PBS says PL complaints unfounded, more Labour officials invited to TVAM

Labour complained only about independent press on TVAM, despite having had more Labour party officials invited to studios over two months.

The Broadcasting Authority wrote to the Public Broadcasting Services reminding it to ensure it provides ample representation of political opinions on controversial issues.
The Broadcasting Authority wrote to the Public Broadcasting Services reminding it to ensure it provides ample representation of political opinions on controversial issues.

The Public Broadcasting Services has accused Labour of manipulating a decision by the Broadcasting Authority, reminding the national broadcaster to ensure political impartiality in all its programmes.

The Broadcasting Authority wrote to the Public Broadcasting Services reminding it to ensure it provides ample representation of political opinions on controversial issues, after the Labour party filed a complaint over TVM's breakfast show TVAM.

The BA said two particular editions of TVAM, dealing with the censure motion against former minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, and with the political repercussions of the vote, "some controversial comments were made that merited the presentation of contrasting opinions."

The BA also noted that "generally" there was a balanced representation of political parties on TVAM over the course of its broadcasts.

"PBS insists TVAM is following current affairs... nobody can say there was an imbalance in any programme because broadcasting law itself states that impartiality must be based on an entire series of programmes," the national broadcaster said in a statement.

The complaint by Labour's communications chief Kurt Farrugia claimed that in one edition, the choice of RTK journalist Karl Wright and Malta Independent journalist Keith Micallef put the PL at a disadvantage, and that the TVAM producers did not make any reference to the Opposition's position on the motion it filed against Mifsud Bonnici in parliament.

In a subsequent edition, Farrugia argued that constitutional lawyer Austin Bencini's observations on the ramifications of the vote against Mifsud Bonnici "included comments that were political and imbalanced."

But PBS said that TVAM followed the parliamentary sittings of some two months over 11 programmes, with eight representatives from Labour and six from the PN, as well as five opinionists, two from party media, two from independent media, and constitutionalist Austin Bencini. "Labour has complained about what was said by the independent journalists and the constitutional lawyer."

In the complaint, PL communications chief Kurt Farrugia said it was not necessary to invite Labour party officials only for a balanced representation of opinions, but said there were various other academics or experts to offer differing viewpoints on the constitutional aspect of the vote and other parliamentary developments.

On its part, PBS through its head of news Natalino Fenech said both Wright and Micallef hailed from independent media houses, and that their comments were made in the light of a developing political situation. "At no point were viewers misled since it was clear that TVM was following the situation as it developed."

Fenech also said that although Labour considered Austin Bencini's contribution as one borne out of Nationalist sympathies, "his intervention was an analytical one, having referred to procedures in Constitutional law, and his comments were academic."

The BA resolved to remind PBS of its obligation to ensure all opinions from the political spectrum are represented, with a view to respect its Constitutional obligation for impartiality.

In a statement this week, the Labour party insisted the BA had proved its complaints were well-founded.

