AFM rescue 60 migrants on dinghy
Armed Forces rescue another group of 60 refugees fleeing Libya. 60 Somali refugees fleeing Libya have been intercepted early this morning on a dinghy off Malta.
Almost 1,000 refugees fleeing Libya have been rescued by the AFM at sea since the beginning of the year
The refugees, said to be 49 men and 11 women, had been monitored by Maltese and Italian naval and air assets had been monitoring the dinghy since yesterday afternoon, until it was decided to intervene and to take the refugees aboard an AFM patrol boat this morning.
According to sources, the refugees asked for assistance after they ran out of fuel and started to drift on the high seas.
This morning's rescue and last Thursday's interception of another 20 refugees, brings the total of migrant arrivals to Malta since January to just under 1,000.

1000 refugees? I doubt it. In the last 10 years there have been just 800 refugees from 16000+ people illegally coming here. Yes 800. It is wrong to call them refugees when they are not. Last year there were just 70, and this in the middle of a war next door. This article implies incorrectly that they are refugees. As in previous cases, not a single one will be given refugee status. At best they can hope for is subsidiary protection, which means that their request for asylum will be refused and the are economic migrants who cannot be sent back to their original country.
Calling them refugees is an insult and a disservice to real refugees. They can only be called economic migrants or asylum shoppers.

1000 refugees? I doubt it. In the last 10 years there have been just 800 refugees from 16000+ people illegally coming here. Yes 800. It is wrong to call them refugees when they are not. Last year there were just 70, and this in the middle of a war next door. This article implies incorrectly that they are refugees. As in previous cases, not a single one will be given refugee status. At best they can hope for is subsidiary protection, which means that their request for asylum will be refused and the are economic migrants who cannot be sent back to their original country.
Calling them refugees is an insult and a disservice to real refugees. They can only be called economic migrants or asylum shoppers.

When the current Refugee Commissioner was appointed he was presented to the press as "a former Jesuit". Now look at the result.

Who is Malta's Refugee Commissioner working for? UNHCR? JRS? Eritrea? Somalia? An answer is called for.

Is it a fact that the Refugee Commissioner is too generous with giving refugee status and humanitarian protection to economic immigrants who do not deserve it? How can he explain that he has been twice as generous as other European countries in giving these privileges? Who does he take his instructions from? UNHCR by any chance?

Have they not understood that they are not wanted in Europe? Do they think they can impose themselves just because a small minority of do-gooders and bleeding hearts make a lot of noise and form networks to pretend that they are wanted?

For those who expect other European countries to share our burden of illegal immigrants, please note that these immigrants are unwanted (1) because Europe is in the middle of an economic crisis, (2) because unemployment in Europe is 10% and rising, (3) most of these people are unskilled and cannot contribute to any country's economy, (4) these people can only add to the unemployed and compete with them for jobs, and (5) these people will be a burden on the social security system, the health services and the education systems of whichever country accepts them. So don't expect any European country to volunteer to share our burden. We have to carry it on our own. And the more women come, the more children they will bring with them, now or in the future, to create all kinds of problems for our own children.

All that UNHCR has done and said in the last 10 years amounts to an encouragement of the influx from Africa to Europe. Moreover indications are emerging of the existence of a network including UNHCR, the JRS and the Refugee Commissioner who is too ready to
believe the sob stories of these economic migrants posing as refugees. Many women? Maybe they came to join the men who came with the last boatful of Somalis and Eritreans. It's called family reunification and if it cannot be done legally it will be done illegally. In the meantime Dr Gonzi has not opened his mouth about the problem of illegal immigrants except to say that we must follow Christian values - that is, turn the other cheek or when one boatful arrives you pray for a second boatful.