Updated | Foul smells generated by Delimara power station extension – Labour

Labour MP Joe Mizi says air-filtering system at the new power station is not working well, causing foul smells and fumes in the area.

Delimara power station generating foul smells and fumes, says Labour MP.
Delimara power station generating foul smells and fumes, says Labour MP.

The air-filtering system of four tanks used to store Heavy Fuel Oil in Delimara is not working well with the result that residents of Marsaxlokk and surrounding areas are being plagued by foul smells and fumes, Labour MP Joe Mizzi said.

In a statement, Mizzi said that although the Delimara power station has always run on HFO since 1992, the temperature of the storage tanks used to control the fumes and smells.

"However, the BWSC plant needs HFO burnt at higher temperatures which exceed 90 degrees Celsius," Mizzi said adding that when the fuel is burnt at such high temperatures it releases a substantial amount of foul smells and fumes.

Mizzi added that the air-filtering system is not working well, causing the emission of exhaust with large traces of HFO.

"Moreover, the way that system of the BWSC plant is designed precludes clean air from entering the tanks. In order to ease the problem, it was decided that the vents are put in water so that the HFO emissions are not released in the air."

But according to the Labour MP, the temporary solution has not worked.

"Unless the filtering system is changed, the problem is going to persist," he warned.

In a statement by Enemalta, the corporation said all four tanks provided under the contract, where the fuel is stored at around 90 degrees, are equipped with activated carbon filters which remove fumes which may be emitted from the tanks, either when the tank is being heated up from cold or when the tank is being filled up.

"There is however a missing valve on the system which has been ordered and is expected to arrive soon," Enemalta said. "Since last month engineers have implemented a temporary solution; a water seal has been fitted to the tanks and this has proven to be effective and hardly any smells are noticeable in the vicinity of the tanks. In fact, MEPA have carried out a number of site inspections and it is recorded that whilst there was a smell of fuel close to the tank area, this was not noticeable from other locations within the plant. All indications show that based on events and experience to date it is highly unlikely that the source of the smells experienced by the M'Xlokk residents is from the new Delimara Power Station Extension."

Enemalta also said that the fuel tanks are not equipped with chimneys as erroneously stated. "The extension does have two chimneys with two stacks each, but these are a different system and thus not connected to the fuel tanks. These are used after the emissions from the fuel combustion in the Diesel engines go through a rigorous emissions abatement process.

"At this stage one needs to appreciate that the plant is still in the testing phase. The plant is being tested prior to handing over to Enemalta. The fact that there are faults which are being addressed by the contractor does not mean that the filtration system installed on the tanks in ineffective as alleged by the Hon. Mizzi. Activated carbon filters of the type used on these tanks are in fact amongst the most effective filtration devices available on the market."

Ghalfejn dan l-ghageb kollu? Mhux xi 250 Miljun Ewro BISS swietna din l-estensjoni tal-power station. Imbaghad wara kollox billi johrog ftit duhhan iswed u ftit intiena x'ijkun gara b'daqshekk? Billi ta' l-agwati jkollhomn ftit inconvenjent ghal GREATER GOOD, X'GARA B'DAQSHEKK? Viva Gonzi! Viva GonziPN! Viva Mizzi!
One can even go to the Law Courts and when in the lift one can smell the nasty smell of fermented drainage. I hope soemone wakes up because this isn't the first time. Some say this flavour smell has been smelt for the last weeks and months. Flimkien kollox possibli.