Franco Debono hits out at Eddie Fenech Adami for attending PN meeting

The maverick MP ups his ante against the PN as he hits out at former PN prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami for attending the PN executive meeting yesterday evening

Backbencher Franco Debono leaving the PN headquarters after a meeting which banned him from contesting the coming elections
Backbencher Franco Debono leaving the PN headquarters after a meeting which banned him from contesting the coming elections

The presence of former President and Nationalist prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami has irked backbencher Franco Debono to the point that he's questioning whether his presence was to "push his son".

Yesterday evening, the executive council of the Nationalist Party unanimously approved a ban on allowing MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett to contest the next general elections.

But in a surprise appearance, Fenech Adami also turned up to the important meeting, leading Debono to question his "inappropriate and controversial presence".

"Eddie Fenech Adami should have never come to the meeting ... or was he there to push his son?" Debono said, referring to his son, Beppe Fenech Adami who will contest the elections on the 8 and 11 district.

He said that as a former President of the Republic, it was "highly inappropriate" of him to attend a partisan meeting, insisting that Fenech Adami "should have never been appointed president".

Debono went on to accuse Eddie Fenech Adami of "taking over both the party and the country".

The maverick MP went on to reiterate comments made yesterday evening, that as long as Transport Minister Austin Gatt remained in the Cabinet, he will not "support government".

Parliament has been adjourned to 1 October, with "an important agenda" - as described by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi - left to be covered after the summer recess.

While yesterday evening Gonzi expressed his hope that the three MPs - Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett - would allow government to go on with its work when parliament reconvenes in October, Debono has emerged with a new threat.

"I will have a problem supporting government with Austin Gatt as a minister," Debono told MaltaToday.

Yesterday evening, Gatt reportedly told the executive committee that he was against Debono contesting the elections after the latter abstained in a motion censoring the transport minister.

Later in the evening, the Nationalist Party also published a list of approved candidates that included former MITA chairman Claudio Grech and Gatt's head of secretariat Manuel Delia.

"I am not against Delia contesting on my district but Gatt demanding my ban because I abstained is too much. Not even the best dictatorial countries operate this way ... the best dictators are envious of Gatt," Debono added.

He said that with Grech's and Delia's candidature, Austin Gatt was "expanding his empire".

