Three to be arraigned over DOC wine fraud allegations

Delicata wine produced with Italian grapes leads to arraignment of three in criminal proceedings.

Rural affairs minister George Pullicino had confirmed the ongoing investigation into wines produced by the winery of George Delicata (right).
Rural affairs minister George Pullicino had confirmed the ongoing investigation into wines produced by the winery of George Delicata (right).

Police prosecutors have confirmed that criminal charges will be brought against three persons in connection with an investigation into mislabelling of a wine product.

The three persons, who so far are unidentified, will be arraigned on Monday.

MaltaToday broke the story of the police investigation into a suspected case of fraud related to DOK wine classification, after the Ministry for Rural Affairs carried out an analysis of three Delicata wines - the Gran Cavalier Vintage 2010, the Medina Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Vintage and the Delicata Cavalli Blanc varietal 2010 - and found that two of the wines, marked as DOK, had in fact been produced from grapes which originated from Italy and were imported to Malta for winemaking purposes.

A wine acquires a DOK (denomination of controlled origin) certificate when it is produced from grapes that have been cultivated in Malta.

Oenologists identified the similarity of the aroma and taste of the two Delicata-produced DOK wines - the Gran Cavalier Vintage 2010 and the Medina Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Vintage - with the Delicata Cavalli Blanc varietal 2010, which declares it uses Italian grapes.

The technical reports seen by MaltaToday specifically identify the 'technical' similarity of the two DOK wines to the Delicata Cavalli.

Skocciz, You are practically correct re the net contribution we make to the EU. Ask the good Simon or the holy EFA to give you precise actual figures for the past 8 years and the projected figures within the EU budget for the coming 7 years.
What is more interesting to the Maltese public is what funds have local wine growers received from the EU since accesion and who benefittef from these funds. As Malta practically gives to the EU just as much as it receives, it indirectly pans out as if the funds wine growers receive are coming from local coffers, i.e. out of our pockets!
Government has tried it's best to protect friends. But everyone should be accountable for their actions. Full transparency please!
Din l-affari xejn ma hi ta ghajb ghal kumpanija nvoluta. Nispera li ma ssirx hsara lil Inbid Malti kollu. Verament nixtieq li jigu sanzjonati specjalment minn jaf l-istorja ricenti qabel thalna fl-EU dawr in-negozjati fuq l-ligijiet tal-inbid prodott lokali. Kemm riedu jibqghu jipproducu biz-zokkor u l-ilma, u kemm irrezistew li jinbidlu ghal kif suppost. Tal-Misthija.