Facebook squabble sees Pullicino Orlando dub PN official ‘dork’ and ‘RCC lackey’
Internal rift within the Nationalist Party continues publicly as MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando calls PN’s administrative council president a ‘loser’ and ‘dork’ on Facebook.
The Nationalist Party's internal rift shows no sign of abating as MPs and party official take their squabble into the social media, some trading a couple of insults on Facebook.
Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is making it even harder for the Nationalist Party to come to terms with his 'betrayal' by now publicly attacking the president of the PN's administrative council, Karol Aquilina.
Pullicino Orlando dubbed Aquilna, now mayor of Siggiewi, a "loser" and a "dork" in comments he posted on the Facebook wall of none other than the former Siggiewi mayor, Robert Musumeci.
"Karol Aquilina is the kind of loser who needed the support of Mr. Cachia Caruana's hitmen (and woman) to eliminate his competitor Robert Musumeci to get to play at being mayor of Siggiewi. What a dork! Is this what the Nationalist Party has been reduced to?" Pullicino Orlando wrote.
In comments to MaltaToday, the MP - who claims the PN has been "hijacked by a small clique" - said that Robert Musumeci had been "attacked by Cachia Caruana's clique" to push forward the people he [Cachia Caruana] wanted to see in strategic positions within the PN.
The attacks, Pullicino Orlando said, included those coming from Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia's personal blog.
"Cachia Caruana is known to have supported Aquilina's candidacy during the Siggiewi local council elections in a bid to oust Musumeci," Pullicino Orlando said, describing Aquilina as one of Cachia Caruana's "lackeys".
The MP, who during the resignation motion dissected the ousted ambassador's pivotal role within the PN, added that Cachia Caruana was more interested in pushing "his own people" rather than seeing "genuine Nationalists" appointed according to their capabilities.
Pullicino Orlando added that in 2008, Cachia Caruana had backed and promoted Aquilina for the post of executive committee president and backbencher Charlo Bonnici for the post of secretary-general.
After insisting that questions be sent to him by email, attempts by MaltaToday to get a reaction from Aquilina proved futile.
Aquilina and Musumeci's relationship has been strained by the party's internal tensions. In 2010, Aquilina spearheaded a move to oust Labour from its party headquarters in Siggiewi in a requisitioned building, while Musumeci attempted a mediating role to offer Labour an alternative party office within the Siggiewi village square.
Aquilina has described his relationship with Musumeci as a "normal one which exists between mayor and deputy mayor" but said Musumeci's mediating role had been 'flirtatious' with Labour'. "There are people who like flirting with Labour and have an interest to be on good terms with Labour always even if it is elected to government."
This week, the PN's executive council issued a condemnation of Pullicino Orlando for having voted in favour of the motion that resulted in the resignation of Richard Cachia Caruana, Malta's former permanent representative to the EU. Then, the PN further upped its ante when it challenged the MP to declare which MPs had wanted to vote in favour of the resignation of Cachia Caruana, as he claimed in his parliamentary speech.