PN on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Party issues ‘categorical denial’ from 33 MPs declaring they never intended voting for Cachia Caruana's resignation - Franco Debono included.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando told the House he knew of 10 MPs who wanted to vote for the resignation of Richard Cachia Caruana. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando told the House he knew of 10 MPs who wanted to vote for the resignation of Richard Cachia Caruana. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday.

Updated at 8:12pm with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando's reaction.

Less than 24 hours after issuing a public condemnation for voting in favour of an Opposition motion, the PN has challenged Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to declare which MPs he was referring to in his parliamentary speech Monday "who wanted to vote in favour" of the resignation of Richard Cachia Caruana.

A statement from the Nationalist party's communication office has further upped the ante against the MP, whose vote in favour of the Labour motion led to the resignation of Cachia Caruana from permanent representative to the EU.

On Monday Pullicino Orlando claimed there were "at least 10 MPs on the government side who wished to vote" in favour of the Opposition motion, which accused Cachia Caruana of authoring the reactivation of Malta's participation in Nato's Partnership for Peace with a view to bypass the need for parliamentary approval.

Pullicino Orlando said: "I can say publicly that, from a number of discussions held with my colleagues - whom I won't mention because these were private discussions - there are here at least 10 MPs who want to vote for this motion."

The PN issued a statement following its parliamentary group meeting Thursday evening, listing all the names of its MPs - except for Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett - saying it had a "clear declaration" by all 33 MPs that "they never spoke to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando" and called on the MP to substantiate his claims.

The list includes Franco Debono, who was condemned by the PN's executive committee for voting in favour of an Opposition motion that resulted in the resignation for former minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici. Debono has publicly berated Cachia Caruana in his own speeches in parliament, taking the permanent representative to task for being part of an oligarchy and mocking his St Edward's College pedigree.

Debono had said Cachia Caruana did not deserve a vote of no confidence, after having used several occasions during his parliamentary speeches to attack Cachia Caruana, claiming he "acted in the shadows" and that he was "obsessed with power".

Debono also said he will be asking the PN's executive committee to nullify the decision to condemn his vote in favour of an Opposition motion that led to the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

The PN said it had in its hands declarations from the 33 MPs "categorically denying" they ever had any intention or desire to vote in favour of the Opposition's motion for resignation.

In a reaction, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando stood by his claims that he had held a number of exchanges with MPs, and that he would not divulge their names. "I am keeping to my word that these exchanges will remain personal, even though I still have their SMSes in my possession of what they told me [about the motion]."


