Malian migrant was beaten to death, five to be charged with manslaughter
AFM soldiers, Detention Services officers to be charged with manslaughter following death of escaped Malian migrant.
Three Armed Forces soldiers and two Detention Services officers are expected to face manslaughter charges in court tomorrow, after police investigations established that a Malian migrant was allegedly brutally beaten to death last night, soon after being involved in an incident with Detention Officers at Safi.
The Malian migrant was found dead inside a Detention Services van as it arrived at the Paola Health Centre at 00:45am. The migrant was found to be cuffed and bent over with visible bruising on his back.
MaltaToday is reliably informed that the AFM soldiers and Detention Services officers who were involved in handling the Malian migrant were confronted this morning with damning evidence from the conclusions of the autopsy which was conducted at Mater Dei Hospital.
Pathologists established that the migrant sustained violent blows to his groin - presumably by a violent kick - while severe internal damage was also found to have been inflicted by severe blows to the migrants lower back.
The five men are being held in custody at the Police Headquarters in Floriana.