@ Giov DeMartino Forsi Franco qed jibda jurta xi ftit, imma int ilek li QAŻŻIŻTNA, bil-ħdura kontra nies li ma jaqblux mal-fehma tiegħek! Bilħaqq, x'kien m'għadekx iż-żiegħel bi Franco issa? Jew indunajt li issa 'troppo tardi' u sħabek iriduh jwaqqa' l-gvern! Insomma, issa xejn ma baqalu x'jitlef id-dottore, u forsi jibqa' mfakkar li waħħal l'aħħar musmar, u l'aktar wieħed oħxon, fit-tebut ta' GonziPN, u jixkanhom minn hemm bħal ma xkanaw lilu barra mill-PN! Min jidaħak l'aħħar jidhak l'aqwa ħabib!!!!
Kos kemm hawn min hu bassar hux! Ga jafu d-data ta' l-elezzjoni forsi johorgu bil-carcades ghax ilhom hafna snin gewwa. Ma jafux li jiddependu fuq Franco Debono fuq hekk? U diga' urijhom li l-elezzjoni jghajjatha hu, meta jrid hu u mhux meta jridu l-partitarji laburisti. Issa qed ilesti mozzjoni gdida kontra Austin Gatt ghax jaf li Muscat ikun lest jixrobha mozzjoni bhal dik. Imbaghad jara x'jaghmel, hekk jew hekk jaqbillu jtawwal ftit iehor l-agunija tieghu bhala politikant forsi jirranga ftit l-image qabel jindifen darba ghal dejjem fic-cimiterju tal-istorja politka maltija. Yes Franco! Dak l-isem ifakkarni fil-pittura ta' Picasso! Tghid il-mummy semmietu ghalih Franco Picasso?
History in the making "Return of the Dinosaurs"...... He said that as a former President of the Republic, it was "highly inappropriate" of him to attend a partisan meeting, insisting that Fenech Adami "should have never been appointed president".....on this one I agree with Franco, goes to show that EFA was never a president of all Malta, he could not steer away from party politics.Worst president ever.
Luke Camilleri
....sejjer ma jkunx hemm EDDIE, anki elementi bi kwalitajiet tajbin U ANQAS TAJBIN kienu hemm ghassa mal-kwartieri! Hargu fil-berah issa ma ghadhomx "under-cover" jahdmu minn wara il-kwinti, imhallsin minn flus il-poplu f'pozizzjonijiet gholjien bhal TM, Freeport, insomma fejn Austin Gatt ghadu say!
Biex tqazzist Sur Demartino hi?.Nahseb iktar tider mahruq ghax wasaltu fi stat vera miskin ta GONZIKARETTAPN.
Maureen Attard
Naqbel mieghek Dr Franco. Eddie Fenech Adami messu qatt ma accetta li jsir president u t-tieni la kien president biex forsi jibqa jigi rispettat m'ghandux jersaq lejn l-ebda partit, la d-dar centrali u lanqas fl-ebda kazin tal-partit. Ghandu jibqa newtrali bhal ex presidenti ohra. Nazzjonalista minn guf ommi
In china - the type of bloggers that have invaded MT are called 50centers - they get 50 cents for every pro government post they post. I wonder how much pays the bloggers making some of the comments below. I am assuming they are not so dumb they are simply motivated by hate.
Mur inheba Dottore. Kif qazzistna!
Enough is enough - you have made your point, you were advised to stop being such a fool, now just STOP. Do not try to ridicule Dr Eddie Fenech Adami who has done so much for Malta and its people. Surely you are in no position to judge what he does. I am sure he has at heart Malta, the Maltese and the PN more than you every have had, if you ever had, the PN at heart. I am more than convinced that you have been there for no other reason than to gain or see yourself in some front page of our newspapers. Now give us a break and stop hindering the PN
How do you expect PN to respect the democracy of the country when its run as a personal dictatorship of Gonzi? Gonzi has just spit in the face of the only hope PN had to reform. Even worse - Gonzi made it clear that MP are elected to serve him and not the people who elect them. MP are there to go around lying and making false promises so that he can then do as he pleases. You know why we still bother with an election - it confers him legitimacy. Put another word - we assume responsibility for his dictatorship.
It is evident from the comments here that readers seem to mix up Maltatoday with Maltastar. That explains why the great majority of comments are by labour sympathizers.
Dr.Debono , I have told you many times that if you go against GonziPN , they will never forgive you , and they will make every effort to destroy you on the first occassion that will present itself . You had your chance to destroy their reign of oligarchy and you blew it up .
There is no point in spitting at the sky Dr Debono. Your "15 minutes" have long since came to an end. You had your chance and you simply BLEW IT. The "evil clique" placated you either with promises or favours or both. You deserve everything that is coming your way. That is what happens to people who do not have the proverbial BALLS. You are now a 'has been' and your time in the limelight will soon be over. Enjoy!
Issa jidher fic-car li l-Gvern Nazzjonalista mmexxi minn Gonzi+ issa sar Gonzi- u l-agunija li ilha tindaqq lil dan il-Gvern se tinbidel fi trapessar. Jigifieri wasal il-hin tal-mewt ta' dan il-Gvern. Elezzjoi Generali fit-28 ta' Ottubru jew inkella inkella fix-xahar ta' l-erwieh fl-4 ta' Novembru u dakinhar ser inqacct darba ghal dejjem dan il-gvern li rnexxielu jkisser mhux biss lil Malta u lil Maltin imma anke kisser lilu nnifsu. Bye Bye Gonzi & Co.
too true but fenech adami never attained the requisites pertaining to a president of all maltese. he was only the president of the diehard nationalists. he will always be remembered as the man who instilled a dividing wall between two maltese tribes.....
HA HA HAJJJJJJJ Franco, your BLUFF turned to FLUFF, thats what happens when you get fluffy balls, at the last minute. HAHA
Eddie Fenech Adami qisu il-MELHA mehtiega fil-Borma tal-Kawlata.
These three chickens have been well and truly plucked! The sad thing is, they will continue to support those that plucked them. So undignified.
Ghallura Dr Fenech Adami ghadu jippretendi l-mantra li hu xi darba kien 'il-President tal-Maltin kollha'? U kif deher hu u dehru kemm Alla halaq nies pedina xejn nadifa...ghallinqas hekk il-midja newtrali u oggettiva kitbet. Keep up the good work Malta Today; the only objective Maltese newspaper conforming to European standarts!
