Muscat meets Methode workers, insists utility bills for industries will go down

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat says Corporate Village would not be a priority for a Labour government, insists the project would be in direct competition with the private sector.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat during a question and answer session with workers at Methode Ltd
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat during a question and answer session with workers at Methode Ltd

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat this morning told workers at Methode Ltd that companies could put their minds at rest that a Labour government would reduce utility bills not only for households, but also for the industries.

"The debt which government left to accumulate has finally caught up with us, and we can no longer run away from it. We are ready to support and help government in finding a solution to address Enemalta's debts," Muscat said during a question and answer session with the workers.

Enemalta has accumulated over €600 million in debt and government is in the process of setting up a special purpose vehicle to refinance the massive debt.

"While before government used to say it was 'impossible' to reduce utility bills, it has now recognized that there is the 'possibility' to do so through the interconnector. We still believe that if it had been our choice, we would have gone for a power station which operated on gas and not on heavy fuel oil," Muscat said.

"But our pledge has always been clear: a Labour government will reduce utility bills."

Muscat said this would be made possible by addressing inefficiencies and making use of the latest technology, "which makes sense".

"Although carbon-capture technology [proposed by Sargas] is one of the projects we would be considering, we have found other alternatives which could be used if this technology fails," he said, adding that public procurement would also be involved.

"However, we are not only simply looking at reducing the bills but also at their long-term sustainability. We will not be reducing the bills by making up for that difference by increasing income tax or VAT. Our aim is to go for energy mix and reduce our dependency on oil."

Answering to a question raised by a worker who said that the company's management faced problems of space and red tape against expanding the company, Muscat expressed his hopes that government had dropped the plans for the setting up of a Corporate Village in Mriehel.

"Using industrial space for the construction of offices and showrooms doesn't make sense. Manufacturing companies in Malta yearn for space and it wouldn't make sense not for factories to take it up when we have companies who want to expand and consequently provide further jobs.

"Corporate Village is not a priority for us. We believe in creating jobs and expanding companies and help those who want to expand," he insisted.

Muscat also pointed out that by building Corporate Village government would be competing directly with the private sector who invested in buildings to be rented out or sold off as office space.

The proposed site for the Corporate Village sits next door to Methode.

