Attorney General confirms no ratification was required for PfP reactivation

Attorney General Peter Grech reaffirms reactivation of Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace programme did not require parliamentary ratification.

The Attorney General today said PfP - which Richard Cachia Caruana (right) claimed he was unaware Gonzi intended reactivating - did not require parliamentary approval.
The Attorney General today said PfP - which Richard Cachia Caruana (right) claimed he was unaware Gonzi intended reactivating - did not require parliamentary approval.

As the Parliamentary Foreign and European Affairs Committee continued its hearings in the wake of an Opposition motion that calls for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, the Attorney General (AG) Peter Grech has confirmed that the 2008 reactivation of Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme did not require parliamentary approval.

In his testimony, Grech said that both the original adhesion in 1995 and the withdrawal in 1996 did not fall within the requirements of the Ratification of Treaties Act.

Grech said the 1996 Security of Documents agreement between Nato and Malta did not constitute an international treaty and so did not require ratification by parliamentary resolution or by law.

He added that no reference to the Ratification of Treaties Act had been made when Malta first signed the PfP Framework Document in 1995, when Malta withdrew from PfP in 1996 and when it rejoined in 2008.

The AG said that the framework document was different from a regular treaty because it did not impose specific requirements on Malta, which was only agreeing to cooperate with other states within the PfP framework.

He said the decision to exit the programme in 1996 was flawed because this was not approved by Parliament and the subsequent re-activation in 2008 did not require Parliamentary ratification.

Asked Labour MP George Vella to qualify the PfP agreement, Grech said it was not an agreement between states and this kind of agreement did not require Parliamentary ratification. 

Vella retorted that the doubts about the validity of this legal interpretation are justified by the preamble of the agreement which reads "We the heads of state and government..."

At this point, Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said the AG had interpreted the law as it was, while Vella was making political arguments.

Grech explained that his legal interpretation was that the security agreement did not fall within the definitions of the Security of Treaties Act. The Act spoke of treaties between states but this was a treaty with a single international organisation.

Vella and his fellow Labour MP Luciano Busuttil insisted that the PfP agreement constituted an agreement with other states and not with a single organisation. Busuttil pointed out that the agreement was made with Nato which was made up of several sovereign states.

He added that the Nato secretary general Javier Solana must have needed the consent of all member countries before signing the security agreement with Malta.

Grech then explained that Nato has a different juridical personality than individual member states and compared Nato to a company which has individual shareholders but is a separate entity from the shareholders.

Opposition MPs Leo Brincat and Owen Bonnici also intervened during the meeting. The Opposition's motion will now be discussed in the plenary on Monday at 5pm when it is expected that Parliament takes a decisive vote on Cachia Caruana.

How about allowing Mr.Dalli to testify? What's there to hide?
When one considers that the AG did not do his home work in a couple of criminal cases that were thrown out of court just recently one wonders what homework has he done on this matter. His opinion regarding ratiffication is subject and open to interpretation and gonzi prefers his subordinate's version.
If it was so easy to resolve why did not gonzi call the AG as first witness and stop the who affair in its tracks? Because the AG's assertion is the last straw to hang onto. Could anyone in all honesty believe the AG saying something against gonzipn's case, if he would have he wopuld have been called as witness. Despertae times call for desperate measures.
Mela li jghid l-Attorney General huwa vangelu? Kieku l-Gvern ma jitlef ebda kawza. Anzi kif nafha jien Avukat li jidhol jahdem mal-Gvern fl-ufficcju tal-Attorney General x'aktarx li ma jkunx irnexxielu jaqbad fix-xoghol privat.
So according to the Attorney General the treaties signed with the EU did not require Parliamentary approval. U hallina!
And is that a surprise? All Government is in collusion. What a nasty and mediocre democracy we live on this island.
The Attorney General made a very valid point: if our membership in the PfP was a treaty, then we could only withdraw after the treaty had been repealed by Parliament. That fact that withdrawal was an electoral promise is immaterial because an electoral programme has no legal value. It follows that Malta's withdrawal was therefore defective and we could rejoin without consulting Parliament. Good logic from the AG.
Opinjoni ta' wiehed biss.
Kukkanja shiha. Kulhadd ihokk dahar xulxien. X'tistenna minn Peter Grech!
So if the AG is right that such a treaty did not need parliamentary ratification what was the reason for all the key players to try and find a way round parliament? Can anyone out there give a decent answer?
Issa l-Attorney General dahal fil kawlata Peter Grech. X'jaqbillu jghid inkella jitlef hobzu, mil klikka ghal klikka u oligarkijja. Dan suppost newtrali Lol my foot
The way that the Government's side is splitting hairs on each and every detail to defending this person, goes a long way to show that this same person is considered as untouchable. In reality shouldn't it be the case that both Government and Opposition, scrutinize this person to ascertain, beyond any reasonable doubt, that he did everything in the interest of the country? Why is Government inprimis, at the forefront of his defense?