Franco Debono insists condemnation must be annulled

Nationalist MP Franco Debono insists that the condemnation issued by the PN executive must be annulled because only the Administrative Council can take disciplinary action.

Franco Debono has insisted that the party's condemnation is in breach of the PN statute.
Franco Debono has insisted that the party's condemnation is in breach of the PN statute.

Franco Debono insisted that the condemnation issued by the PN against him, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett must be annulled because the party's executive has no statutory power to do so.

"The condemnation must be taken back because the party statute clearly states that cases of discipline can only be dealt with by the Administrative Council," Debono told MaltaToday.

On 20 June the Executive of the Nationalist Party condemned MPs Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett over the way they voted in parliament on the Opposition's motions against Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Richard Cachia Caruana.

Tomorrow the party's executive will meet in what is expected to be a frantic meeting. Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has said that 'important decisions' will be taken in regards the three MPs Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett.

The meeting is also expected to deal with Pullicino Orlando's request to expel the former permanent representative to the EU and PN strategist Richard Cachia Caruana, on claims that he "colluded" with members of the Labour administration of 1996-1998.

Debono told MaltaToday that "while the executive is responsible for accepting or expelling members of the party, disciplinary matters can only be dealt with by the Administrative Council."

The PN's statute clearly states that the Administrative Council is "responsible for examining disciplinary matters and breaches of the code of ethics." The statute adds that the persons against whom the disciplinary action is taken shall be given adequate opportunity to present their defence.

Debono also explained that the party-financing bill he drafted includes provisions taken from German legislation which proposes that political parties should establish an internal disciplinary board which is independent from the party.

Asked whether he is confident in getting the condemnation annulled, Debono said he will put forward his arguments and demonstrate that the decision should have never been taken by the executive.

Sodd b'subajk Franco. U tghidx mhux hekk. Jannullawlek il-kundanna. U mhux hekk!
Priscilla Darmenia
Wonder of wonders how our country is being administered by the GonziPN when the PN executive boasts with the presence of a number of lawyers, including our dear prime minister, and none of them knew that the party’s statute says. - Why is it always the back benchers who have to point this to their leaders? - No wonder that Gonzi admitted with the US Ambassador that he does not have any competent people around him. I am sure that if Gonzi extends the circle he will find a few competent people but he would have to accept the fact that such people are not “yes” men.
Franco seems to have their legal balls crushed in his hands! U le!
Zack Depasquale
Sorry Franco but you have lost all credibility.Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Franco Debono resign from GonziPN a few months ago?