Malta Airport MetOffice advises of heat spell over next five days
Maximum temperature is expected to rise to 36°C over the weekend and may go up to 37°C on Monday and Tuesday.
It's going to get hotter...
The Malta Airport MetOffice said the Maltese islands are currently experiencing a warm and humid spell which is expected to increase through the coming weekend and in the beginning of next week.
The maximum temperature is expected to rise to 36°C over the weekend and may go up to 37°C on Monday and Tuesday.
Besides mainly sunny conditions, a high pressure which is almost stationary over the central Mediterranean will maintain light winds with rather high humidity. These conditions could lead to the heat stress index rising up to 45°C on Tuesday.
The mean maximum temperature for the first 10 days of July is 31.3°C, with the highest temperature ever recorded in the same period being 42.7°C on 9th July 1988.

F`din is shana li qeghdha taghmel u ser tkompli,ghandha inkunu responsabbli u niehdu hsieb l-animali ta barra. Jekk imqar naghmlu landa bl-ilma fejn ma indejqux lil certi nies dojoq, inkunu qeghedin naghmlu l-akbar karita.Immaginaw lilna li ghanke qeghedin gewwa irridu nixorbu ,ahseb u ara l-imsieken animali.Nixtieq nappella lil pulizija li meta ikollhom rapporti min certi nies dojoq fuq l-animali ta barra...jikkunsidraw li dawk ghandhom KULL DRITT LI JGHEJXU ukoll.Ovvja kemm in nies u kemm l-animali.