Update 5 | Gonzi announces ban of three MPs from contesting elections, Debono: 'This is absolute cruelty' [WATCH]

PM announces new candidates: Austin Gatt's right-hand men Claudio Grech and Manuel Delia, and former UHM boss Gejtu Vella.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando exiting the PN headquarters. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando exiting the PN headquarters. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Last updated at 9pm. Miriam Dalli reporting from PN headquarters.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced a series decisions taken today by the PN executive committee, which groups its parliamentary group, which included a ban on three MPs from contesting the next elections on the party ticket.

The Nationalist Party's executive committee resolved not to allow MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett contest the next general elections, in a motion approved unanimously by the party's executive and MPs.

"The administration presented this motion against the three MPs, which was approved unanimously, not to allow them to contest the next general elections for the way they voted on several Opposition motions," Gonzi said.

Both Pullicino Orlando and Mugliett had previously announced they would not run for re-election again.

Gonzi also presented 10 new candidates, which include surgeon Albert Fenech, former MITA chairman Claudio Grech, Austin Gatt's head of secretariat Manwel Delia, Gudja councillor Mark Anthony Sammut, MZPN international secretary Ryan Callus, human rights lawyer Therese Comodini Cachia, and former Union Haddiema Maghqudin secretary-general Gejtu Vella.

"It is normal for a party to prepare itself with a list of candidates as part of a process for preparation for any forthcoming elections," Gonzi said. "This is part of the democratic process of any party to indicate any potential candidate for a forthcoming election."

Gonzi denied this was an expulsion of the three MPs by any other name. "No. It's a decision not to have them run on our ticket in the next elections. They are still members of the party... whether they support the government as MPs it is up to them now. When the parliament reconvenes in the first week of October, we hope we can move the laws that we recently approved, as well as move the IVF, cohabitation and EU stability mechanism laws. It will be an agenda of great national importance, especially in terms of the challenges Malta faces within the European context."

The Prime Minister said the PN was a democratic that always allowed space for different opinions to be made, but he stressed the importance of MPs to toe the line on parliamentary votes as ordered by the government whip.

Reactions: Debono, JPO

In comments to MaltaToday, Nationalist MP Franco Debono - who kickstarted the turbulence inside Lawrence Gonzi's government when he did not support transport minister Austin Gatt in late 2011 and voted for the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici in an Opposition motion - described the decision as "an example of GonziPN justice... this is cruelty, absolute cruelty."

Debono said he was not surprised at the decision. "I knew it was coming with the reforms I had started inside the government, and it started when I flagged the failure of the Arriva transport reform. Now I get to be banned from contesting the election while Austin Gatt is still a Cabinet minister."

Debono said he would not comment on how he would vote on forthcoming parliamentary votes when parliament reconvenes after the summer recess in October. "It is not an expulsion because we are still members of the party. I'm not disappointed since I knew I was sacrificing my political career when I criticised the reforms on transport and justice. I don't regret anything."

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said he expected the escalation from the PN executive: "They have put the cart before the horse. They very well knew I was not contesting. But I will be presenting and preparing detailed evidence at next Tuesday's meeting and I have no doubt that the PN executive will have no alternative but to expel Richard Cachia Caruana."

Eddie Fenech Adami attends PN executive

Pullicino Orlando emerged from the meeting of the PN executive tonight at 7:30pm, after an hour from the meeting's start, expecting that the party might "escalate" a move to censure the three MPs who voted against government lines on two resignation motions.

"There was a suggestion that, one way or another, we would be censured," Pullicino Orlando said, referring to himself, Jesmond Mugliett and Franco Debono.

"After making my submissions [on his call to expel Richard Cachia Caruana], having been given the faculty to talk freely and without interruption, the only point I made was that we should not escalate the situation before next Tuesday's hearing," he said, on the next meeting to discuss his charges of collusion against Cachia Caruana.

"My motion was not moved for frivolous reasons... I feel that we are putting the cart before the horse if we escalate the censure before Tuesday."

Asked whether he felt an escalation was impending, on the censure of the three MPs - who have already been condemned by the party executive - Pullicino Orlando replied: "That's what I feel."

Of note was the presence of former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami at the executive committee meeting, a sign of support for his former right-hand man, Richard Cachia Caruana. He left the meeting at 8:17pm but released no comments to the press.

