Safi Aviation Park may net €600 million Chinese investment instead of Cyprus

A proposed €600 million investment into Larnaca’s airport by Chinese investors may be diverted to Malta's Safi Aviation Park instead.

Safi Aviation Park, where the recently inaugurated investment is being touted
Safi Aviation Park, where the recently inaugurated investment is being touted

Cypriot officials have expressed fear that a proposed €600 million investment into Larnaca's airport by Chinese investors may be diverted to Malta instead.

Despite assurances by Nicosia's government that negotiations intended to clinch the Chinese deal will be ready by the end of the month, fears are growing that the investors may turn to Malta instead.

Chinese company Far Eastern Phoenix is said to be eyeing an ambitious investment into the recently inaugurated Safi Aviation Park, with a plan to develop a commercial centre with a showroom and bonded facilities for Chinese factories to display products for a 50-year period.

MaltaToday has meanwhile confirmed with senior government officials that "informal talks" are underway with the Chinese consortium.

Read the full story in today's edition of MaltaToday

Skond il-BRAVU Tonio Fenech il-Maltin (u l-Ghawdxin) CWIEC. Tant jahsbuna CWIEC dawn il-BRAVI li jkomplu jippruvaw jghaddu z-zmien bina b'dawn il-progetti u weghdiet fantazma. Tiftakruha ta' Smart City? Fejn huma it-6000 impjieg gdid? Lies, damned lies and GonziPN!
yes do we believe him?
Tarawhom x'joghrku jdejhom bil-ferh il-lejburisti? Dawn ghalihm Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox. IPOKRITI1
Priscilla Darmenia
Yes, the election is around the cornet. A similar promise of a Smart City project on the eve of an election for the sole purpose to catch that extra vote. Soon I shall expect some big fat lies about something the Labour Party or Joseph Muscat did or is going to do. Just wait and see. History repeats itself and the GonziPN are showing more that they lack new ideas. Expect lies and big lies
Imma kemm hawn min hu tassew antipatiku, ghajjur u m'ghandux x'jaghmel!!!!! Ga bdew jghiru u jixtiequ d-deni malli qed jaraw progett fantastiku riesaq lejn xtutna. Skont informazzjoni kredibbli li waslitli dan l-ahhar dan il-progett se jimpjega 150 manager, 234 ricerkatur, 254 xjentist, 56 executive, 468 haddiem fl-IT, 278 segretarju, 122 messaggiera, 55 driver, 35 telephone operator u 205 cleaner. Min jixtieq li ismu jigi meqjus hu mheggeg li jikkuntattja lil gonzipn jew lil RCC jew lil galea curmi llum qabel ghada. Jekk ghal xi raguni hazina minn dan kollu ma jsehh xejn, ma jkun gara xejn - hekk u hekk haga bhal din ga saret f'dawn l-ahhar snin fi Smart City ... u allura ma hemmx ghalfejn noqoghdu nibzghu !!!!!!!!
Dinna ga smajnija fit 2008. Dinna xi smart city ohra ? Issa insibu zejt .. Meta l- inqas bejna.
Karl ghalek dak il biki kollu nhar il gimgha fuq One TV? Isma bil fors ghemen jekk trid !!!
Anette B Cassar
Is this another Smart City-esque pre-election Gimmick?
Of all the cheek! What do they take us for, fools? Fool me once, fool me twice.....!! This is another Smart City and/or White Rocks red herring. Yet another perennial, pre-election gimmick. And when will the imminent Oil Find announcement be made? Sorry don't believe you anymore.