‘A mafioso’s revenge’, Cachia Caruana on Pullicino Orlando’s vote

PN’s chief strategist who described MP as “much-valued political colleague” now says Alfred Sant summed up Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando “correctly”.

Praise for Daphne Caruana Galizia, and denigration for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando: Richard Cachia Caruana post-motion.
Praise for Daphne Caruana Galizia, and denigration for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando: Richard Cachia Caruana post-motion.

Malta's outgoing permanent representative to the European Union has delivered a scathing verdict of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando's vote to support the Opposition motion that led to his resignation, describing the Nationalist MP as a "Sicilian... the sort you would [not] want to do business with."

His contemptuous description fell just short of the word 'mafioso', as Cachia Caruana told the Sunday Times that Pullicino Orlando had used his parliamentary seat to exact a personal revenge on him, and not because of his role in reactivating Malta's participation in Partnership for Peace.

"You do not adopt Mintoffian vindictiveness unless you want to cause harm, on a personal basis to an individual... which implies revenge of some sort."

Cachia Caruana has insisted that his role in fomenting an underhand and unofficial media campaign to prompt Pullicino Orlando to resign his parliamentary seat after the 2008 Mistra scandal that nearly cost the Nationalists their re-election, was "absolutely false".

On TVM's Dissett on Saturday evening, Pullicino Orlando denied claims that his motives were inspired by revenge, but he was equally clear in saying that Cachia Caruana's role in coaching him throughout the 2008 electoral campaign, and his alleged attempt to make him his resign his seat afterwards, "was a direct attack on democracy" - and equated this style of operation with Cachia Caruana's role in arguing for the reactivation of PfP without having to seek the House's approval.

The permanent representative, who leaves Brussels in July, also claimed Pullicino Orlando deceived him when he gave him the impression, during a 5 June meeting at the MP's house, that he would not vote against him.

But it was clear that Cachia Caruana was apprehensive about Pullicino Orlando's intentions. "When I saw him [at the foreign affairs committee] I thought there was a problem, so a few days later I messages him to ask if we could meet... I left with the impression - which I was obviously meant to receive - that there was no problem."

Cachia Caruana had to testify before the foreign affairs committee about his role in reactivating PfP, where he claimed that he was not aware of the Prime Minister's intention to reactivate PfP before the 2008 election, when parliament was still in dissolution. He also testified he was not aware that Lawrence Gonzi had already informed then US ambassador Molly Bordonaro in January 2008 that he would reactivate PfP if he wins the election. This represents one of Cachia Caruana's boldest claims, given that he was since 2004 directly involved in talks over Nato classified information that was not available to EU member states who were neither Nato nor PfP members.

But Pullicino Orlando's vote in parliament in a subsequent motion presented by the Opposition, where he accused Cachia Caruana of authoring an unofficial campaign to make him resign, led to the permanent representative's ousting. "What I can never accept is the vile way he tried to make me resign my seat," Pullicino Orlando said on Dissett.

"It was an attack on democracy. Cachia Caruana's plan was to use me to win the PN's election in 2008, coaching me every step of the way in confronting Alfred Sant who made vile and incorrect accusations against me. So successful was this plan, that I became too popular [Pullicino Orlando was elected on both constituencies despite the suspicions levied against him by Sant]...

"The next day the PN won, they started spreading the word that I had lied... this was an attack on democracy, which shows Cachia Caruana's disrespect having instigated this attack."

But Cachia Caruana, whose role in coaching Pullicino Orlando in 2008 was to set him up as an 'innocent' victim at the hands of the 'bullying' Alfred Sant, conjures up regrets about the MP he once describedin 2009 "as a much-valued political colleague."

"I had to persuade the electorate that an innocent person was being unfairly attacked," Cachia Caruana said of Pullicino Orlando, whose rental of his private land in Mistra for the construction of an open-air disco, risked harming the party's environmental credentials and opened him up to accusation of having influenced a MEPA decision to grant the permit when it had been recommended for refusal.

"We were caught in a situation where we trusted somebody who, even if he didn't lie, didn't tell the whole truth either - and this misled people.

"I regret to say Alfred Sant probably summed him up correctly."

Cachia Caruana also praised one of the columnists whom Pullicino Orlando claims does his bidding in an unofficial campaign to attack party critics. "I admire her for having the guts to say what she thinks and express herself so eloquently," Cachia Caruana said of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Malta Independent columnist panned by critics and MPs who say her poison-pen blogs are the PN's unofficial media.

Cachia Caruana in fact says the damage caused by Caruana Galizia's blogs has been caused "by the interpretation of people who are unable to understand that as politicians they have to be able to take the rough with the smooth."


