Updated | Gonzi says Richard Cachia Caruana is the victim of a 'frame-up'

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says the accusations against Richard Cachia Caruana "have all the ingredients of a frame-up." He says government will hold on till the very end of the legislature.

PM Lawrence Gonzi said he is disgusted by the way things are unfolding within the Nationalist Party
PM Lawrence Gonzi said he is disgusted by the way things are unfolding within the Nationalist Party

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said he is "disgusted" by the way things are unfolding in the Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando showdown with Richard Cachia Caruana.

This week, the Nationalist Party faced a turbulent week. On Thursday, the party's executive committee decided to ban MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett from contesting the next election as party candidates.

The party has also been involved in a war of words with Pullicino Orlando, who has asked the party to expel PN strategist and former ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana for colluding with the 1996-1998 Labour administration.

In an interview recorded on Saturday, Gonzi spoke at length on the Nationalist Party's decision to ban the three rebel MPs from contesting the general election on the PN ticket and Tuesday's meeting which will deal with the request to expel Richard Cachia Caruana from the party.

Asked to express his thoughts on the Pullicino Orlando accusations against Cachia Caruana, Gonzi said "I am disgusted by the way things are unfolding." He explained that after hearing the allegations leveled against Cachia Caruana, the party agreed to have a fair and just process.

"The process must be just, especially with who is being accused in order to understand what the charges are. The procedure was decided upon in the presence of Pullicino Orlando and we made sure that justice is done with the accused (Cachia Caruana) who has had his reputation tarnished by the accusations."

The PN leader added "The least I expected was to have the agreed procedure respected. I believe that the procedure is not being respected purposely."

He said that despite an agreement was reached to have a clear explanation of the accusations forwarded to the party "I still do not know what the details of the accusations are."

"This is a gross injustice and has all the ingredients of a frame-up to reach a goal to undermine the character and integrity and of a person."

Gonzi said he was also shocked by the declarations by former Labour ministers Karmenu Vella and Joe Mizzi.

He said Vella's declarations demonstrate his incompetence when he was minister said the former labour minister was participating in the frame-up against Cachia Caruana.

On Joe Mizzi, the Prime Minister said that he was minister without portfolio but responsible for the police at the time and asked "Since Mizzi was minister at the time, what did he do about it, if this error was done on purpose? I ask what did you do, because if this is true than you are an accomplice if you remained silent."

The Prime Minister added that Mizzi should have resigned over this fiasco and added that Mizzi's accusations are not against Cachia Caruana but against the police.

Gonzi said that Labour leader Joseph Muscat was also being irresponsible in all this. "Muscat has a lot to answer to. He is surrounded by people with skeletons in the cupboard who could end up leading the country. I hope the people realise what is really happening because this scandalous in all respects."

Gonzi boldly claimed that "In the best interest of the country, we will govern till the end of the legislature. If anyone wants to oppose this it will be in violation of the democratic process."

Speaking on Thursday's executive committee meeting, Gonzi said "We must look forward and not backwards, we are here to shape our future. The most important decision was that to approve 60 candidates, including ten new candidates."

He noted that more candidates would be added to it in the coming weeks and months, "bringing in fresh people with new ideas to the PN. A rainbow of different colours"

These candidates, he said, "will fly the PN flag, not their own flag. They carry the party's flag, as much as I am a flag bearer and as much as I toe the party line.

"The difference between us and Labour is that while we always sought the national interest, Joseph Muscat is a populist politician who tries to please whoever his audience is."

Gonzi explained that the country already witnessed this in the 1996-1998 period when the Labour government could not implement the "attractive promises" it made

"However we can never accept a situation where somebody, after being given ever chance to speak, opts not to toe the party line decided by the majority."

Gonzi said the three rebel MPs where not granted a free vote but still voted against the party whip.

"I had warned that the MPs will have to face consequences for their actions and the party has taken a very clear decision taken unanimously by the PN's highest organ."

He expressed hope that this experience would enable the party to be stronger and to look to the future.

Gonzi added that it is "unfair to claim that the PN has acted in a dictatorial manner. What is dictatorial was when somebody goes to Parliament and acts without telling anybody and mislead the people about his intentions," Gonzi said in reference to Pullicino Orlando's actions in Parliament.

"The MPs had a number of occasions to express their opposition and criticism within the party structures and we have listened to them and even changed things after discussing things."

