shoot from the hip, and I think my position out clearly.

"I have always insisted that somebody must take responsibility. It was a historic moment for parliament to deliver its verdict. And it was not a motion of confidence in Carm Mifsud Bonnici personally, but in his role as a minister."

Debono also struck a defiant tone when he said that no MP should be taken for granted. "Nobody can bulldoze over the parliament, and no MP should be taken for granted because that's the way our parliamentary system works. It's all down to the politics of persuasion, as Guido de Marco put it. It's the way of managing people. That's the secret."

Debono also admitted he still felt some unease over his place inside the Nationalist party, but was adamant that his actions have been inspired by the PN's creed.

"The issues I raised were all in line with Nationalist principles... if we once fought for work, justice, and liberty, but it took us 20 years to give police suspects the right to lawyer during interrogation, then we surely deviated from our principles."

If Franco manages to pull a decent party financing law out of all this hassle, then all the shenanigans would not have been in vain. The Maltese nation would be grateful. It would indicate that rebels with just causes have a great deal to contribute to Malta, and should be encouraged to create eruptions within their complacent parties. I have always surmised that it takes a rebel to move gigantic steps in a short period of time. May I suggest Dom Mintoff as an excellent wider example and JPO on a narrower issue. Pure party loyalists' grossly biased views should always be taken with a very heavy dose of salt by the uncommitted, intelligent electorate. Voters please remember that it is this part of the electorate that determines all electoral outcomes.
kif cedejtli l-armi, Ed!
Ieqaf Franco, issa sirt parti minnhom. If you can't beat them join them.
Hon Dr F Debono said “that no MP should be taken for granted. "Nobody can bulldoze over the parliament, and no MP should be taken for granted because that's the way our parliamentary system works”. The Maltese Nation should also say “that no Voter should be taken for granted. "Nobody can bulldoze over the Maltese population, and no Voter should be taken for granted because that's the way our Government system works.
Ma tahsbux li wasal iz-zmien li inwarrbu darba ghal dejjem u ninsew lil dan il-"bicca deputat" li hezzez kemm-il darba lil gonzipn u heddu tant drabi li se jivvota kontrih u umiljah u ghajjru quddiem Malta kollha kemm hi biex imbaghad ma kellux kuragg jasal sal-ahhar? Dan il-"bicca deputat" issa jidher car li dak li jrid - li jissodisfa l-ego qawwi li ghandu, li nisimghu lehnu u narawh fuq it-TV kull tant zmien - imma sa hemm jasal - joqghod jisfen fuq habel tal-inxir biex minghalih jurina kemm hu bravu u kemm hu helu. Basta dak il-qabda tghajjir u paroli fil-vojt .... issa wara li waqqa' lil carmelo mifsud bonnici (u sewwa ghamel) jahseb li se jkompli jmexxi l-pajjiz hu .... imma llum kulhadd drah u HADD (ibda minn gonzipn) ma jiehdu bis-serjeta ... u ma niskanta xejn li minn hawn u ftit gimghat ohra jerga' jibda bit-trikki trakki meta jara li gonzipn qed jistmah ta' li hu u jinjorah ...
@Dr. Franco Debono jekk jghogbok, li tghid il Partiti l-kbar qeghdin jghoqodu lura millli tghaddi l-ligi tal finanzjament qed tiehu zball ghax il Partit tieghek ta L-Oligarkijja u klikek kif stqarrejt int stess kemm il darba, ma jixtieqx li ssir il-ligi ghax hu ghandu x'jitlef bil miljuni. Ha nghidlek ghaliex, Il-Partit Laburista jigbor il-ftit mill hafna, mhux bhal PN jigbor il-hafna mil ftit, allura kif dahhalt il PL jizfen fin-nofs? hija haga cara il Pl bilkemm jaqbez iz-zewg miljuni meta intom taqbzu l-erba miljuni, turi bic-car li Pn ghandu 49% tal poplin li vvotutaw ghalieh fin 2008 u il Pl 1500 voti, anqas, u tiskanta tigbru d-doppju , missek qabel ma ftaht halqek u tpecclaq bhal ma ghamielt f'Jannar li ridd twaqqa l-Gvern ta Gonzi PN u mbaghad astjenejt , turi kemm mintiex ta STOFFA, hu pacenzja erga uriena r-rizultati tal form two halli naraw kif mort fil matematika jekk jghogbok dejjem?
" The issues I raised were all in line with nationalist principles..". My question to Dr. Debono: What principles ??? If he were to delve i the PN's history right from its founding day, he will find that the PN's principles were to protect the rich and the Church ! The PN only changed tactic much later as they realized they wouldn't be able to win elections. We have got a glimpse of the PN principles again, during the divorcev referendum !
@Dr. Franco Debono jekk jghogbok, li tghid il Partiti l-kbar qeghdin jghoqodu lura millli tghaddi l-ligi tal finanzjament qed tiehu zball ghax il Partit tieghek ta L-Oligarkijja u klikek kif stqarrejt int stess kemm il darba, ma jixtieqx li ssir il-ligi ghax hu ghandu x'jitlef bil miljuni. Ha nghidlek ghaliex, Il-Partit Laburista jigbor il-ftit mill hafna, mhux bhal PN jigbor il-hafna mil ftit, allura kif dahhalt il PL jizfen fin-nofs? hija haga cara il Pl bilkemm jaqbez iz-zewg miljuni meta intom taqbzu l-erba miljuni, turi bic-car li Pn ghandu 49% tal poplin li vvotutaw ghalieh fin 2008 u il Pl 1500 voti, anqas, u tiskanta tigbru d-doppju , missek qabel ma ftaht halqek u tpecclaq bhal ma ghamielt f'Jannar li ridd twaqqa l-Gvern ta Gonzi PN u mbaghad astjenejt , turi kemm mintiex ta STOFFA, hu pacenzja erga uriena r-rizultati tal form two halli naraw kif mort fil matematika jekk jghogbok dejjem?
Zack Depasquale
Whatever happened to the famous Oligarchy,has Dr Debono become part of it, has he been given his pound of flesh from the sacrificial lamb that was Dr Mifsud Bonicci.Debono sings and the whole of Malta dances, because Dr Gonzi, the Primeminister is stuck to his seat of power and has to do whatever this Primadonna tells him to do to stay in his seat. Ghadna u konna nghixu f'pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse fejn Debono jigbed l-ispaga u ta'GonziPn jimmarcjaw.