JPO says Louis Galea should have been appointed President

Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando insists a Nationalist should have been appointed President, says Louis Galea was the only prominent Nationalist to run for the post

Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Reacting to a letter published today by former Nationalist MP Louis Galea, backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that a Nationalist should have been nominated for the post of president.

During the debate on the motion censoring Richard Cachia Caruana, Pullicino Orlando said that he knew of about at least 10 MPs who would have voted against Cachia Caruana.

Mentioning Louis Galea by name, Pullicino Orlando included him in the list of valid Nationalist MPs and personalities who had been sidelined over the past eight years.

"These persons have been sidelined by those who form part of what was referred to by a parliamentary colleague as the 'oligarchy'," Pullicino Orlando said.

Reacting to this statement, Galea today wrote in The Times remarking how he had "worked very closely with Cachia Caruana in the team consecutively led by Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi".

"In 2010, following Prime Minister Gonzi's nomination, I became a member of the European Court of Auditors, a position which does not allow me to involve myself in or to comment on matters of political controversy," he added.

In reaction to Galea's letter, Pullicino Orlando said that he "would not divulge what was said during a number of private meetings me and Dr. Galea had at our respective homes in 2008-2009", but that he wanted to remind the public of a known fact.

"I was the only Nationalist MP to refrain from giving my support to President George Abela's nomination for the post of President in parliament in 2009.

"I have publicly declared that I did this not out of any form of disrespect towards Dr. George Abela, but because I felt that we should have nominated a Nationalist for the post," Pullicino Orlando said.

He added that the only prominent Nationalist who was in the running and who had publicly expressed his interest in the post was Galea.

L-Onor. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando ghandu kull dritt ghall-opinjoni tieghu. Imma issa li ghamilna pass 'il quddiem u ghandna President tar-Repubblika li kwazi jgawdi konsensus, se nergghu nibdew bil-loghba tal-interessi politici. Din tal-President ghax ma nhalluhiex f'idejn il-poplu, meta f'idejn il-Gvern tal-gurnata biex jippremja lil min jaqbel lilu. kemm se ndumu bciecen ahna l-votanti. Lil JPO ghax kellu issue tajba tad-divorz, tajnih l-appogg, li l-anqas il-kap tieghu Lawrence Gonzi ma tah, minkejja r-rieda tal-maggoranza. Biex inkun qed nghid kollox, jidhirli li zewg deputati Laburisti, George Vella u Alfred Sant, ukoll bhal Pullicino ma qablux mal-ghazla ta' George Abela bhala President. Id-deputati parlamenti ghax jakkwistaw siggu fil-Parlament ihossuhom li saru xi Allat. Il-poter hu tal-poplu u ghandu jkun f'idejn il-poplu. Issa naraw lil JPO, Gonzi kemm se jaghti kasu dwar il-proposta tieghu biex tghin lil dawk il-koppji li ma jistax ikollhom tfal? Malta tiehu r-ruh jekk il-poplu jaghzel il-partit (mhux id-deputati) li ghandu jiggvernja u jkollu President tar-Repubblika maghzul minnu. Kemm ghadna 'l boghod mill-bazi Ewropea, ghandna bzonn overhaul komplet.
Louis Galea would not have never accepted a cousin as private secretary, a family member as pa to the first lady, another member as a driver, a canvasser for the PL leadership as substitute driver etc. Need one say more.
While I respect JPO's opinion of who should have been nominated president, Louis Galea of the Fawara case and the "part-time farmer" matter, l-Awziljarji and Fundazzjoni ghal-iskejjel ta' ghada, do not make him much of a presidential stuff. As for being a true nationalist Louise Galea happened to be so only because he was refused candidature with MLP by Mintoff.
Every Politician thinks that he is god himself. Who are they to choose my President? Are citizens only good for voting for them, pay taxes, obey the rules and laws and when these things comes up they choose themselves. I thought that JPO had some common sense and fights for the Rights of the Maltese Nation as a whole. The President is for ALL the Maltese and it is our RIGHT to choose whom we want. The politicians should stop being gods and we do what they thin is right. I honestly hope that the Labour Party will give us this right. If they don't they are the same like thee Nationalist Party, "Ghalihom u ghal uliedhom"