Legal notice makes renewable energy mandatory by 2015

Post-electoral target for new rules that set mandatory levels for renewable energy in new and renovated buildings.

Resources minister George Pullicino unveils one of several RE drives by business enterprises.
Resources minister George Pullicino unveils one of several RE drives by business enterprises.

The government has set a post electoral target date for the entry of new regulations setting mandatory levels for renewable energy in both new and renovated buildings.

At present new owners of new buildings have no obligation to provide part of their energy needs through renewable sources. But this will changed in two years' time.

A new legal notice envisions that by the end of December 2014 the Resources Authority in collaboration with the Building Regulation Board will establish provisions for the use of minimum levels of energy from renewable sources in which will apply for the construction of new buildings and in existing buildings that undergo major renovation. 

As from this year any new public buildings, and existing public buildings that are subject to major renovation must "fulfill an exemplary role" by minimizing energy consumption and by providing roofs or other appropriate open spaces of public or for installations that produce energy from renewable sources.

The new legal notice states that the authorities will be providing suitable guidance to all relevant actors, like planners, architects and engineers on the optimal combination of renewable energy sources, of high-efficiency technologies and of district heating and cooling when planning, designing, building and renovating industrial or residential areas.

The Authority shall also ensure that certification schemes are available by the 31 December 2012 for installers of small-scale biomass boilers and stoves, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps.

Priscilla Darmenia
Suppose the legal notice is published, and suppose I spend a few thousand Euros installing Photovoltaic panels on my roof to comply with the law, now suppose further that a year later the building next door is given permission by MEPA to build higher than my building thus casting a shadow on my photovoltaic panels. May I ask of what use will my photovoltaic panels be and who will compensate me for the money thrown down the drain for their cost and installation?
Kull ma se jaghmlu huwa li se jsallbu lin-nies specjalment lil dawk li jkunu ghadhom se jibdew id-dinja b'eluf kbar ta' ewros (jekk ikun ghadu jezisti) ohra meta dil-hafna fissazzjoni dwar it-tibdil fil-klima hija biss haga naturali li ssir kull tant zmien u li d-dinja xebghet tghaddi minn dan ic-ciklu. Dan qieghed isir biss biex il-gvernijiet jigbru iktar taxxi halli l-kbarat ikollhom aktar xi jberbqu u l-kumpaniji multinazzzjonali jkomplu jimlew u jhaxxnu bwiethom bil-bejgh ta' l-apparat taghhom bl-iskuza tal-bidla fit-temp.