MEP Simon Busuttil – ‘PN is divided’

Nationalist MEP and prime minister’s delegate says party is divided, accuses Labour of fomenting parochialism in politics.

“Unless unity is restored, the PN is in for a rough ride” - MEP Simon Bususttil.
“Unless unity is restored, the PN is in for a rough ride” - MEP Simon Bususttil.

Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil has declared his party is "divided" in the wake of two Opposition motions supported by government MPs which led to the resignation of a minister, and Malta's ambassador to the E

"It is high time that we come clean on this one. People are loathe to trust a party in government if it is unable to stand united. So unless unity is restored, the party is in for a rough ride," Busuttil, who is the Prime Minister's special delegate for his party meetings with civil society, said in his opinion column in The Times.

Busuttil did not mention by name any of the three MPs who last week were condemned by the PN for supporting the two Opposition motions: Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando supported the motion that led to the resignation of permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, while Franco Debono, who is contesting the condemnation, supported the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici from home affairs minister. Jesmond Mugliett abstained on the Cachia Caruana motion.

Busuttil said the motions were the result of a "dangerous" style of politics that celebrates might and encourages envy and putting the party before the country. "Where power is an end in itself. Where opportunism prevails over righteousness. Last week's motion had pretty much all these ingredients that I just listed. That is why it was a case of dangerous politics."

Instead Busuttil accused the Labour party of lacking a "basic sense of ethics", pouring doubt on former Labour MEP Joseph Muscat's ability to govern or be trusted with power. "I thought his four-year stint in the European Parliament would have given him the necessary training to inject his party - and the entire political system - with a fresh verve that would construct politics on reason, on bridge-building and on cooperation... I was wrong."

Busuttil even accused the Labour media and electoral machine of pursuing "parochial politics rather like Sali Berlisha's [sic] and Eddie Rama's Albania" - a reference to the Albanian democratic and socialist party leaders - "It is politics built on personal attacks, which Europe has been trying to eradicate but which Labour continues to embrace."

