Three reports on illegal fishing, two proved to be false – Minister

Two of the three reports made to the Fisheries Control Department on alleged illegal fishing proved to be false.

Only one report on illegal fishing made to the Fisheries Control proved to be true
Only one report on illegal fishing made to the Fisheries Control proved to be true

Rural affairs minister George Pullicino told parliament this evening that only one of three reports made on alleged illegal fishing proved to be true.

Pullicino, replying to a question raised by PN MP Censu Galea, said the reports were made over the past three months.

The only one which turned out to be true was a report on illegal fishing by trenching in St Paul's Bay. The person involved is currently facing proceedings in court.

The other two reports included illegal fishing in a protected zone that turned out not to be protected and false reports of trenching in Marfa.

Malta needs to strictly adhere to fishing quotas because short sightedness will only lead to a total collapse in fish numbers in the years to come. You need to wake up to the reality that over fishing will be disastrous to future generations of Maltese. Unless you can try to sustain fish stock there is no hope in hell that fish numbers will replenish in the years to come. Stop over fishing and ensure that the government looks after the sea surrounding Malta. Your future generations will suffer if you don't act now.