ANALYSIS | INSIDE THE PN This is an eventful committee meeting for the PN and for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, whose one-seat majority has been threatened since January and has had to summon all his strength to pacify unruly MPs like Franco Debono, or try to postpone debilitating motions like those that forced the resignation of allies Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Richard Cachia Caruana.

The PN executive will be expected to discuss the terms of the 'hearing' that is to take place for Pullicino Orlando to prove his accusations against Cachia Caruana, after calling in Labour MPs Karmenu Vella and Joe Mizzi, Commissioner of Police John Rizzo, EU Commissioner John Dalli, and Gonzi's head of communications Gordon Pisani as witnesses for his accusations.

While Vella, a former tourism minister, has provided a sworn affidavit claiming that in 1997 Cachia Caruana tried to disassociate himself from Air Malta's misadventure on the Azzurrair subsidiary and RJ-70 fleet acquisition, Gordon Pisani has issued a blanket denial of Pullicino Orlando's accusations of "collusion".

Cachia Caruana has yet to present the PN executive committee with a list of witnesses, if any, in his defence - which makes it unlikely that the executive's hearing of Pullicino Orlando's expulsion request will be dealt with tonight.

With parliament in summer recess, it remains to be seen whether a stand by any of the MPs to withdraw support from the party would lead to a long lull of political inactivity before October, when parliament reconvene for what is expected to be a tension-filled Budget.

The executive also unanimously agreed on the procedure for a hearing on Pullicino Orlando's case to have Richard Cachia Caruana expelled from the party, including the deadline for the submission of witnesses and to give time to the former permanent representative to make his defence, on Tuesday 17 July.

A decision will be taken on the same day.

Pullicino Orlando adamant on RCC expulsion

Earlier, the MP said he expected the PN executive to take a decision this evening on his accusations of collusion made against former permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana. "I have no doubt that the party that I am proud to be part of, will take the adequate decision because there can be no other outcome than the one that I am expecting," Pullicino Orlando said.

The PN executive committee and MPs were convened to discuss what Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said were "important decisions" to take after the party issued a condemnation of MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett and Franco Debono. While Franco Debono wanted to contest the party condemnation for having voted with the Opposition in a motion that secured the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, Pullicino Orlando and Mugliett had respectively voted in favour and abstained on the motion that forced the resignation of Permanent Representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

The condemnation was quickly followed by speculation over whether the PN executive would expel the MPs, particularly as an open war of words ensued between the party and Pullicino Orlando.

The MP replied with charges of "collusion" against Richard Cachia Caruana, and asked the PN executive to expel him.

Miriam Dalli, reporting from the PN headquarters, says security has been heightened outside Pietà's Stamperija. "Ernest Tonna, Transport Malta's chief enforcement officer as well as one of transport minister Austin Gatt's acolytes, can be seen ushering MPs in at the door of the PN headquarters, opening and closing the main door, and keeping the passageway free while journalists try to get a comment from the Nationalist MPs."

"When Pullicino Orlando arrived, flanked by two bodyguards he has employed for his security, Tonna did not let them enter the headquarters."

On entering the PN headquarters, Franco Debono refused to comment on the evening's deliberations, but the former president of the PN's general council, Victor Scerri, quipped: "I'm eagerly awaiting what someone like Joe Mizzi (the Labour whip summoned as a witness by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando) has to say about who should be expelled from the party."