Ahjat Joe Blue jghidilna kif ser irahhas il kontijiet tal Fabbriki. Iktar minn hekk ahjar Mr Blue jghidilna min ser jaghmel tajjeb ghal dan it tnaqqis. Dak irid jisma il poplu Malti Sur Joey mhux hfana weghdi firha. Haga wahda ma tridux tinsew intom kollha li qedin tiktbu hawn. Li meta kien hawn il gvern taghkom bejn 1996-1998 u meta il barmil zejt kien 12 il dolloru, kienu gholla il kontijiet ferm iktar mill qedin bhalissa. IPOKRITI.
Bl-interconnector mal-grid Ewropew u bl-estensjoni ta' Delimara Power Station, Malta ghandha jkolla mohha mistrih li ikun hemm bizejjed sorsi tal-energija bix ilahhaq mad-domanda. Dan l-ewwel haga li wiehed ghandu jara' qabel ma jitkellem fuq il-prezz ta' l-energija. L-importanti hija s-supply, minhajr ma tizgura s-supply ma hemm l-ebda sens li titkellem fuq il-prezz tal-prodott. Mela din il-mira ser tintlahaq; supply continues to meet demand. Issa nigu ghal-prezz. Fil-kaz tal-familji il-prezz korrenti muhiex problema kbira. Dawk li jaqalghu ftit, 30 000 familja qed jigi mwiezna bil-vouchers, u allura m'ghandhomx problema. L'ohrajn b'xi eccezzjoniet jifilhu jhallsu eur800 jew elf euro fis-sena ghal energija u l-ilma. Min ghandu djar kbar u vilel, zgur m'ghandux problema jhallas eur2 000 fis-sena jew izjed ghal energija. Hija ghalhekk l-industrija li ghandha problema u li l-izjed li tiggwadanja jekk ikun xi rohs fit-tariffi. L-indikazzjonijiet juri li bl-interconnector ghandu jirrizulta xi rohs. Kemm ghad irid wiehed jahdem fuq ic-charges, prezz taz-zejt etc Mela din l-amministrazzjoni ghamlet li setghet u irnexxilha. Il-promessi tal-oppozizjoni dwar ir-rohs huma rikba fuq dahar il-gvern li ga rnexxilu jaghmel dan possibli.
@gomalta int iehor mil ftit li fadal bil musmar fil patata u kuntent,,,,??Kuntent li Gonzi ha 500 ewro u lilek tak 1.16 ewro??? Kuntent li ghaollilek il Gas,,,Il Petrol....Id-Dawl u Ilma ecc mela allura int anglu tal= festa
@gomalta Il vera tal PN ma ghnadomx xi jghidu ghax issa anki jekk Dr Muscat jilbes ingravata blue tridu tpacpcu fil vojt. Dr. Muscat ghandu d dritt imur u jzur il fabbriki. Rigward il kontijiet ta dawl u ilma taf kif jista jorhos:- a) taf li prezz taz zejt bhal issa qieghed taht USS100? b)minn fej kien se jgib Euro40M il ministru siehbek biex jissusidja l kontijiet ta dawl/ilma ghax gejja l elezzjoni c) smajt bl interconnector li Dr. muscat kien ilu li issuggerixxa u GONZI dejjem kien jghaddi bi zmien lil Dr. muscat? d) Smajt bil kumpanija Sargas li Dr Austin Gatt bathom il barra mil ufficju tieghu wara biss hames sekondi e) smajt li power station gdida tahdem bil gass u mhux bil heavy fuel oil? IL GVERN TA GONZIPN JIEHU GOST LI PREZZ TAZ ZEJT JIZDIED GHAX IDAHHAL AKTAR VAT U TAXXA. GHAX DAN HUWA GVERN LI MA JIMPURTHAX MIL POPLU IMMA KIF JIBQA JIGGRANFAT MAL POTER U JIEHU EURO 500 ZIEDA FIL GIMGHA MINN WARA DAR IL POPLU
GOMALT Mhux ahjar tajt lil Siehbek Gonzipn Kif Ser inaqqas il Kontijiet tad Dawlu Lilma wara kollox jek iried Gonzipn u Shabu tal Kabinet hadu 500 Euro Fil Gimgha F'lahharner mhux siehbek tal Klikka qijad fill Gvern . Ex PN
gomalta: Mela l-Gonzi rajtu madwar mejda mal-haddiema f'l-1 ta' Mejju - ghax kienet il-festa tal-haddiema. Dak in-nhar Dr. MUscat kien ma eluf kbar ta' haddiema u l-familji taghhom, jimxi maghhom u jkellimhom. Il-bqija tas-sena Dr. Muscat jiltaqa mal-haddiema u min ihaddem KULLJUM u mhux fl-1 ta' Mejju biss ! Issa meta jkun hemm Dr.Muscat prim ministru u jnaqqaslek il-kont tad-dawl TKUN TAF KIF. Imma nahseb li xorta wahda m'intix se tirringrazzjah !!!
Joseph, Jekk tnehhi is sangwisugi, tnehhi lil tal qalba,tnehhi il hafna konsulenti,tnehhi il hafna managers li qeghedin ghalxejn,tnehhi il hela fix xiri, tghallem lil haddiem jibza ghal xogholu, u toffrilu incentivi,mhux miljuni issib imma biljuni kbar sabiex tnaqqas il kontijiet.Dan barra li ma taghmilx progetti stupidi, li mhux ser ituk `return `bhal progett farsa tad dahla tal belt. Jekk forsi ser jinholqu xoghol ghal zewg parkers...u l-anqas ghax diga kien hemm.
Fil-festi tal-1 ta' Mejju li ghadda rajna lil PM jiltaqa' mal-haddiema fuq il-post tax-xoghol taghhom imdawwar ma mejda. Issa qed naraw l-istess minn JM. Originali ehh! Basta bl-ingravata u l-qmis blu :) U dwar il-kontijiet tad-dawl... ha jnaqqas l-inefficjenza! Ghidilna kif pls.