A case of the perpetrator turned victim. Referring to and condemning Mintoffian acts when one has curved out his own career on this same model, is comical, to say the least. Same applies for the wielding of power and the creation of a vengeful media network to intimidate political opposition and then crying crocodile’s tears for having gone thru the same treatment, albeit from another angle. At least the advice that people in politics have to be able to take rough with the smooth is not only valid but extremely prophetic, especially if RCC were to heed his own words.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
X.biza gej fuqna f'Malta! Richard Cachia Caruana se ihallina! Treghid ta l-oqbra u se jinfethu is-smewwiet! Kif se nghix minghajr Kim il-sung ta GonziPN?
X.biza gej fuqna f'Malta! Richard Cachia Caruana se ihallina! Treghid ta l-oqbra u se jinfethu is-smewwiet! Kif se nghix minghajr Kim il-sung ta GonziPN?
In-nazzjonalisti kuhadd..dawk mhux tal-klikka-jghidu kemm kien kiesah dan il-Padre Pio ! Ara tikteb xi aggettiv hazin fuq RCC fit Times ghax jiccensurawilek !
Min jiggieled bis-sejf, bis-sejf imut. Hekk qal Kristu fil bidu tal-passjoni tieghu.
Ara veru kif kien jghejdli in nannu...."Iz zejt dejjem jitla f`wicc l`ilma ", jekk ser jibqaw sejrin hekk,jikxfu il borom ta xulxin, il poplu ser ikollu ic cans ta hajtu li ikun jaf certi misterji li ilhom is snin midfunin.Ibqaw sejrin hekk u id dinja ser tkun taf min veru huma it tfal ta Kajjin, u it tfal ta Abel.Min kien iwaddab il gebel u jahbi idu....
naqra dan l-artiklu nibqa mnixxef. Kif fid dinja ta llum tista tibqa 25 at the top minghajr ma tikkontesta elezzjoni. Zewg Prim Ministri jbaxxu rashom ghad dak kollu li l-konsulent jghid. LOKK WHO IS TALKING !!!!!!! It Titolu ta dan l-artklu ma nafx jekk hux ghal JPO jew RCC tfixkilt, Balzan...............
Having just read RCC interview in another on line site, it's really disgusting how this person defends all the bad decisions made by GonziPN probably following his instructions! He must really think that he's God's Gift to Malta! We, the Maltese people, cannot forget how we were deceived about many issues regarding the full accession membership within the EU! And after 8 years, now he even try to justify Dr.Alfred Sant's political line! I cannot find an adjective to use for this type of person. And what about the Euro500 increase to cabinet, keeping in mind that RCC was not elected through the people's mandate, but still attended cabinet meetings, and probably used to set the agenda for Dr.Gonzi! I'm sure that many Maltese people were not surprised at all with the outcome of the vote in Parliament, just the opposite of what Dr.Lawrence Gonzi stated! Now it's clear how a person feels when he's deceived! Many Maltese people have been on the deceing end for quite some time now, and I think it's high time that the tables should be turning, even upside down if it's necessary!
JPO outsmarted RCC and Mgr. Gonzi! Before the last general election the one and only RCC 'taught' JPO how to 'deceive' the electorate. Being such an intelligent person JPO he took the lesson so seriously that now he 'deceived' both cardinal RCC and mgr. Gonzi. Li taghmel jghamlulek.
Dan xi jrid joqghod idahhal lil Mintoff kull darba. Jekk qed jahseb li din kienet back stabbing messu jaf min hu l-espert f'dawn l-affarjiet. Jista jistaqsi lil siehbu ta' qabel Lawrence "la jrid jisma u l-anqas jara" Gonzi u jispjegalu x'ghamel lil Gorg Borg Olivier u jkollu ezempju car ta' xi tfisser back stabbing.
Sicilian my foot! More like a Machiavelli dethroned by a "just in time" Machiavellian stoke of genius a'la Maltese. Ancient Labour blood seeking vengeance on ancient aristocratic ardour.
Zack Depasquale
Ghal mument halli naghti ragun il-RCC, persuna li jahseb li hu omnipotenti u minghajru Malta ma timxiex,(accidentalment fi triqtu lejn l-ajruport meta jkun sejjer Brussels jista jaghti daqqa t'ghajn lejn ic-cimiterju tal-Adolorata,fejn ic-cimiterju mimli nies li kienu jahsbu li-id-dinja ma timxiex minghajrhom.)Zewg mistoqsijiet, meta sejjer GonziPN/RCC jaghmel apologija lil-Dr Alfred Sant,RCC b'din l-intervista qieghed jghid li JPO korrot u jekk inhu l-kaz ghax ma tkellimx qabel?
"I regret to say Alfred Sant probably summed him up correctly." ........ So the truth finally came out. On another media JPO is quoted as saying that RCC had told him (JPO) to make Alfred Sant look like a bully. What does all this boil down to, motions and resignations apart, doesn't all this exposes what really constitutes gonzipn. These guys are at each other throats and not since yesterday, or last week or last month or year but for quite a very long time and yet who has suffered for all this? Us the people, because there is so much infighting in gonzipn and so much intrigue that wrong decisions have been taken and we have had to pay with our taxes. Those in gonzipn are so much absorbed in their party crisis that in just 4 years Malta's debt increased a 100%. Cost of living has trebled and the standard of living has seen a decline for the majority of people except those who are near the core of power.
Re: Matthew Vella, You must be clear, that the header of this article, Mafioso revenge, was your interpretation. I have read the interview with Mr R Cachia Caruana, and he never mentioned the word 'Mafioso'. Your article is not veritier!
Luke Camilleri
Anki Richard Cachia Caruana ILLUM qieghed jaghti ragun il-Dr. Alfred Sant! l'istess Richard Cachia Caruana , STRATEGISTA tal-P.N. li ZGUR kien involut u kien parti mit-team ma l-EX- COACH ta' JPO li sruttaw il-JPO!