Fenea , tajjeb qed tgħid li Gonzi qatt ma tilef vot ta' fiduċja u għalhekk jita jibqa jmexxi . Izda issa li hawn dan it-taħwid kollu , tgħid ikollu ftit tal-kuraġġ u jlaqqa il-Parlament b'urġenza u jitlob vot ta' fiduċja issa wara li hu u il-partit tiegħu ħadu dawn id-deċizzjonijiet li ma jħallux lill-JPO,FD u JM jikkontestaw l-elezzjoni li jmiss mal-PN ?
@ rajah. Habib ahjar tikkalma ftit tafx. Dan l-inkwiet kollu la int m'ghandek xi tridu u aktar u aktar il-partit tieghek - i.e. GonziPN. Ibqghu sejrin hekk. Qed tpaxxuna u ddahkuna. Ahjar minn film ta' FANTOZZI!
Kienet ovvja li dawn it-tlieta ma jithallewx jikkontestaw mal-PN, izda l-problemi li din ser iggib lill-Partit ser ikunu tant gravi u kbira li ser twassal biex il-PN jibqa jitlef il-voti ma kull gurnata li tghaddi u issa apparti li l-PN niezel in-nizla bla brejkijiet ezzatt kief gralu fi-1971 ser jaqalaw tkaxkira nobis jghamlu kemm jghamlu favuri ghax il-kitba diga qeda fuq il-hajt. Fejn huma lis-strategisti, ghaliex ma ssikkawx biex issir elezzjoni mill aktar fis possibli u il-PN kien jingabar xi ftit. Telfa zgurr hemm ghal PN b’kemm 1 jew 3 siggijiet zgur u b’5 jilghab. Hekk jidru l-affarijiet. Nahseb li l-PN irid isib skuzi tat-telfa. JPO u JM ma paxxewhx ghax kienu diga ddikjarati li mhux ser jikkontestaw bhal Austin u fuq l-iehor mhemx x’tikkumenta. L-istorja tal-1971 qed tigi rripetuta meta l-PN kien indua tard wisq bil-gambetti interni u l-ugieh tal-poplu……u l-kandidati godda x’medjokrita u x'faqar... ghamlu sew li l-kumplament warrbu minn nofs ghax kif gara fis-1971 kellom jghaddu 16 il-sena u mhabba l-problemi kbar li holqu l-MLP Izda issa il-PL tghallem il-lezzjoni u mhux ser jerga jizgarra. Il-Bidla trid tidher li qed issir b’Eddie u minghajru.
@guidocforte - naqbel mieghek perfettament, imma sfortunatament il parlament f'malta hekk jimxi.din is sistema li jiehdu decizzjoni min qabel kif se jivvutaw u li jien ma naqbilx maghha juzawa iz zewg partiti. @fufa - jiddispjacini imma ghandek memorja qasira. biex pm isejjah elezjoni irid jitlef vot fuq money bill jew vot ta fiducja. fil kaz ta gonzi dan ghadu ma sehhx allura jista jibqa imexxi. fil kaz ta sant nixtieq infakkrek li mintoff beda jastjeni fil vot minhabba il budget min jannar 1998. f'marzu mintoff ivvota kontra il progett ta bormla li sant kien rabat il vot ma vot ta fiducja u kellu bil fors isejjah elezzjoni. sant vera huwa ragel pero xort dam ma sejjah elezzjoni ghax din kienet saret f'settembru 1998.
Skont RAJAH , il-PN kien ħanin ma JPO , FD u ma JM għax ma keċċihomx . Il-PN mhux ħanin kien imma ĠIFA u KODARD u wera kemm hu bla sinsla u jrid jibqa mwaħħal mal-poter , mela kien ħanin . Li kien Gvern u Prim MInistru serju , kien jirrizenja u jmur ghall-elezzjoni bikrija halli kien ineħħi dan it-taħwid kollu li għawn fil-pajjiz . Kunsill Generali ? Kunsill GIFA .
@ rajah..Jekk J.P.O hass il htiega li jiehu il `Body Guards` mieghu...bl-istess argument ghalfejn il PN hass il htiega li mal bieb tad Dar Centrali jitfa nies li kullhadd jaf x`hobs jieklu. Mela tal Gakketta Blu ghadhom jezistu?
Kieku l PN kien team tal football jispaiicaw third division. Franco Debono kull ma jrid ma jvvutax mal gvern f money bill u nehilsu minn dan il gvern qabel iz zmien
iktar ma ddum l agonija ta gonzipn iktar jinten il katavru. dak li seraq fl ahhar elezzjoni gonzipn ma halliehx bi kwietu u tertaq il partit fmitt bicca. il partit laburista ghandu biss jibqa jressaq il proposti eccellenti u ikun ippreparat halli tigi meta tigi l elezzjoni immorru fis skiet u fil kwiet nirregistraw demokratikament il vot taghna naghtu gvern gdid laburista li jkun jixraq lil malta