Dear Simon , can you please explain in how many fractions the PN is devided ? I'm asking this question because there have been an unlimited number of opinions lately . Can you please answer this simple question ?
jaqaw ghawn hawn xi forma ta censurs ghax tejdx kemm ilni nikkumenta u ma jider xejn?
Busuttil another useless rusty cannon firing blanks.
GonziPN is the expert in personal attacks, read DCG, and don`t patronise joseph muscat. He is paid and is his duty to challenge the unstable, incompetent and divided government. DCG is the main provocator of PN implosion, she is the best asset for the Labour opposition.
hemm ghalfen tghidilna int li il PN is divided.Int daqsekk bravu.
‘PN is divided’ GONZIPN sure is divided. We are not divided Dear Simon, we can still sing GHAX GHANDNA L-GONZI MAGHANA AHNA MMMMMMM......
Imma kif ma tisthux titkelmu!! Inthom ta Gonzipn qed tghiru lil partit tal labour li jattakkaw personalment? Insejtu il hmieg ta propoganda li ghamiltu fi zmien ta qabel ma thalna fl- EU? Insejtu kemm e mails ta l-izjed tghajjir moqziez kontu tibghatu anke fuq e mails tal gvern? Insejtu kemm ghajjartu lil Alfred Sant? HADD MA JARA HOTOBTU GHAX JAQA U JMUT ZOPTU Simon.
MEP Simon Busuttil said that the PL is a party with no ethics. Don't you remember Eddie Fenech Adami presiding over tens of thousands of PN supporters calling: SALBUH, SALBUH, SALBUH, (CRUCIFY HIM) directed to the then Prime Minister Dom Mintoff? I guess those were times when the opposition did not only lack ethics, but also morality, decency, was hungry for power, was full of hate.
As if the Bidnija witch's personal attacks against Labour, their families and anyone who goes against GonziPN are paradigms of 'righteousness'! Hallina nghixu; l-ippokrizija rules ok:' mangia santi cacca diavoli'!
Imma dan bis serjeta' ? Imma dan jahseb li l-poplu malti daqshekk cuc? Imma dan ghandu rasu fir-ramel? Imma dan ma jisthix johrog jghidhom dawn l-affarijiet - ghal menu biex ma jaqhax ghan n**k hu u l-Partit teighu..... mhux ghax jistghu jaqghu ghan n**k aktar mill huma !!!.
Some people tend to have an incredible ability of stretching arguments and claim that they reflect the truth. It is high time that politicians remember that people are not dumb and gullible. Dr. Busutil's argument is totally meant for blue eyed people and is contradicting to say the least. In one instance he refers to the PL as a party with no ethics, on the other hand he admits that the PN is divided. Was it the PL that gave rise to this division? I hardly think so. The truth is that a number of the PN parliamentary group have had enough of the way that this government is being managed. Some have grudges towards other members of parliament or other high ranking civil servants, who are claimed to be more than just that. What the PL is doing, is launching its proposals amidst a lack of clear direction from the PM and effectively using democratic tools to nudge Government. The people are seeing the PL as a valid alternative since it is united and has at heart the good of the country, while the PM and the PN are more afraid of loosing their power and far from concentrated on keeping the ship afloat in the economic turmoil that advances.
Come on Simon don't be that stupid and hypocrite ! I expected much more from you even though I am a Labour supporter. Don't you see how much the PM attacks personally Joseph Muscat. Yes I expect much more maturity from you ! By the way why all this fuss about RCC ? Why not the same with Carm Mifsud Bonnici whom I consider a through honest genleman. I feel sorry the Hon Carm but not the same for RCC. And by the way, why has Dr Franco voted against Carm and abstained against Austin ?. Two weights and two measures by the 4th division Franco.
Dear Simon, it is better for you to start trying to unite the nationalist party than going to people homes and try to persuade them to vote pn. You have two hard jobs. Pn is divided (as you said) and nothing will persuade the people at home. People who were promised bright future under Gonzipn had suffered, suffered from arrogance from Minister, cost of living, high fuel, gas, water and electricity bills. Workers also were betrayed by Gonzipn, promising them guarantee jobs and after election Gonzipn sent them to ETC to search for new job (if there were any). When you go to these people homes be prepared, because nothing will persuade these workers to ever trust Gonzipn or the PN.
Dr. Simon Busuttil li kien tal MIC dan? Maltatoday ghandkom xi clips ta xi video's pls ta meta kien kap tal MIC, halli taraw il gideb li kien qal dak iz-zmien u ahna l-boloh emminnieh ghax weghdna genna fl-art. Imissu jitlob mahfra ta kemm qal zinnijiet u gideb sfaccat ghax hlief svantaggi ma hadniex, issa irridu nghamlu tajjeb ghal sitt pajjizi fl-Euro zone ghax marru l-bahar, tajba din, mela il Euro zone issa rabtitna b'dejn li jghamel haddiehor, decisjoni tajba li ha Dr.GonziPN qabel l-elezzjomni li ghaddiet, imissu jisthi jidher quddiem in-nies, dan tal klikka iehor by the way so LOL.
Tghid ser isir xi programm straordinarju mil WE biex Dr.Busuttil ikun jista jelabora kif inhuma maqsuma tal PN?
Mela ma smajtux il prim ministru tieghek gewwa Pembroke Simon> Hlif attakki personali u hama ta xi tletin sena ilu ma qalax. Hama hemm kemm trid xwiehed jaqla. Bizzejjed niftakru meta in nazzjonalisti kienu jippruvaw jinhabby ma Mussolini. Meta xtraw lil Terinu biex jiexghed falz. Meta kienu kontra il penzzjonijiet. Meta kienu kontra il vot lin nisa. Meta kienu kontra ic children's allowance. Hemm ghalfejn insemmi izjed Simon.
Dan jaf jisthi jew? Miskin forsi jbati bid-dimensja!
"MEP Simon Busuttil – ‘PN is divided’" - Sab l-Amerika!!! Ta' l-inqas 'mhux imeri s-sewwa maghruf." Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. Mahatma Gandhi
why do you have to restore to the same tricks and blame the pl for the dirt and the problems you have in the pn, caused by the stubbornness and the safe pair of hands of gonzi.Is this the new way of doing politics promised by gonzi, can you for once be honest with yourself and admit that gonzinp has failed miserably and the country is suffering.Although i am not a pn supporter I have always thought that you S.B. is different, but how mistaken I was, you are just like the rest of them opportunistic and evil.
"Busuttil accused the Labour party of lacking a "basic sense of ethics". Il-PL ghandu jimxi fuq l-etichs per eccelenza ta' Dr Busuttil. Meta kien fil-moviment 'iva' kien jilghaba tal-indipendenti u jghid li ma ghandu l-ebda interessi politici. X'hin ghadda r-referendum qajjem rixu u hareg fuq it-ticket tal-PN. Rajthom xbin kif ikunu l-ethics. Dott Busuttil ara tohrogx b'xi haga gdida ghax tal-visti fil-kcina ma rnexxietx. Ipprova fil-kamra tas-sodda issa forsi ma tafx kif....
Is this guy serious? Im sure that he will feel the lack of his buddy in Brussels. The PN has never ever said that labour is right on even one issue. The PN is so arrogant to dismiss everything and everyone who opposes them and they think they are the only good thing that ever happened to Malta.And this guy has the audacity to say the PL build their politics on personal attacks. He just did himself in this very same writeup... Better sooner we get rid of you lot.