PN executive council condemns Debono, Pullicino Orlando, Mugliett over motions

The executive council of the Nationalist Party has ‘condemned’ the three backbenchers for not having voted with the government bench in two separate motions.

Backbenchers Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett
Backbenchers Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett

Rebel backbencher Franco Debono together with backbenchers Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett have been "condemned" by the PN executive council for how they voted seperately in parliament.

Backbencher Franco Debono had voted in favour of an Opposition which called for the resignation of former minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, while Pullicino Orlando voted in favour of a motion that called for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, while Mugliett abstained on this motion.

In a press release, the Nationalist Party said that the executive council had met for the first time following the resignation of Mifsud Bonnici and Cachia Caruana and took note of the position taken by the three MPs.

"The PN condemns MPs Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett for the way they voted in the two motions," the statement read, without explaining further what measures the condemnation involved.

The PN added that executive council also encouraged Cachia Caruana and Mifsud Bonnici to continue to work for the country "despite the personal attacks against them".

The PN's decision to highlight the "personal attacks" suffered by Cachia Caruana and Mifsud Bonnici highly contrasts with the statements made by Debono and Pullicino Orlando in parliament while justifying their voting intentions.

Both backbenchers in their speech had insisted that their vote "was nothing personal", with Debono insisting his vote was informed by the need to reform justice and home affairs, while Pullicino Orlando insisted that no one should be above parliament.

Meanwhile, asked for a reaction for the position taken by the Nationalist Party, Mugliett said that he had "no comment to make".

After Debono sided with the Opposition in the vote against Mifsud Bonnici, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi told the media that MPs should shoulder the consequences of their actions, even though the PN had expected Debono's vote.

"It's not whether any MP has a future or not... everyone, Debono too, must take responsibility for their actions," Gonzi had said.

On the other hand, he admitted that he hadn't expected Pullicino Orlando and Mugliett to go against the position agreed by the parliamentary group on the Cachia Caruana motion.

The PN should organize another contest and name it , Be a clown for a day , and the winner will spend a day with the Minister of his choice .
What an impulsive and completely foolhardy reaction. This PN is actually confirming the statements of the ‘so called mavericks’ in their own ranks by their condemning of different opinions and threatening vendettas. At least, none of the three outcasts will get the dubious honor of giving this PN the coup de grace when the PM is seemingly more intent in committing his own act of hara-kiri. One thing for sure, if anybody claims that the hardcore politics of the 60s and 70s are over, they had better think again.
be a prime minister for one day.Call an election now.
Dawn kienu jajru lil Mintoff dittatur. Issa zejt tela f wicc l ilma. Jekk ma taqbilx maghhom jikundandawk u jarmuk.
Ghax flok ikundannom l ezekuttiv ta GonziPN ma kecciehomx mill Grupp Parlamantari? Ma jaqbillux ghax inkella jkollu jaghmel elezzjoni u GonziPN jibza jiffaccja l poplu bir rebgha li ghandu ghall poter
The PN talks as it suits him most. They firgotthat they called Joseph Muscat a dictator just a few months ago when hetold one of his MP's that he had to face political consequencies because he did not vote in favour of divirce. The PN gotit headlines and other newspapers interviewed the MP etc etc NOW the PN is not only relling them that they will face political consequencies but condemning rheir actions. How hypocritic.
Kemm qieghdin tajjeb - il-kunsill ezekuttiv ikkundanna lit-tlett ribelli !!!!! Ma jahsbux dawn il-membri bravi ta' dan il-kunsill li ghandhom id-dover li jwiegbu PUNU PUNT GHAL KULL WAHDA MILL-AKKUZI
Jeffrey Vella
How undemocratic coming from a party who gloats about bringing democracy back to Malta ! The PN has become the exact opposite of what it stood for in the 1980's.
This paints a true picture of the current dictatorship known as GonziPN, where MP's have effectively lost their rights to a free vote. Why doesn't parliament enjoy a secret ballot? No answers to that one- from either side.
U b`dawk l-ghaxra l-ohra li semma J.P.O, u li hadd ma cahad,X`SER TAGHMLU ? Se jibqaw hemm lesti ghat `TURN TAGHHOM `?????
Dawn it-tlieta huma 'the tip of the iceberg' ghax skond JPO hemm xi ghaxra ohra li xtaqu jikkundannaw lil RCC. Ajma hej, x'rispett u sahha fit-tmexxija ghandu GonziPN. Il-PN maqghudin daqs ballun silg. Taf x'jigrilu hux x'hin jishon!
Zack Depasquale
Instead of condemnation to the three Parlamentarians, it would have been better if the GonziPN executive officially denied that there were more members of Parliament from the Government side who wished to side with Labour on RCC case but didn't have the guts.What about the statement by the Priminister,Dr Gonzi interpreted the motion on RCC as being one which accuses him, as prime minister, of betrayal and of breaching the laws. When is Dr Gonzi going to have some respect for himself and take responsability for this statement and the mess GonziPN is in?
Dik demokrazija he? Imma hemm izjed lil min jikkundannaw, u mhux dawk it tlieta biss. Tghid x se jkun il-kastig hux ??
It is unacceptable and shameful for the Maltese parliament to continue in this three ring circus. Does this administration realize that it is being judged online from the four corners of the globe and it is a disgrace for Malta and its disastrous administration to continue making a mockery of parliamentary affairs for the sake of holding on to power, when it is quite obvious that the Government has lost all control and majority to govern. This illustrates how weak the Maltese constitution really is and how utterly ignorant were its proponents when it came to democracy. Those that had the opportunities to defile the constitution to their advantage are now promoting its review. This government by its actions once again has proven how it intends to continue to keep in place a failed parliamentarian and a treacherous civil servant who were forced to resign through a parliamentary motion. These two individuals should be replaced immediately and every connection to this administration should be terminated. Dr. Gonzi must in all matters of his government cut the cord from these two individuals and try to save face for his government by their replacements. The idea that Malta continues to be administered by the old order and through its inheritance their children and grandchildren has run its course. The audacity to continue pointing out the failures of the Mintoff/ Mifsud Bonnici administrations of twenty five years ago and somehow neglect the present circumstances in parliament or the disastrous governing of this island is sacrilegious. While there are no excuses for the abuses that occurred twenty five years ago, neither one must neglect to reflect how this island has been turned into a disaster as a European State. Surely nobody had predicted that the chatterati of the EU were unaware of the consequences of membership and how this little island must guarantee funds to support bankrupt EU members, the infestation of illegal immigrants or the pollutants in the air that remain unchecked for the sake of money at the detriment of the Maltese people health and the costs associated with it.
A Message to Gonzi Grace is knowing when to leave. George Washington chose to leave after two terms. Grace .... Gonzi.... write its down... Grace. Then you wonder how America became a great country and Malta has become an embarrassing joke - Lies wrapped around deceit and covered in arrogance.
Oh what a circus!!
If the executive had any guts let them expell the 3 MPs. They are nothing but a bunch of power hungry gutless nobodies gonzipn executive ,I mean.
l-ezekutiv messu ikkundanna lil gonzipn tal qasma li gab fil grupp parlamentari mela jikkundanna lil min jitkellem u jagixxi meta jara li l-affarijiet mhux mixjien sewwa??
So what are they going to do about it? Are they going to be expelled from the party? If so, the PN has become nothing but a party led by dictators.
How very democratic!
How very democratic!
How very democratic!