@fenea, Ma irridx immerik ta, pero ma nistax nifhem kif il membri parlamentari iridu jivvutaw kif jghejdilhom il `whip`. Allura ghaliex jissejjah `vot`.Kif qeghed tghejd int, jista iqum il kap ta naha u jivvota huwa biss.Li tghejdli l-ewwel imorru fil kumitat li isejhulu `Cabinet `u jitkisru fuq il mejda halli isibu ftehem bejniethom nifimha, pero jekk ghal xi raguni ma ikunx hemm ftehem qabel il parlament, ma jistawx jaghmlu bhax xadini.Dak il buzillis li gara f`dawn l-ahhar xhur...Il politika ta GonziPN falliet, warrbet lil backbenchers, u ma tatx kashom.
@fenea. Skuzi xbin. Membru Parlamentari ma ghandux jivvota kif jghidlu l-whip, izda jivvota kif jahseb li hu sewwa, ghax il-vot parlamentari huwa tieghu u mhux tal-whip jew tal-partit. U jekk partit ghandu xi deputati li ma jaqblux mieghu fil-parlament, il-partit ma ghandux ikkeccihom imma il-kap tal-partit, li huwa l-prim ministru ghandu jsejjah elezzjoni ghax ikun tilef il-fiducja tad-deputati tieghu. Dik kellha tkun ir-reazzjoni tal-PN fil-gvern. Imma l-PN jghid mod u jaghmel iehor. Fenea, ghandek ezempju carissimu kif isiru l-affarijiet meta Alfred Sant kellu l-istess problema ( ftit inqas min tal-lum, ghax il-lum 3 deputati ribelli). Mur ghal-elezzjoni ghax tlift il-fiducja ta' shabek. Xejn inqas u xejn izjed. Imma Alfred Sant, ftit hawn irgiel bhalu. Kull gurnata li tghaddi dejjem ittih ragun f'kull ma qal u aghmel.
Luke Camilleri
When will Franco Debono learn....did he expect that he'd be greeted back with open arms like the prodigal son with his vote in favor of RCC? He had his chance over and over again and lost it! Now he knows, at least he should know how DEMOCRACY is embraced and put into practice within the Dar Centrali, within GonziPN , within the P.N. – Eddie was present as well and gave his Blessing!
Zack Depasquale
Taqra dan ir-rapport tahseb li illum l-1 t'April. Trid vera tkun tac-cajt biex ma thalliex tnejn min-nies johorgu ghal-elezjoni f'isem GonziPN, meta diga dawn il-persuni ghamluha cara li ma kellhom l-ebda intenzjoni li jkunu kandidati. Jissemew hafna is-snin tmenin minhabba il-vjolenza imma qatt ma rajnha Membru Parlamentari jkollu jikri bodyguards biex johrog barra. Mistoqsija ohra, min qieghed jhedded lill-Dr Pullicino Orlando zgur mhux mil-Partit Laburista, allura GonziPN li tant jilghabha tal-qaddis, ghandu nies li jheddu?Taf x'hemm tajjeb li dawn iz-zewg sinjuri ghadhom zaghr u baqghalhom hin jaghmlu comeback filwaqt li Dr Gonzi jekk jitlef l-elezjoni li gejja irid jiffacja ir-rabja kollha tal-partitarji Nazzjonalisti u l-poplu Malti kollu tad-dizastru li gab bl-inkompetenza tieghu f'dan il-pajjiz.
@ Lela.... JPO hero!!! ?? For what ? ghax forsi mar mal bodyguards listamperija? Nista nkun naf ghalfejn dan it teatrin kollu JPO? Hekk trid timmpressjona ? Dik il mentalita li waqajt fiha . Jaqaw hsibt li kont se taqla xi xeba tal pieta LOL mela hsibtek qied tghix fi zminijiet ohra il macina. IL PN wera id ta hniena li ma skumnikakx mill partit darba ghal dejjem. Let's way and see id drama lohra issa ta RCC ha naraw kemm ser ikun HERO dan JPO
Xprun.... tista isemmili il kandidati socjalisti li lilek impressjonawk? Ghax s'issa mhemm hadd li qied jibrilla. Il PN kien hanin ma 3 deputati ghax missu umiljom u keccihom mill partit minnufij. Min qied jghid NO JPO NO vote.... we do not need your vote my dear ...... fil kaz vote lejber wkoll. lol
What a failed leader Gonzi is! Instead of uniting members he divides them,instead of moving forward to build bridges, he makes sure he wrecks whatever he sees on the ground; what a plonker!