@konfuxu. Kull partit ghandu r-regoli tieghu u min ikun membru ta' klabb irid jimxi mar-regoli. Ara l-labour lid-deputati jgaghlhom jiehdu gurament u jiffirmaw li ghandhom jimxu mal-linja tal-partit. Il-PN ma jaghmilx hekk imma ghandu l-linja politka tieghu ukoll u min ma jimxix maghha jbati l-konsegwenzi. Min bhali ivvota lil PN ivvota l-kandidati ghax hargu mal-partit ghax kieku ma kontx nivvotalhom. U allura jridu jimxu mal-partit. U l-partit hu l-maggoranza mhux kif jahsibha debono, JPO jew muliett. Dik hi d-demokrazija, li d-deputat jirrispetta lili li vvutajtlu mhux jaghmel dak li jaqbel lilu personali. Issa int ahsibha kif trid u ghid li trid imma jien ghandi dritt daqsek nahsibha kif irrid u nesprimi ruhi ghax il-liberta' ta' l-espressjoni mhix dritt sagrosant tal-laburisti bhalek biss.
@javlin.....soluzzjoni perfetta. Gonzi messu jhabbar vot sigriet nhar il-Hadd. Jekk ma jaghmilx dan ikun ifisser li qed jibza u d-dikjarazzjoni li harget ma tfisser xejn.
JPO, Mulliet u FB ikkundanati mil-PN...kitbu l-gazetti ....jista' xi hadd jilluminana l-kundanna x'inhi....jien nifhem li meta tikkundanna lill-xi hadd tkun ikkundanajtu bhal ma jigri fil-qrati meta halliel jigi ppruvat li seraq jigi kkundanat zmien il-habs, meta xi hadd jigi kkundanat ghal mewt bili jissallab, jew tinqatalu rasu jew jigi ggassjat etc etc...Allura l-kundanna ta' dawn it-tlieta x'inhi????????.....qisna qedin fuq il-Golgota!!!!
@ Briffi. There is another option for these 3 plus the other 10 or so. They can set up an other party, a true Nationalist Party insted of Gonzipn.
Since last election JPO became a mature polititian and kept to his words. He realised that he was used. The guy is an honest and I believe him in his statment. Ma tarawx that he is not going to give you the names. It is the PM and PBO business to see who is not happy in the group. Not difficult to compile it. Definetely that Austin , Tonio and George are very happy.
U l-farsa tkompli! Il-hasra li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar ahna lkoll imbaghtu - grazzi ghal-Par Idejn Sodi li ghandna fit-tmun tal-pajjiz.
@javlin..prosit ezatt hekk kont se nikteb. Imma dawk ma jaqbillomx jghamlu hekk, ma tarax !!
Pirandello speaks alot of sense. The people who are trying to make a hero of JPO are doing this because JPO has been scoring autogoals in the PN net for several years and obviously because these people are not exactly in love with PN they are celebrating. If they speak so highly of JPO and keep pointing out JPO's good qualities, why don't they suggest that Labour accepts him in their fold like they usual do in the case of other quizlings? After all JPO has been fraterneising and more with people from Labour. So it shouldn't be very difficult to propose to Labour to accept him in their midst. After all he is an honourable man. So Labour can only benefit from such a move.
The real meaning of Democracy in Malta and by the Nationalist Government and Party, "Might is Right". In other places people are being killed by missiles, guns etc and In Malta we have character Assassinations. Well Done! "Flimkien Kollox Possibli". Solidarjeta - "Jew tbaxxi rasek ghal-Kbir Gonzi jew tispicca skumnikat, ikkundannat, eziljat, jew mormi fiz-zibel.
It is so childish of gonzipn that after JPO mentioned 10 other MPs who wanted to vote with the motion they collected the signatures of the parliamentary group in statement that sai none of them wanted to vote with the motion.
Elementary Mr Watson: Kull ma hemm bzonn hu li jitihed vot sigriet u b'hekk inkunu nafu kemm hemm minn hu favur RCC mitt 33 membru tal PN!
This is all hogwash. There is a great difference between "they never intended to vote" and "they wished to vote". So what's the scoop , GonziPN ?.
Thanks to their right to exercise their free vote, I am sorry to say that this democratic country has become a dictatorship. Do you know that outside Mugliette's house has a police guarding his residence because of exercising a democratic principle of free vote? Thank you GonzoPN.
