Cachia Caruana files criminal libel against Labour whip, One TV editor

Richard Cachia Caruana has filed a police report requesting criminal action to be taken against Labour whip Joe Mizzi and Kurt Farrugia as editor of One TV.

Richard Cachia Caruana
Richard Cachia Caruana

Malta's former permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana has requested his lawyer to file a police report against Labour MP Joe Mizzi, and Kurt Farrugia as editor of One TV.

In a statement, Cachia Caruana's lawyer Tonio Ellul said he filed the police report earlier today, requesting the police to initiate criminal procedures against Mizzi and Farrugia in view of the allegations made by Mizzi yesterday evening.

"Joe Mizzi's allegations are unfounded, false and tarnish my reputation and are thus libelous," Cachia Caruana added.

The police report was signed by lawyer Joe Zammit Maempel.

In a recorded interview, Mizzi claimed that Cachia Caruana exerted pressure on him to replace the head of the Security Services and also implicated Cachia Caruana in am alleged interference with the course of justice in relation to a cocaine party organised by individuals who were close to Cachia Caruana.

Mizzi's claims were taken up by backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to substantiate his claims to why Cachia Caruana should be expelled from the party.

This morning was characterised by an exchange of emails between the MP and the president of the PN executive council Marthese Portelli over next Tuesday's hearing.

Portelli yesterday informed Pullicino Orlando that he had failed to give a detailed explanation of his accusations against Richard Cachia Caruana.

Portelli told Pullicino Orlando in an email copied to the press, that the MP's accusations against the former permanent representative to the EU are not explained in a clear and detailed enough manner to allow Cachia Caruana formulate his defence.

In his reply sent this morning, Pullicino Orlando told Portelli, "You will appreciate that it is difficult to compress the testimony of each witness into a few paragraphs. That was why I had suggested two sittings of the PN Executive Committee to begin with."

The Zebbug MP explained that he had imagined that the first sitting would deal with the accusations and the second would be reserved for the 'defence'.

In turn, Portelli accused Pullicino Orlando of "acting in bad faith" because the Zebbug MP did not follow the agreed procedure regarding the hearing of his case against Richard Cachia Caruana.

On the other hand, Pullicino Orlando said that he absolutely failed to understand the reasoning behind what Portelli was saying in the letter.

This saga looks like a soap opera. Everyday learning something new. Who will survive and who will perish....until the next episode.
@Just Ray: "SO why file criminal libel against Labour whip NOW and not THEN?" Because Joe Mizzi said such things in Parliament and therefore RCC couldn't take action. A Member of Parliament can say whatever he likes against anyone and has a privilege that he can't be sued. Now JM fell into JPO's trap and said them outside Parliament and RCC immediately sued him. Let's see how he can prove them now! Issa ara qattx in-Nazzjonalisti se jemmnu lil Joe Mizzi jew lil Karmenu Vella u ma jemmnux lill-RCC, lanqas jekk jiehdu miljun gurament. Allura mhux ahjar qaghdu jsegwu bil-kwiet u ma ndahlux. Veru li kemm ilu Joe Muscat irid jahtaf kollox f'idejh jekk jista' jkun anke lill-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Dan RCC jahseb li hu xi alla. Hu BISS bravu. Hu BISS ighid il-verita'. Hu BISS kapaci. Minghajru MALTA taghna ma hi XEJN. Jien wiehed mill-HAFNA li ma nemminx kelma WAHDA li jghid RCC. U issa, wara li gie UMILJAT bl-aktar mod skjett mil-Parlament,irid ikompli idahhakna bil-patomimi tieghu. Hasra li l-festi tal-Milied ghadhom 'il boghod. Good riddance to old rubbish!
Whatever the outcome of so many futile legal battles, the unbiased voter will believe what common sense indicates him to believe. And it is obvious who is telling the truth.
Quote: Labour MP Joe Mizzi said on Saturday he does not intend to have anything more to do with the internal battles of GonziPN and "after a number of questions by the media about things that I have said and that MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is referring to I want to say that I have said these things before, both in parliament and outside it. I want to make this clear to dispel misconceptions that I am talking about these things for the first time and in connection with the case of the call for the expulsion of Richard Cachia Caruana from the PN." SO why file criminal libel against Labour whip NOW and not THEN?
Dear Rich, mhux ahjar you tell us why we should believe YOU u mhux lil l-ohrajn?
Imagine that ! The King of Malta and ambassador to the EU who thinks that he is above the law has finally turned towards the judiciary system that he himslef has abused. Only in Malta can democracy be as timid and bent in the hands of those who rule with contempt.
Il-Gvern li gej li ser ikun Gvern Laburista ghandu l-ewwel pass li jiehu hu li jnehhi s-sigurta li qed issir around the clock ma certi nies li issa qed jidher bic-car li ghandhom ferm u ferm finanzi biex ihallsu huma stess ghal protezzjoni taghhom. U dawn in-nies li jiftahru hafna li qatt ma ghamlu xejn deni lil hadd ghalfejn jibzghu u jridu din is-sigurta. Jiena Cikku l-Poplu li naf li ma ghamilt xejn lil hadd qatt ma tlabt protezzjoni. Ara fil-kaz tal-Magistrati u Imhalfin hemmhekk naqbel li ghandhom ikollhom protezzjoni. Ahna kellna l-kaz klassiku ta' Dr. Sant li qatt ma ried nies tas-sigurta ma daru, lanqas meta spicca minn Prim Ministru u kien jaf li hawn hafna kontrih politikament, qatt ma ried sigurta. Ghalhekk gvern gdid Laburista ghandu jara li lil dawn it-talin jirtiralhom dan is-servizz mhallas minni u minn kullhadd.
Possibli li ma ghawnx xi awtur jikteb dawn il praspar li ghaddejin bhal issa, bhal rumanz. Niggarantilu li fiz zmien xahar ibiegh 500 mitt elf kopja. X`cuc huwa ir rumanz celebri ` Il Misterji tal Wardija `....