I see no real future for the PN given the current approach. Unfortunately the new candidates presented do not seem to have anything special to offer. It seems that these candidates have been granted special favors and benefits for serving the party. In reality persons are interested in their own selfish interests not those of the maltese nation. The best approach to save the ailing party would have been for gonzi to resign and expel other persons and ex ministers who have made a fiasco and broken rules. By admitting their mistakes and going back to the roots the party could have come up better than before! Alas now the PN shall embrace itself for the largest defeat in history!
L-aqwa li inqdew bih f lahhar elezzjoni lil JPO, b dik il famuza bikja. Franco ha il premju ghax ma waqqax il gvern. Insomma ghandhom erbgha danditati ta veru he, taqlalhom il kappell.......
Dr. Gonzi ddahhaqniex iktar taf ghax inti minghaliek qed tghiddi z-zmien bina c-cittadini imma mhux jirnexxilek. X'taheb li se taghmel wara l-vaganzi tas-Sajf tal-Parlament? Xejn ghaj tikkopja kif ghamel Dr. Sant u qabel ma jerga jiltaqa l-Parlamenttmur ghand il-President titolbu jxolji l-Parlament u ssejjah l-elezzjoni li ilna nistennew dawn l-ahhar xhur u tista tlest l-passaport biex iddabbar rasek kemm minn Prim Ministru, kemm minn Kap ta' l-Oppozizzjni u anke minn Kap tal-Partit u inti se tibqa tissemma ghad-djufija li kellek bhala Prim Ministur u bhala Mexxej tal-partit ghax id-decizjonijiet ma kontx tohodhom inti imma jahasra minn ta' madwarek li gabuk f'dan l-inkwiet kollu. Jiena nahseb li lanqas rasek ma l-imhadda ma tpoggi b'dan l-inkwiet kollu. Dr. Gonzi inti u shabek irnexxilkom tkissru l-partit nazzjonalista u li issa hemm il-probabilta li jinqasam fi tnejn minn se jkun mal-leader il-gdid u minn ser ikun ma dak ta' Hal Qormi.
JPO,is our hero,no JPO,no vote!
they have to pay for their actions: 1 - condemned for how they voted in parlament. 2 - banned from contesting the elections with the party. 3 - next step to be taken when the PM decides the date of the next elections is to be expelled from the party.fufa - kun af li membru parlamentari irid jivvota kif jghidlu il whip tal partit u mhux kif trid u jogob lilek u lili.
Dan huwa kollu teatrin. L-elezzjoni fadlila anqas mis sena, tnehhi il vakanzi tas sajf....ser jiltaqaw fl-1 ta Ottubru...kif jistaw it tlett muskettieri jaghmlu xi haga ?. Jaqsmu il kamra ? ghal erba xhur ? Il gvern gie qisu dik il fabrika li falliet...titlob lil l-unjon taghmel strike halli talaq il biebin. Hekk spicca dan il gvern...jiccalingja lit tlett Muskettietri biex jaghmlu xi haga halli il gvern ikollu l-iskuza halli jghajjat elezzjoni bikrija.Waqqajtu il politika ghan nej...
"This is absolute cruelty of Gonzipn". Kmieni nduna Franco Debono. Il-Poplu Malti ilu jsoffri taht Gonzipn min Marzu tat-2008, l-ghada tal-elezzjoni. Waqt li Gonzipn kien qieghed ihejji salarju b'zieda ta 600 euro fil-gimgha, ghalih u ghal ministri, kien ga nesa l-weghdi miktuba u ffirmati minnhu stess lill-haddiema tat-tarzna u ghedidhom li jekk ma jiehdux l-iskemi jaghlaq it-tarzna u jibghathom il-barra b'xejn. Dan gab incertezza ghal haddiema u ghall-familji taghhom li xi uhud minnhom ghadhom ibaghtu l-konsegwenzi sal-lum. Hafna haddiema, bhal tal-Air Malta sabu l-istess xorti taht Gonzipn. Din mhux krudilta, Franco??????? L-gholi tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma, u min ma jistax ihallas jinqatalu servizz mhux krudelta ohra ta' Gonzipn. Anzi din tissejah aqwa min krudelta ghax il-Prim Ministru ivvota bil-qalb biex dawn il-kontijiet joghlew. L-gholi tal-gas u fuel. Power station li tahdem bil-heavy fuel oil, mhux krudelta ohra man-nies tal-inhawi biex issa nindunaw li ahjar issir bil-gas. Waqt li l-haddiem ihallas sal anqas euro taxxa, Gonzipn iberbaq miljuni fuq konsulenzi u salarji ta' ndividwi tal-qalba. Ghall-haddiema nesa l-weghda tat-tnaqqis tal-income tax. Din krudelta Franco?????? Jum wara jum, iz-zmien joqrob. Ottubru, jew Marzu xorta vicin, biex kif jghid Gonzipn stess, niggudikawh fuq ghemilu. Biss din id-darba mhux laburisti biss se jiggudikawk u jivvutaw kontik. Jista jmur kemm irid Gonzipn u Simon Busutill fil-kcina.