There is no need for JPO to divulge any info given in confidence. After all this is no court case, but politics. Let me rest other commentators minds, especially those with eyes wide shut, that Malta does not need JPO to tell us who the 10 good and true men are. These are the ones that will be ready, when the time is right, to rid the PN of the cobwebs gathered over the Taliban years. These are the ones that are in agreement with their gatekeeper, the TOM, that immediate elections are a must. Let us hope that Labour will have enough energy after the initial rush to stem the huge financial gaps, to set up enquiry boards to examine what has gone on these past months and the coming final months.
Zack Depasquale
Mela Carm Mifsud Bonnici kellu jirrezenja minhabba li xihadd min naha tal-Gvern ivvota mal-Oppozizjoni, la hargu kundanni u kollox normali qisu ma gara xejn, kull ma ha Carm kien Ecard. Jien dejjem ghidt li Carm Mifsud Bonnici kien il-haruf tas-sagrificju.Issa ghax gara l-istess ma'RCC stqarrija kontra stqarrija, kundanni u tghajjir. Il-mistoqsija tieghi ghaliex issa dawn il-kummiedji kollha u mhux qabel? Forsi hawn xihadd iwegibni.
Miskin hu min johodha kontra il-PN jew GONZIPN. Insejtu kif rebbahkhom l-elezzjoni bil-biki li qallu kif jirecita wiehed min tal-klikka? u il-bicca irnexxitilkom,prosit. Debono messu ivvota ukoll ma LP daqs kemm ghajru lil RCC jew insejtu?? Issa bdew gejjin il-kastigi ghal min jidneb.
As you can see no body is PERMANENT in his job.
@Pirandello Ma fhemtx xejn, nahseb li ghadek zghir u immatur kif tahdem il-politika ghax wara li ppruvajt ssallab lill JPO meta l-PN ikkundanah biss...x'kundanna hi!!!!! kieku kellom xi haga fuq JPO tahseb li kienu se jhallu barra. Jigifieri li inti taqbel li l-parlamentari ghandom ikunu puppaturi tal-partit!!! Nerga nitolbok biex issaqsi lil John Dalli u Louis Galea u l-ohrajn li twarrbu. Minn fejn hadt l-idea li jien mal-PL!!!! Kemm sejjer zbaljat sur Pirandello jew!!!!
Nahseb li din id-darba tal-GonziPN ma kienux ezatti meta qalu li id-dikjarazzjoni biex imeru lil JPO iffirmawha 33 deputat. Jekk niftakar sew ftit taz-zmien ilu l-Onorevoli Franko Debono zvela li kien ha ghalih bil-kbir ghaliex is-sur RCC kien iddeskrevieh bhala bicca deputat. Allura la darba l-Onorevoli Franco ivvota favur is-Sur RCC jien nehodha bhala li l-Onorevoli Franko issa sar jaqbel ma dak li qal is-Sur RCC dwaru li hu bicca deputat. Mela fl-istqarrija taghhom biex ikunu lejali lejn il-verita iridu jghidu li 32 u bicca deputat iffirmaw id-dikjarazzjoni u mhux 33. Issa wiehed qed jibda jifhem ghaliex il-partit qed isejhulu Gonzi PN. Min mhux tal-qalba ma tantx hu milquh.
This year we are having a long Carnival which never seems to end. Will you be King Carnival for a day?
jien kieku ghandu xi haga ta debono kieku kont jpo nikxifha daqs kemm hu vojt dan il bniedem. basta biex jimpressjona hlief origarkija tiela u origarkija niezla ma hargitx min fommu. nahseb li l origarkija issa sodditlu halqu lil debono. insomma issa il met office ghadu kif habbar flash news li sehh terrimot forza 9 fuq li skala richter u li l epicentru tieghu hu gonzipn......
@Konfuxu. Tidher bravu int u tolleranti sakemm wiehed ikun jara ahmar bhalek. Nixtieq naf kemm kont thassartu int lil JPO fl-elezzjoni l-ohra! U issa intom tal-PL qed tilghaquhom lit-3 deputati tal-PN li qed jitmejlu bikom kollha. Aktar ma tiktbu kummenti hawn u fi mkejjen ohra, aktar tifthu ghajnejn in-nies biex ma jafdawkomx. Caw siehbi.
I also believe what JPO said.
The PN is all square behind RCC but is the PN ready to take action against JPO?
This only serves to show the nature of those MPs still sustaining GonziPN. It also serves to corroborate what JPO one dares challenge the system....or else....."they have to face the consequences". Denying what they cactually onfided with JPO would be a probable outcome. I believe what JPO said.
This only serves to show the nature of those MPs still sustaining GonziPN. It also serves to corroborate what JPO one dares challenge the system....or else....."they have to face the consequences". Denying what they cactually onfided with JPO would be a probable outcome. I believe what JPO said.
Min qatt ghaddielu mill-garigori ta mohhu li l-PN se jispicca f'kobba mhabbla bhal din. Bhal ma dejjem jghidu: il-hutha minn rasha tintenn.
