Energy provider blames high temperatures for increased cable faults

Enemalta says yesterday’s high temperatures resulted in the highest electricity demand recorded in the past five years

Not only humans, but also energy cables are bearing the brunt of the heatwave
Not only humans, but also energy cables are bearing the brunt of the heatwave

Energy provider Enemalta has blamed high ambient temperatures and higher loads carried by the distribution cables as the cause for latest string of power cuts caused by cable faults.

According to MIA's meteorological office, the highest temperature recorded yesterday at Luqa 38.6°C. On Wednesday, the temperature hit a maximum of 40.7°C.

In a statement, the corporation said that yesterday's high temperatures resulted in the highest electricity demand recorded in 2012. The demand reached 425MW, so far only surpassed in 2007 when the demand reached 434MW.

"It can also be noted that the energy demand yesterday - 8867MWh - went well above the peak load demand day in 2007 - 8696MWh - by almost 200MWh, meaning that even if the power load wasn't as high as 2007, customers used electricity for longer periods," the corporation said.

"Enemalta's current generation capacity stands at 571MW, which is well above the current demand."

According to data provided by Enemalta, the peak power demand has moved from the winter evening to summer noon-early afternoon since 2002.  

Enemalta also said that the latest string of power cuts caused by cable faults can be attributed to the high ambient temperatures and higher loads carried by the distribution cables.

"These cable faults are partially due to the increase in load and also have a tendency to increase at the beginning of summer due to the higher ambient and ground temperatures and higher loads on the cables," it said.

Cable faults are caused by the increased expansion of the cables and the weakening of the insulation as a result of the higher operating temperature.  

Enemalta said that although the cables are designed with such factors in mind, these might fail at weak points.

Enemalta said that out of some 2600 11KV circuits in Malta, only 26 circuits have failed in the past month.

"While four of these faults were directly caused by contractors, many more of them were on circuits which were previously stressed by third party road works contractors," it said.

Referring to yet another power cut in Valletta, Enemalta said this was "another example of extensive road works putting a lot of stress on the cables".

"These kind of faults should stabilise themselves as time goes by since the insulation around the cables would have normalised. Enemalta assures the public that there is enough generating capacity to meet the daily demand," it said.

"Although the power cuts admittedly cause great inconvenience to the localities affected, the demand of electricity lost throughout these outages is considerably small (about 4MW or less) when compared to the peak demand."

Luke Camilleri
THIS IS NO EXCUSE! We are in 2012 and millions have been pumped into Enemalta at our expense! We want accountability, we want someone to take responsibility after more thaN 20 years of NATIONALIST ADMINISTRATION, NATIONALIST BLUE-EYED BOYS ON ENEMALTA BOARDS, NATIONALIST APPOINTED MANAGEMENT, NATIONALIST MINISTERS and yes NATIONALIST PRIME MINISTERS, especially Dr. Lawrence Gonzi who voted with all his HEART in Parliament so surcharge is not reduced!
Excuses, Excuses and Excuses.....What happens if we have a heatwave for a month we end up like the Stone Age? Enemalta and the Minister in charge, get your act together and stop lying.
Excuse if a cable gets overloaded for instance there should be the protection equipment that disconnets the supply before any damages are caused to the cable, is this correct ? Why it did not work?
Tafu jekk hemmx xi ministru (li jahseb li kullhadd hu cuc hliefu) li hu accountable ghal frejjeg ta' l-Enemalta? Li hemm GonziPN li hu kapacissimu ghall-frejjeg tajbin taf Malta kollha allavolja tat-Transport Malta nehhew dawk il-billboards.
HA-HA good one! Is Malta the only country in the world with such hot weather??? LOL Defenetely other countries don't be having all these electricity cuts every freaking summer! Enemalta ... Give us a freaking break or are you on a summer recess too like Austin Powers?? LOL
M'hemx skuzi ghalhekk qed inhallsu dawn it-taxxi biex ikolna l-provista tad-dawl il-hin kollu u hafna u hafna affarijiet ohra li qed jithallew lura kollox tort tal-medjokrita ta' minn qed imexxi dawn l-azjendi
It's 2012 you idiots!
Does this mean we need another power station? Didn't certain people make enough money from the poor Maltese taxpayer? What about the €400,000,000 we were deprived off to built an extension to the power station? Who is going to be the NEXT MILLIONAIRE? How about threating the Maltese People decently for a change? How about spending OUR MONEY wisely?
Zack Depasquale
Why is it always someone else's fault and never Enemalta. It's not like that we never had hot tempertures before. What happened to being proactive? Wheren't we promised that with the new Power Station in Delimara there won't be a problem anymore.
After 25 years of deficits and a mountain of 6 billion euros of debt,EneMalta brings this puerile excuse? Where has all the money gone?