Police knock on Labour MP’s door to demand he rings his 400 birds

Adrian Vassallo says request is ‘madness… it is physically impossible to ring the birds.’

A spot of bother for Labour MP Adrian Vassallo from the ALE and MEPA, who demanded he gets his 400 birds ringed. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday.
A spot of bother for Labour MP Adrian Vassallo from the ALE and MEPA, who demanded he gets his 400 birds ringed. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday.

With over 400 birds nesting and roosting on his Ta' Xbiex residence's roof, Labour MP Adrian Vassallo can be safely described as an avid aviculturist.

But his hobby threatens to land the MP in trouble: earlier this week a police inspector from the Administrative Law Enforcement and a superintendent accompanied two MEPA officers in a 'raid' on his avian kingdom, threatening him with charges related to bird ringing offences.

According to Vassallo, the MEPA officers inquired about the fact that his birds were not ringed, although the MP says he is unaware of any ringing obligations unless for trading purposes.

"I don't understand the purpose of the search: I can imagine it came from a report to the police from somebody who must have some axe to grind," Vassallo told MaltaToday.

"But the idea of ringing each individual bird is just madness in itself. Many of them are nesting in inaccessible corners that I cannot reach, and I cannot startle the nests. It is just physically impossible.

"According to the MEPA officers they must be ringed within five days of being born, but how can I know whenever any of these 400 birds have hatchlings or chicks?

"Additionally, ringing them at such an early stage would be risky for them since the bird's mother would either throw it out of the nest or try to remove the ring from the chick's leg straight away."

An ornithologist who spoke to MaltaToday also claimed the raid itself is a rare occasion, since bird ringing has not been regularly enforced in Malta.

"The ALE officer told me they had had a report that I was keeping illegally caught birds and trapping them from my roof, but the MEPA officers were satisfied that I was keeping them in good condition and that I had no trapping devices," Vassallo said.

While Vassallo said the MEPA officers told him the authority would be pressing charges over the ringing offences, a spokesperson for the authority would only limit himself to say that MEPA officers were called in on the police's search operation for technical advice.

As a Labour MP, the self-styled conservative Vassallo has often taken positions that contrasted with the party leadership, most notably on divorce legislation. The staunch Catholic had even publicly berated hotels for allowing the screening of pornography and digital TV providers that broadcasted inflammatory films.

Vassallo is such an avid bird lover that in his last parliamentary declaration of assets he described the usage of his property as a "residence for myself, my wife, my four children, nine cats, a turtle, and 400 birds."

