Updated | Drivers refuse to drive Arriva buses without air-conditioning

General Workers Union says Arriva is threatening striking drivers with disciplinary actions

Arriva officials will be meeting union representatives this afternoon to find a way to mediate the current impasse between both sides until formal talks planned for the middle of this week take place.

The local bus operator issued an apology to the general public that was affected by the action ordered by the General Workers Union, after bus drivers refused to drive the buses without air-conditioning systems.

"99% of our busses are equipped with air-conditioning units. The company is also undergoing a process to install additional units on all busses, which work directly on the drivers cabin and most of Arriva's fleet has already been fitted with such units.  This process will be complete in the coming weeks," Arriva said.

Arriva drivers this morning embarked on an industrial action, refusing to drive their buses that lack an adequate air conditioning system.

In a statement, the General Workers Union (GWU) said that Arriva was threatening the drivers with disciplinary actions, including not paying them for the hours they strike.

"We condemn the threats being made by Arriva, when the drivers are only obeying a legitimate directive issued by the union. Arriva has no right to intimidate or take action against the drivers," the GWU said.

The union said that the lack of an air conditioning system had been one of the issues being discussed for almost a year with the public transport operator.

"Arriva had all the time in the world to find a solution to this issue. Now it has to suffer the consequences of its inefficiencies," the union said.

The GWU added that buses will not be driven unless they are according to the standards issued by the transport authority.

Zack Depasquale
Meta sejjer isir il-party f'gheluq is-sena mimli success ghat-trasport pubbliku gewwa Malta? Xi bravu, li ma tantx ghadu jissema, kien qal li zmien il-kummiedji kien spicca u kellu ragun biex ibiegh ghax illum is-servizz tal-Arriva, tragedja.
Time to get rid of Arriva or what some if I rememebr correctly call Tardiva. Stop their subsidies that they are getting from our taxes because they are treating customers and employees like $HIT
What the "bla kuki" Maltese bus users failed to achieve, has been achieved by the drivers themselves. Strength in unity.
Hi tassew tal-misthija li wara dawk il-qabda fanfarunati u ksuhat minn Austin Gatt u l-klikka tieghu dwar kemm se jkunu stmati ahjar il-passiggiera tat-trasport pubbliku u wara li tant smajna ftahir u tpacpic fil-vojt dwar il-kumdita li se nivvjaggaw bija ta' karozzi airconditioned, illum issib hafna karozzi li ma ghandhomx air conditioning. Nista' nassigurakom li tqatta' vjagg ta' nofs siegha/tlett kwarti go bus maghluqa, minghajr ebda nifs, bla arja ta' xejn u shuna daqs borma qed taghli, xejn ma hi esperjenza sabiha - GHALL-INQAS QABEL KIEN HEMM TWIEQI JINFETHU, ILLUM XEJN. Imma bejn in-nies u l-hniezer ma jidher li hemm ebda differenza ghall-ministru Austin Gatt ghax issa ilu ma jidher fuq it-television jghidilna kemm hu bravu !!!! U anki dak il-bravu l-iehor DELIA sparixxa ghal kollox - mhux hekk, issa imhabbat jipprepara ghall-elezzjoni!!!