Labour MP defends statements made over Cachia Caruana

Opposition whip Joe Mizzi says this was not the first time he raised points over Richard Cachia Caruana, insists he will not intervene further into the PN's internal 'battles'

Labour MP Joe Mizzi
Labour MP Joe Mizzi

Labour MP Joe Mizzi has issued a statement insisting he will not be "involved in any internal GonziPN battles".

In a statement issued this morning, together with a recorded interview of Mizzi, backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that Mizzi had implicated Richard Cachia Caruana in a clear case of criminal interference with the course of justice in relation to a cocaine party organised by individuals who were close to Cachia Caruana.

In a reaction to several requests from members of the press, Mizzi said that there was nothing new in his comments.

"There was nothing new in what I said in that interview, especially since I raised these points several times, even in parliament," he said in a statement.

He added that he wanted to clarify that he wasn't speaking because he was mentioned by Pullicino Orlando as one of his witnesses, but that he had already made his comments public before in seveal occasions.

What a mess? What mismanagement? Is it possible for il-Gonz to have been drawn down the garden path so innocently? Or he is fully in on all the dastardly acts?
Sur Mizzi niskanta kif ragel b'esperjenza Parlamentari bhalek gralek bhal siehbek Karmenu Vella u l-leader taghkom Muscat u waqajt fil-lixka ta' JPO li hafna minn shabek ma tantx jahmluh. Nahseb li RCC ghandu ghaliex jirringrazzjak ghax fl-ahhar tajtu l-opportunita' li jaghmillek libell dwar dak li kont tghid fil-Parlament fejn ma setghax ifittxek legalment. Issa bix-xhieda tieghek fil-kaz ta' JPO tkun qed tkompli ssahhah il-provi kontrik fil-kaz ta' libell. Prosit. Ara veru l-labour kollox jinsa u jaf isir partit tal-bciecen meta jkun irid jivvendika ruhu minn xi hadd. Nahseb li min hu serju, meta xi hadd mill-girien ikollu xi jghid fil-familja, mhux imur ihabbat il-bieb halli jindahal fl-inkwiet imma jibqa' barra u ma jindahalx; u jhallihom isolvu l-problemi wehidhom. Mela jaghmilha ta' Censu Zatat biex minghalikom tiehdu vantagg politku!