@ Pirandello Sur Pirandello nahseb li jew ma tafx x'inhi l-politika jew inti tara kollox Blu. Biex tikkopja lill JPO irid ikollok il-k**** kbar hafna ghax jekk ixxellef difrejk ma l-partit tispicca mzebblah u jaqlawlwk sa l-antenati tieghek biex ikkazbruk u jxandruk ma l-erba rjihat. Jekk issaqsi lill poplu lill minn jemmen zgur u zgur li jemmnu lill JPO ghax ma ssaqsix lill john Dalli, Louis Galea u lill dawk li twarrbu minn meta rrizenja EFA uy zgur li jkollok l-istampa kompleta. U ma nahsibx li dak li jkun gfie elett mil-poplu f-elezzjoni ghandu jkun puppatur li joqod ghal kollox wara li l-partit ikun sallbu bi-staples ma kull pulzier ta gisma.
Luke Camilleri
I's not only PN that is on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando but gonziPN, gonziOPM, THE CONTROLLED MEDIA, including PBS , the WE? GROUP including JPO's ex-Coach, the famous or infamous Oligarchy including "Fr." Beirut Borg, il-Bocc, DCG, RCC...
Luke Camilleri
I's not only PN that is on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando but gonziPN, gonziOPM, THE CONTROLLED MEDIA, including PBS , the WE? GROUP including JPO's ex-Coach, the famous or infamous Oligarchy including "Fr." Beirut Borg, il-Bocc, DCG, RCC...
Luke Camilleri
I's not only PN that is on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando but gonziPN, gonziOPM, THE CONTROLLED MEDIA, including PBS , the WE? GROUP including JPO's ex-Coach, the famous or infamous Oligarchy including "Fr." Beirut Borg, il-Bocc, DCG, RCC...
Luke Camilleri
I's not only PN that is on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando but gonziPN, gonziOPM, THE CONTROLLED MEDIA, including PBS , the WE? GROUP including JPO's ex-Coach, the famous or infamous Oligarchy including "Fr." Beirut Borg, il-Bocc, DCG, RCC...
Luke Camilleri
I's not only PN that is on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando but gonziPN, gonziOPM, THE CONTROLLED MEDIA, including PBS , the WE? GROUP including JPO's ex-Coach, the famous or infamous Oligarchy including "Fr." Beirut Borg, il-Bocc, DCG, RCC...
Luke Camilleri
I's not only PN that is on warpath with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando but gonziPN, gonziOPM, THE CONTROLLED MEDIA, including PBS , the WE? GROUP including JPO's ex-Coach, the famous or infamous Oligarchy including "Fr." Beirut Borg, il-Bocc, DCG, RCC...
Jidher li qatt ma hamluh lil JPO!
Zack Depasquale
Can PM Gonzi with hand on heart say that Government can go on like this, there is more shooting between the government members of Parliament than there was at the OK Corral, GonziPN parliamentarians resembles more a bar room brawl. The Priminister should be focused on the job at hand, which he is paid so handsomely to do, that is running the country for the benefit of the Maltese whatever their believes are, instead Dr Gonzi is spending his time trying to find a way out for the tragedy GonziPN has become. Dr Gonzi should go for an election as soon as possible, if he wins good luck to him, the people are supreme and always get the government they deserve, but at least the country might have a stable government. One final comment if there was ever any doubt that Franco Debono is the king of clowns the signature in this denial confirmed it. I am sure that Dr Pullicino Orlando and Mr Mugliette will be proven right in the long run and will be part of a new fresher Partit Nazzjonalista, but no one will ever thrust Franco Debono again.
If JPO wants to be credible he should disclose names and not hide under false pretences. This guy, who declares that the PN practised apartheid politics with him, did not mention that he was offered a post as parliamentary secretary, a post as parliamentary assistant and finally he was appointed as Chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology. What does he want more after he made a mockery of voters in the last election? These people have turned politics into personal crusades and have no respect whatsoever to the nationalists who voted for them. They got elected because they formed part of the PN and not on their personal qualities. They should present themselves as independent candidates and see how much votes they get in the next election to confirm what I am saying.