qed tara dott il minn kont se tpaxxi. dawn in nies kollha hdura.
Well who can blame MEPA officials to hang on. They are earning all that dosh from our taxes.
MEPA does not care that the PN's Secretay General builds at the bottom of a valley against Natura 2000, but raids an LP residence because 400 birds are ringless! Incredible!
U ma tarax li dan huwa ezempju ta' hdura minn regim li jinsab fl-ahhar nifs ta' hajtu. Wahdu nghidilhom: keep up the good work! Aktar ma turu hdura aktar se jkun hemm min jew ma jivvutax jew jivvutaw PL ghall-ewwel darba. Keep it up folks!
@antoine vella. Jien ma jimpurtanix il-permessi tal-bini fil-widien lill min johorgu. Jien kont nirreferi ghal korrettezza jew in-nuqqas taghha fil-MEPA. Bilhaqq dak ix xi-hadd li kien jismu Victor Xerri ma kienx it-tifel ta Mintoff ghal li jista jkun? Antoine, veru qed tara t-tibna f'ghajn haddiehor u t-travu....
qed tfakkarni meta lejlet elezzjoni arrestaw il kap tal alternattiva.
Lanqas passatemp innocenti ma' tista tipprattika taht dan ir-Regim ta' Gonzipn?
X ghandu x, jaqsam GonziPN mal -ghasafar ta Dr. Vassallo, sur privitera...tidher li qed tghajja sew issa u m, ghandekx hafna x , taghmel. Il kritika, jekk ghandek idea x, inhi kritika, ghamilha fuq affarijiet iktar serji u mux biex kull sufa li tghaddi fl arja, jekk ma toghgbokx, twahhal fil- gvern ! Wara kollox GonziPN qed jibghatulek ic cekk tal penzjoni ghal dawn l- ahhar 25 sena !!
Has anyone seen how much shit one bird can produce? 400 birds will produce tons I pity his next door neighbour. Has the Health department investigated increases in asthma, lung infections, eczema, bronchitis, conjunctiitis, fibrosing lung disease,psittacosis and deaths in his street? He should also be investigated by the spca for cruelty to animals and Birdlife to see how he caught these birds. So next year he will have up to a thousand birds, no wonder he has no time for politics! He must now have to suffer the consequences.
So tupid and time wasting ! Commissioner of Police should focus on general hard crime not stupidities like this. Why a police inspector and a police superintendent for such a stupid thing like this ? Obviously they were forced to search the residence and they have nothing to do with this stupidy! Don't they have any other more important case to investigate rather than waste their time and Adrian's, who everybody knows how much he loves birds. Come on!! I bet they had to waste the Court's time to obtain a warrant.!!! So stupid !!
@Antoin Vella, prove that it was Joseph Muscat who reported Adrian, this is libellous and you have to prove it.
@Antoin Vella, kif qatt ma titghallem avolja tahdem f'post edukattiv. Id-dnub mhux minn jghamel applikazzjoni ghal bini jaghmlu, imma minn jghati l-permess, li hu l-gvern korrot tieghek.
Jew vendikazzjoni gonzipnjana jew attentat biex jitfghu felles bejn Adrian u l-PL. Il-pulizija ghandhom fejn imorru jfitxu specjalment animali ezzotici li jiedhlu , per ezempju, Husskies li mhux posthom Malta imma tarahom kwazi mejtin bis-shana u sidhom qisu xejn mhu xejn imbasta ghandhom AC id-dar.
Qieghdin jaghmlu hekk ghax Vassallo huwa membri fil PL. Dawn ghal vendikazzjonijiet l ewwel jiehdu.Issa jekk ma jaghmilx kif qaltlu l MEPA, dalwaqt johorgu jghidu li membri fil PL qieghed jikser il ligijiet!!! Dawn l attakki issa nistennewhom biex inessu ftit mil inkwiet li ghandhom fil PN.
Luke Camilleri
Stupid! If the Authorities really wanted to put in some control why not on owners of pythons, snakes, lizards, toads, crocs and other exotic pets that could really pose a threat if they got loose or let loose by owners! I have even seen Cane toads for sale in the local pet shops and if even one of these is let loose it will destroy the local fauna for sure! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad Start from the Pet Shops who import such pets.... or from Malta Park where 10 ft pythons and Boas are put up for sale! Any tracking of where these pets end up?
Luke Camilleri
Stupid! If the Authorities really wanted to put in some control why not on owners of pythons, snakes, lizards, toads, crocs and other exotic pets that could really pose a threat if they got loose or let loose by owners! I have even seen Cane toads for sale in the local pet shops and if even one of these is let loose it will destroy the local fauna for sure! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad Start from the Pet Shops who import such pets.... or from Malta Park where 10 ft pythons and Boas are put up for sale! Any tracking of where these pets end up?
Luke Camilleri
Stupid! If the Authorities really wanted to put in some control why not on owners of pythons, snakes, lizards, toads, crocs and other exotic pets that could really pose a threat if they got loose or let loose by owners! I have even seen Cane toads for sale in the local pet shops and if even one of these is let loose it will destroy the local fauna for sure! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad Start from the Pet Shops who import such pets.... or from Malta Park where 10 ft pythons and Boas are put up for sale! Any tracking of where these pets end up?
