University, students’ council to discuss leasing of Students’ House

Auditor General investigation found commercial rental to third parties was irregular.

KSU said it would meet and work with the University of Malta to regularise the current situation.
KSU said it would meet and work with the University of Malta to regularise the current situation.

The University of Malta will be discussing the outcome of a report by the Auditor General into the lease of Students' House property with the university students' council KSU.

An investigation commissioned by the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee into the commercial rental of parts of Students' House by KSU to third parties found that KSU was never granted any title over the conceded property and therefore it was not in a position to lease out parts of the property.

The Auditor General not only pointed out the wrongdoing of the KSU, but also pointed out shortcomings by the University of Malta for failing to regularise the position over the years.

On its part, the KSU said that as an autonomous and voluntary organisation, it was "highly inappropriate" to consider that the University of Malta should exercise a monitoring role over its finances and general administration. "This goes against the fundamental principles which form the essential existence and backbone of the oldest students' council in Europe," KSU spokesperson Andrea Attard said.

Students' House was handed over to KSU by a University Council decision, dating back to 1994, and through this concession has been administering the building since then.

KSU said that the processes adopted over the years were always concluded in utmost good faith and diligence, in the students' interest. "Moreover, all KSU dealings regarding all properties in question are yearly available to all and sundry in the KSU Annual General Meeting, to which the KSU executive members are ultimately accountable."

KSU said it would meet and work with the University of Malta to regularise the current situation, "with the ultimate aim of safeguarding the crucial funding which KSU relies on to function."

On a wider scale, the report also voiced the NAO's concern that the Disposal of Government Land Act did not preclude autonomous public bodies from disposing of immovable assets without the monitoring of competent authorities.

The investigation was prompted upon request of Labour MP Owen Bonnici who had insisted that government rules were not followed in the granting of Students' House to the KSU.

But in a reaction, the students' council had taken umbrage at Bonnici's request dubbing it as "an unnecessary attack on the autonomy and integrity of not just KSU, but also the numerous student organisations which are housed in Students' House".