Jiddispjacini .... imma dawn it-tlieta gralhom dak li kien haqqhom .... ladarba huma tajbin biss biex iparlaw u meta giethom ic-cans li jqalftu 'l barra lil gonzipn, bezghu ... sewwa gralhom ... possibbli ma ndunawx kif gonzipn isserva bihom? l-ewwel zgura ruhu li ivvotawlu fil-voti dwar il-budget imbaghad ra kif qalfathom 'il barra .... haqqhom ladarba accettaw li gonzipn imexxihom minn imnehirhom ... issa kulma jridu jaghmlu hu li jistennew l-1 ta' ottubru u imbaghad lil gonzipn idahhlulu s-sikkina u jdawwruhielu mhux darba wahda .... imma hames mitt darba ... u b'hekk darba ghal dejjem nehilsu minn din il-qrada kerha msejjha gonzipn ......
Albert Fenech, Claudio Grech, Manwel Delia, Mark Anthony Sammut, Ryan Callus, Therese Comodini Cachia, u Gejtu Vella. X'faqar ta' kandidati! Possibbli ma sibtux ahjar?! Ma niskanta xejn, ghax trid tkun mignun jew iffissat biex tappoggja lill-PN taht it-tmexxija fjakka ta' Gonzi li dejjem riesaq lejn l-akbar tkaxkira elettorali fl-istorja ta' Malta.
MIN MHUX MAGHNA HUWA KONTRA TAGHNA.....din hija l-politika u mesagg li baghat illum Gonzi PN bi decizzjoni li ha fil konfront ta tlett deputati hekk msejhin ribelli!!!Xi stennejt sur Debono li wara ghamel hames snin jidhak bil poplu malti,ma kinx se jmiss it-turn tieghek!!!!Dal prim ministru rnexxilu jgib id-demokrazija xejn hlief DITTATURA LEGALIZZATA!!!! Issa ohrog ghalik indipendenti fl-elezzjoni li jmiss onorevoli Debono u tara kemm il- uno ggib u dak jkun l-iktar mod demokratiku li tista tpattiha lil GONZI PN u kllika ta madwaru!!Ilum bil fb,twitter,tv u internet tista tidhol fi djar ta kulhadd minghajr ma taghmel frejjeg u twassal il-mesagg tieghek!!Titlifx hin sur Debono u hu RIVINCITA tieghek fuq ,in dahak bik dan l-ahhar xhur
Mhux Gonzi iridt hekk imma s-super ambaxxatur, is-super schemer, u is-super imhallas( bla misthija) Richard Cachia Caruana; Gonzi hu biss figure head, joqghod ghal kull ma jghidlu RCC. Imma issa it-tentakoli ta dan kollu gew mittiekla u spiccaw bla suckers...hlief wahda dik tal-Bidnija li bhalissa ghandha paniku bhax-xitan li hemm impitter fuq il-fresco fis-saqaf tad- Duomo ta Firenze.
JPO, FD u JM ghandhom jitolbu lin l-Parlament jiltaqa b'urgenza u jintalab vot ta fiducja fil-gvern. Kif jistghu jqacctuhom mil-Partit (la mhux se jhalluhom jikkontestaw f'isem il-partit might as well kecchewhom) ghax ivvutaw akif hasbu li kien xieraq u sewwa. Il-PN fil-gvern ghad ghandu maggoranza. That's the million euro question?
Jeffery kien imissu ghazel lil Zeppi l-hafi bhala bodyguard tieghu. Dan kien afdat jerfgha lil Eddie fuq spallejh. Ghandu kwalitajiet tajbin.
Mamma mia x'balbuljata. Min qatt haseb f'mitt sena li tal-PN se jkunu qatta bla habel bhal ma huma bhalissa. Tort ta' min hu? Insomma l-antik jghid li l-hutha min rasha tintenn.
Lino Camilleri
Bil korruzzjoni li hawn f'dan il pajjiz tixghel il power station b'xejn. Misshom jisthu certu nies jidhru qishom hadd ma jista ghalihom u veru nahseb ta. X'ma jiggieldux certi nies ghal partiti. Hawn min ghandu xortih iktar min tajba ghax ghandhom tlett ihluq. Igri jinbidel il gvern halli jtiru min hemm dawn in nies. Ma naccettax li min hu mcappas jew ikollu kariga publikament mal politici ikollu karigi gholjin mal gvern, Din ghalija korruzzjoni u xejn aktar.
Vera bla zejt f'wicchom; imma tant aru arroganti li qed jitfixxklu f'xulxin!