Emmnuni, imma jien ftit ferm nara TV. Jien nuza ghajnejja u nara jien kif inhi s-sitwazzjoni. La nemmen lin-Net, la lill-One u anqas lill-VAVU Guido. Jien ghandi minn san Tumas. Issa naf ghala l-ahhar kumment dejjem ikun tieghi. Ghax il-MT tippublika biss dawk il-kummenti li jaghmlu sens. Tarcisio zgurli kien se jghidilna li darba qaLA' XEBGHA. Hux veru?
Mark Fenech
Sur Editur, Il-kumment tieghi ma kien fih xejn straordinarju u kien civili, imma kien juri l-opinjoni tiegħi dwar il-programm TVAM li aktar jixraq ikun fuq in-Net milli fuq il-PBS fejn aħna nħallsu t-taxxi għalih. Xejn aktar u xejn inqas.
@Tarcisio Mifsud. All comments are being moderated. MaltaToday reserves the right to publish only the comments it sees fit. http://maltatoday.com.mt/en/userguidelines
Mark Fenech
Sur Editur, Dan kif kumment tiegħi ma ġiex registrat, kien minn tal-ewwel għax sa dak il-ħin ma kienx għad hemm kummenti. Mela d-demokrazija mhux dejjem l-istess?
Joseph Sant
It is not quite clear from the above article whether the arguments attributed to PBS and Natalino Fenech in particular were the pleas presented during the hearing of the case or whether they were comments made after the BA's decision was published. I think it is more likely that the article was referring to the pleadings both parties made during the hearing which would imply that PBS did not in fact criticise the BA's decision after it was made public. I think a clarification is this sense is in order.
@Sur Giovanni De Martino Il-problema li ghandek inti huwa li inti tisma lil TVM u Net tv biss u tridna jew iggelna nemmnu li tghid int bil kummenti li mhumiex veritieri, ghax int stess taf u anki probabli min hareg b'din ic-cucata li l-Pl dehru aktar mil PN dawn l-ahhar xharejn hija tad-dahq. Jien haga wahda nghid ghodd kemm hemm gurnalisti u presentaturi fil PBS u ssib ftit li xejn forsi tnejn li fadal Laburisti. Jekk trid insemmielek lista li ma tieqaf qatt ta Nazzjonalisti ferventi fil PBS li nahseb li tant hemm li jekk nsemmihom nimla gazzetta shiha. Kun onest u tkellem il verita Sur De Martino. Hlief nisma Gonzi tiela U Gonzi Gran che, sorry lili ma timpresjoni l-anqas xejn bi kliemek anzi turini kemm int ossessjjonat .
@ Demartino: Sur Demartino inti tammen lil tat-TVM li dawn stiednu iktar Ufficjali Laburisti mill-Nazzjonalisti fil-programmi taghhom? Lanqas jekk toghod lil Franco Debono, lil Mugliett u lil J. Pulicino Orlando ma tal-Labour ma jigu daqs in-Nazzjonalisti. Halluna tahsbu li llum qeghdin fl-annu 1960's fi zmien l-Arcisqof Gonzi u l-mejjet mibki Borg Oliver kontu tbellghulna r-ross bil-labra, illum kullhadd (grazzi ghal Mintoff) jaf jghodd 1+1 = 2.
@ Antoine Vella....Staqsi lil JPO, lil Franco Debono,u lil Jesmond Mugliett ..fejn hija il MARMALJA... Ghax waqt li ma gewx avzati min wara dahrhom ( bhas soltu ) ghaddewhom guri u skumnikawhom ...Dak tradiment aghar min ta Guda, ghax ta l-anqas Guda mar ibusu f`wiccu.
Lou Bondi is a PN apologist, Peppi Azzopardi is a PN apologist, James Debono is a PN apologist, Pierre Portelli is a PN apologist, Joe Mifsud is a PN apologist . . . and the list goes on. The Socialist anonymous marmalja is making a come-back.
Luke Camilleri
There is no need to be a DORK , OR HAVE SUPER VISION TO SEE THROUGH Pierre Portelli's agenda! One can feel it especially as he uses his "shoulder" and the promps he gives him.... How subtle can one be TVAM is BRAND GonziOPM not just ConziPM!
WShy is it that gonzi's YES men in the PBS also show their arrogance pretending they are always right and everybody else is wrong?
"More labour officials invited...." Din isbah issa. U qeghdin AHNA fil-gvern. Mela meta jkunu huma x'jigri? Anqas jissemma' l-isem tal-kap tal-Oppozizzjoni. Jiddispjacini, imma ghandna gvern naqra fjakk.
Il-PBS QATT ma ghandhom tort.
No need for a lot of hot gas to exculpate PP & JM. All one needs do is follow for 10 to 15 minutes the goings on in this programme. One would very easily reach one's own conclusions then. Fair! Oh, so sorry, I thought we were discussing the brits' complexion!
Mark Fenech
Kif possible lil Pierre Portelli jgħodduh bħala ndipendenti, mela qatt ma semgħuh jiddiskuti dejjem favur il-gvern u gonzipn. Pierre Portelli huwa aktar zbilanċjat minn Net tv. Dr. Joe Mifsud qieghed hemm għan numru u mhux biex jibbilanċja lil Pierre Portelli. Ħalluna PBS għax aħna l-ħobż minn ħaqna nikluh. Il-bieraħ erġajtu ġiebtu lil President Emeritus Dr. Fenech Adami, tgħid ma tridux tgħidu li kien hemm bilanċ ukoll.