Speaker to investigate Prime Minister’s ‘disparaging’ comments

Labour MP Anglu Farrugia accuses Prime Minister of trying to ridicule parliament, asks Speaker to investigate.

Speaker Michael Frendo
Speaker Michael Frendo

Labour MP Anglu Farrugia has asked Speaker Michael Frendo to look into comments made by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, when he described parliament as "dan il-Parlament bravu taghna".

Gonzi's comment was made yesterday morning during a political activity while commenting on the approval of the Opposition's motion that led to the resignation of former minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Malta's permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

"Because the Prime Minister didn't agree with the outcome of the two motions, he chose to pass disparaging comments," Farrugia said, adding that Gonzi's sarcastic tone highlighted his attempt to ridicule parliament.

Farrugia went on to ask Frendo to take steps against anyone who tried to ridicule parliament.

Intervening, deputy prime minister Tonio Borg said that anyone could criticise parliament as this formed part of the freedom of expression.

However, Farrugia insisted that it had nothing to do with expressing one's opinion but that the comment was aimed at mocking parliament.

On his part, the Speaker said that he would be investigating the issue.

Earlier today, the Labour parliamentary group reacted to the case by insisting that the rules of democracy demanded that the prime minister should respect Parliament and the people whom it represented.

Dak li suppost hu il-Parlament bravu tagħna hu mmexxi min dak li suppost għandu jdejħ sodi ħafna , izda milli jidher mhux talli ma għandux idejħ sodi bħal ma jgħid imma lanqas kukki m'għandu .
Jghejdu l-akbar zball huwa ta dak li jipretendi li bravu bizzejjed li ma jizbaljax. Kieku is Sur Richard Cachia Caruana mexxa lil GonziPN ( kif jaghmel is soltu ) fit triq ta l-irgulija u ghajjat elezzjoni kif ghaddiet il mozzjoni tad divorzju, jew ftit wara ,ezatt kif beda iberraq....kieku is Sur R.C.C. jew kien jibqa igawdi il pozizjoni li ghad ghandu, jew ta l-anqas kien jispicca bil glorja u mhux imkecci u umiljat mill parlamentari.
Ghara veru spiccajna pajjis tal Micky Mouse li qed jigri Malta jigri biss fpajjizi tal Africa tisfel fejn mhemx Demokrazijja fejn tezisti REPUBLIKA TAL BANANA
I wait with abated breath to see what sort of excuse ginzi can come up with.