Luke Camilleri
Stupid! If the Authorities really wanted to put in some control why not on owners of pythons, snakes, lizards, toads, crocs and other exotic pets that could really pose a threat if they got loose or let loose by owners! I have even seen Cane toads for sale in the local pet shops and if even one of these is let loose it will destroy the local fauna for sure! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad Start from the Pet Shops who import such pets.... or from Malta Park where 10 ft pythons and Boas are put up for sale! Any tracking of where these pets end up?
Luke Camilleri
Stupid! If the Authorities really wanted to put in some control why not on owners of pythons, snakes, lizards, toads, crocs and other exotic pets that could really pose a threat if they got loose or let loose by owners! I have even seen Cane toads for sale in the local pet shops and if even one of these is let loose it will destroy the local fauna for sure! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad Start from the Pet Shops who import such pets.... or from Malta Park where 10 ft pythons and Boas are put up for sale! Any tracking of where these pets end up?
@icaro allura inti qed tallega li kien xi laburist li rraporta lil Dr. Vassallo mal MEPA u l-Puluzija, ha nerga nsaqsiek? ghax jekk int qed tallega hekk inti jew gifa jew tinfama lil Laburisti kolla. Ahna mhux bhalkom immorru l-Germanja fi zmien EFA u jghidilom biex ma jinvestux Malta, anzi altru min hekk il PL qed jipprova jghamel min kollox biex igieb xoghol ghax jaf li sejjer isib sfrakas fil finanzi, u din id-darba il PL irid li ma jbatiex il haddiem ghan nuqqasijiet li ghamlu GonziPN imma jhallas min kien responsabbli bhal tad disastru . Dr. Gonzi jumenjn ilu qal tlett membri tal PN iridu jgorru l -konsegwenzi, allura hu irid igorr il konsegwenzi tal hsara li ghamel lil Malta
Jidher car li ghax Dr. Adrian Vassallo irranga xi differenzi li seta kellu mal-PL, GonziPN ma hamlux ghax ma setghux jibqghu juzawh halli jippruvaw jghattu xi ftit l-urgan li ghaddej minn fuq GonziPN !
fufa mhux ta' b'xejn li ma jridux li jidhol fis-sehh il-Whistleblower Act b'effett retroattiv ghax kien hemm min qalilhom li jekk isir hekk jipprezentalhom provi tal-korruzzjoni. Imma illum jew ghada jidhol fis-sehh u kull minn kien korrott irid jaghti kont ta' ghemilu. Hadd wara hadd tasal ta' kulhadd jghid il-qawl Malti tal-MEPA.
fufa mhux ta' b'xejn li ma jridux li jidhol fis-sehh il-Whistleblower Act b'effett retroattiv ghax kien hemm min qalilhom li jekk isir hekk jipprezentalhom provi tal-korruzzjoni. Imma illum jew ghada jidhol fis-sehh u kull minn kien korrott irid jaghti kont ta' ghemilu. Hadd wara hadd tasal ta' kulhadd jghid il-qawl Malti tal-MEPA.
Ghal dawn ic-cucati qed tithallsu l-mijiet ta' eluf ta' ewros u ghandkom min ftahar li huwa karozza lussuza tmexxikon tal-MEPA? Imisskom tisthu tinhlew fuq dac-cucati imbghad tapprovaw bini fil-wied tal-Mosta. Il-veru li lanqas zejt f'wicckom ma baqalkom. IPOKRITI.
The power of incumbency. Le ma taghrax! The PN is the pure catholic values political party that will not allow its leaders to sin (bl***dy liars). Pay back does not exist in its dictionary. Le ma taghrax!
A stench of Maltese politics!!!
It's payback time Dr Vassallo. Remember what you said about Joseph Muscat - this is his answer. He is already using his position as "practically PM" to hit out at his critics.
Fufa, le, Dr Vassallo m'għandux applikazzjoni biex jibni fil-wied. Dak li ingħata l-permess biex jibni fl-wied tal-Mosta mhux Adrian Vassallo imma z-ziju ta' Jason Micallef, ħu l-ex-ministru Mintoffjan Freddie Micallef. Jekk ma kontx taf.
U le le! Peres li taht GonziPN kollox miexi fuq ir-rubini, ir-rings ta l-ghasafar ta Dr Vassallo jonqos biex inkunu perfetti! Ahjar il-Mepa ta GonziPN tara kif inghata l-permess go nofs il-Wied tal-Bahrija....jew il-partita ODZ li inghataw ghal voti qabel l-elezzjoni! Sintendi, l-ambjentalisti 'who worry about sea reclamation', jaqghu fil-muta, fuq 'il-land devastation' meta dan isir mill-partit li johorgu ghall-elezzjoni mieghu!
U le le! Peres li taht GonziPN kollox miexi fuq ir-rubini, ir-rings ta l-ghasafar ta Dr Vassallo jonqos biex inkunu perfetti! Ahjar il-Mepa ta GonziPN tara kif inghata l-permess go nofs il-Wied tal-Bahrija....jew il-partita ODZ li inghataw ghal voti qabel l-elezzjoni! Sintendi, l-ambjentalisti 'who worry about sea reclamation', jaqghu fil-muta, fuq 'il-land devastation' meta dan isir mill-partit li johorgu ghall-elezzjoni mieghu!
Din mhux personali?
Dr Vassallo, tehodix bi kbira li tal-MEPA jinforzaw il-ligijiet sa l-inqas punt u virgola. Dawk jimxu stretti ma kullhadd u tilghabilhomx. Ghal li jista' jkun ma ghandikx xi applikazzjoni ta permess biex tibni f'xi wied hux? F'dan il-pajjiz tistaghgeb jekk tara xi haga issir sew. Dawn il-kummiedji huma' the order of the day.'
Kurac Dot ma fadalomx ma minn jizvugaw il hdura , issa anke lil taghhom qed iduru ahseb u ara ta kontrihom.