Studies rule out cruise terminal at Mgarr

Mepa has deemed the development of a cruise liner berth at Mgarr Harbour to be ‘objectionable in principle’ because of the threat to the protected Posidonia Meadows.

Picture shows a cruise liner, Club Med II, visiting Gozo’s Mgarr Harbour back in 2010.
Picture shows a cruise liner, Club Med II, visiting Gozo’s Mgarr Harbour back in 2010.

MEPA's Environment Protection Department has deemed the proposal for the development of a cruise liner berth at Mgarr Harbour to be 'objectionable in principle' because of the threat posed by dredging works to the protected Posidonia Meadows and other protected species like the lesser Neptune grass.

The fact that the project is being over-ruled by the presence of seabed grasses in the area between Gozo and Malta does not bode well for the current government plans for a Gozo tunnel and the Labour Party's proposal of a yacht marina in the same area.

The project envisaged the construction of a new berthing facility within the port consisting of a platform 80 metres long and 15 metres wide positioned on concrete piles.

The platform was to be connected to the shore via a 100-metre-long access bridge.

But studies carried out on site revealed that the project would have a negative impact on the posidenia meadows, a priority natural habitat under the EU Habitat Directive.

A preliminary environment impact study indicated that almost half of the continuous posidonia beds in the area would be directly lost as a result of dredging.

The increased turbidity levels due to the manoeuvring of large vessels during the operations of the cruise terminal would also jeopardise any remaining posideonia beds.

MEPA can only approve a project which is clearly in breach of EU directives in the event that it must be carried out for reasons of overriding public interest.

But if this is the case, the EPD warns that Malta will have to inform the European Commission and to compensate for the loss of habitat. 

Following discussions with Transport Malta, an alternative consisting of a mooring buoy is now being considered.

The appropriate assessment includes maps showing the distribution of posidonia meadows around the Maltese islands.  The area between Malta and Gozo, through which the government is now proposing a tunnel, is particularly rich in posidonia meadows. The presence of posidonia meadows along most of Malta's eastern coast also limits any prospects of land reclamation.

The development of the Mgarr Harbour was an ongoing promise of different Nationalist administrations.
In a recent visit to Gozo, PL leader Joseph Muscat also announced that a future Labour government would examine the possibility of developing a yacht marina in the Mgarr Harbour.

Il-posedonia tinsab fil-mediterran kollu; ara kemm hu kbir il-meditterran! Ir-roqgha ta posedonia li hemm l-Imgarr se tkun il-kagun ta l-estinzjoni tal-Posedonia? Fejn ihaffru il-bjar ghaz zejt ma tinqeridtx il-posedonia? Mimghalija se timliena il-credenzjali ambjentali ghax tiehu hsieb zewgt bajdiet gol-Gnejna u imhabba roqgha posedonia li mhux bil-fors tinqered goport gdid marina fl-Imgharr!
Mhux ovja li l-Mepa kontra. Sewwa hekk tigi mhedda l-alka (Posidonia) jonqos. Ma tarax li ahna l-Ghawdxin ser nkunu kagun li tahrab xi lira minn ghad il-bazuzli minn Malta. Il-Mepa bil-posedonja gejja. Ma jdahhqux, il-Mistra jew l-Bahrija ma sabux xejn 'objectionable in principle'. Ibqghu ghaddejin hekk ta Kummiedja tragika wahda wara l-ohra. Giovanna fejn hi? Jew serhet rasha bil-baga (Bouy) tax-Xlendi? L-anqas is-Somalja ma hi tal-biki daqs dan il-pajjiz.