Is EFA part of the Executive committee of the Party? Was he invited or he showed up on his own initiative? I am sure that Security were instructed to allow him in.Maybe this was 'for ever rule there is an exception'.It seems he was on observor status!!!Maybe FD is right in his statement. Well whatever it is what is next? It seems that the Government is concentrating more on his party issues rather than the Nation issues. When shall we continue or maybe better to say start!!!!
When I spoke to Dr.Debono last October, when all this was in the beginning, I told him that if starts, he should go to the very end, cause otherwise they will crush him! It was like one having a gun with one bullet, and if you don't use it well, the other side will shoot you down! I thought that Dr.Debono was smarter than that, and he should have voted against Dr.Gatt, not only because of the 'ARRIVA' fiasco, but even because of the scandalous BWSC affair, where Gonzi PN lowered the emissions parameters so that BWSC could get the tender! Sorry Franco, you have proved yourself wrong! You should have stayed tough all they way, or maybe you were receiving threats and you don't want to mention them to the media? Many Maltese expected much better from a well known criminal lawyer. What they (Gonzi PN) have made yesterday was only AGAINST YOU, since the other two had already mentioned that they will not be contesting the next general elections. Just wait a bit more and see if the handsome guy from M'Xlokk would be a candidate too!!!! Anyway, close friends of yours warned you about such outcome, and you should have brought the government down on the very first occasion, because you are being treated just the same, or even worse!!!!!
Franco, stop crying you made your own mess and dumped on the people. You wanted Gatt out but you abstained because you were scared, You said you would not serve under Gonzi but yet you still did it. You are as bad as the rest of the PN, whats wrong now, didnt the click want you. Go tell it to the marines.
Franco Debono fil-Parlament qal: "ghall-glorja t'alla u l-pajjiz, se nastjeni" fil-vot kontra Austin Gatt fuq l-Arriva. Austin Gatt il-bierah fl-ezekuttiv: "ghall-glorja tieghi u tal-partit se nivvota kontra li Franco jerga' johrog mal-PN". Tlift ic-cans Franco.
All in the family? Erba familji Nazzjonalisti jaghmlu li jridu il-bqija iseftrulhom; Franco, you, like the majority of PN's footsoldiers do not belong; you are just an intelligent, upwardly mobile lawyer from a working class family and therefore you simply have to stay put! Yes we should all thank DR Fenech Adami li wera li l-partiganizmu sfrenat tieghu ikompli jifred lil Maltin; mid-dehra hekk biss jaghmel?
All in the family? Erba familji Nazzjonalisti jaghmlu li jridu il-bqija iseftrulhom; Franco, you, like the majority of PN's footsoldiers do not belong; you are just an intelligent, upwardly mobile lawyer from a working class family and therefore you simply have to stay put! Yes we should all thank DR Fenech Adami li wera li l-partiganizmu sfrenat tieghu ikompli jifred lil Maltin; mid-dehra hekk biss jaghmel?
Krista Sullivan
Dr Franco Debono should not lament that Dr Austin is still a Cabinet minister ! Dr Franco had ample time to vote against him and his failed Arriva but opted in the last minute to abstain leaving the door open for the Hon Minister. Now Dr Austin has kicked him out of the party and I believe that's natural. Next time stick to you guns Dr Franco and do not alienate the general public and the political parties. Dr Franco has been fooling around for months now while Dr Austin, hate him or love him, is still relentlessly kicking around - so good luck for him that he managed to survive ! Mind you I do not agree with his bulldozer attitude but that's how things are ! And although he did not manage to give us a perfect Arriva, nowadays I must admit that there is an improvement compared to the old system.
Il-prezenza ta' Fenech Adami fakkrittni fis-snin ta' meta kellu ghaxwa ghal-poter u kien intilef fit-tixwix u kampanji ta' dizubbidjenza civili, bojkotts u fi kwalunkwe haga ohra li kienet tigi f'mohhu basta jahtaf is-siggu tal-poter. Dal-bniedem ghad ipatti ghal mibgheda li gab f'dal-pajjiz. U donnu ghadu jippretendi li ghad ghandu xi don divin li jista jaghddih lil ibnu Beppe. Isthi EFA
I am apolitical. I was around even in the bad old Labour days. I can honestly state that my long held perception that the PN party's top 50% were "nothing more than examples of the worst Mintoffians in suits" has been solidified over the past 10 years. The PN certainly cannot criticise Mintoffians any more and be credible.
Luke Camilleri
Ir-reffiegh bi kwalitajiet tajbin u anqas tajbin kien jonqos ha jerfgha il-Emeritus Edward sive' Eddie Fenech Adami fuq l'ispalejn u jdahlu id-dar Centrali...... ghalkemm jidher li kien hemm diversi "Body-Guards" fost is-Security trad-Dar Centrali bi "KWALITAJIET TAJBIN U ANQAS TAJBIN"!
Wearing a blue t-shirt was not enough to keep you in the party Franco. It had to be much more bluer than that.
Zack Depasquale
There's never a dull moment with GonziPN.These bunch of incompetents have turned into the laughing stock of Malta. Please keep on the laughs coming.Vera gew qishom it-tijatrin ta'Goma.
Micheal Bonanno
@Franco Debono: "The maverick MP went on to reiterate comments made yesterday evening, that as long as Transport Minister Austin Gatt remained in the Cabinet, he will not "support government"." You've had your chance and you blew it. Now you've had your comeuppance, and lost your balls. Now try to live with it. Your political career is now truly over. The Evil Oligarchy that you so much attacked and criticized had won, and you have lost.