Gonzi said the MPs criticism of the party's executive decision are "strange and make no sense."

He added that everybody must shoulder their responsibilities and said "I have been harping on the need to take every decision with the country's best interest in mind."

Gonzi denied that the government has lost its Parliamentary majority following Thursday's meeting. "Everyone has to shoulder his responsibilities and the national interest should always come first."

"The three MPs will now be judged by the way they act in the coming months. The government will govern up to the end of its term and if somebody decided otherwise he would have to shoulder his responsibilities. The government was elected for five years and those who decided otherwise would thus be going against the democratic process."

The Prime Minister said Malta has gained international respect for its efforts during the Libyan conflict and for weathering the international economic crisis.

"We have managed to show our competence by obtaining these positive results. I must remind that Joseph Muscat did not agree with our policies and he took to the streets to protest against our successful policies."

He lambasted Muscat for citing Cyprus as a model Malta should follow and said that if he had taken up Muscat's advise we would be asking for a bailout in the same way Cyprus is.

"Muscat cannot wash his hands from the litany of wrong decisions taken by Labour. He was at the forefront of the Opposition's crusade against EU membership. I challenge Muscat to publish recordings of a programme he anchored when he was a journalist called 'Made in Brussels'. I challenge him to justify his position against EU membership. He should tell us whether he was right or wrong."

"This is the reality and we will not be fooled by Muscat. We are honest with the people and take the right decisions for the country. We will not be populist but we will take decisions in best interest of country."

On electoral polls which show that that PN is lagging behind Labour by around 12 percentage points, Gonzi said that despite the clear gap in the polls  Muscat still claims to be the underdog.

"Who does he think he can fool? This is an insult. We must not lose hope. A large section of the electorate is still undecided and we can still persuade people that the PN is the right choice."

He added that the Nationalist government has committed a lot of mistakes but at the same time it has weathered the international storm and faired better than other countries in terms of employment and in avoiding austerity measures.

"Labour does not have anything to show but empty promises. We still have a lot to do but I am confident that we can go to the people and convince them to judge us by what we have done and not by what we have said."

"If one had to weigh the good and wrong things we have done, the balance is in favour of the good things we have accomplished. We have not managed to implement all our promises but we will do our utmost to create wealth and distribute it fairly."

Zack Depasquale
If Dr Muscat is surrounded with people who have skeletons in their cupboards, Dr Gonzi is surrounded by people who have whole graveyards in their cupboards. Dr Gonzi should be telling us when he is going to take the responsability of the 600 Eur increase he gave himself while he preached sacrifices and resign? When are we going to know what really happened in the attempted murder of RCC? Why was the main culprit in the RCC case given a Presidential pardon? Why is RCC being defended by the Primeminister in a very aggresive manner and nothing of the sort was done in Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s case? Wasn’t the 1998 Labour Government supposed to govern for 5 years or what is right for theGonziPN clan, is not right for anybody else? So Dr Gonzi called the parliament comitte a kangaroo court in the case of RCC and he considers his GonziPN executive as the mother of all justice u hallina nghixu Dr Gonzi kemm hsibtu tan-n**k il-poplu. Kull ma qieghed jaghmel Dr Gonzi hu jibza ghal Oligarkija ta’madwaru.
"We will do our utmost to create wealth and distribute it fairly". Yes, Prime Minister, through the yellow pages.
The big question is why do we need a PARLIAMENT? If once elected the MP are supposed to give their undisputed vote to the leader - North Korean style. We are spending 80 Million Euros of our money to house a group of people who have no respect for the work that a parliament should carry out. Was it not Austin Gatt himself who said that going to parliament was a waste of time since they have a majority - and therefore he was quite free to pillage our economy with the gusto of a serial killer? As for RCC - maybe Gonzi would like to explain why RCC was knived by one of Eddie's inner circle of thugs, and why they were all pardoned and the truth covered up. Frame-UP? Surely he means Cover-UP?
Maghluq wahdu fi studio lil gonzipn hadd ma jista' jwaqqfu u hadd ma jista' jmerih .... fil-parlament imbaghad, fuq it-televizjoni, fuq il-gazzetti, fuq il-media jigi umiljat ghal darba, tnejn, tlieta, quddiem il-pajjiz kollu - jigi irridikolizzat, imwaqqa' ghac-cajt, imzeblah, mghajjar, imkisser ... u jahseb li se jkompli jilaghba tal-cowboy ..... il-filjozz tal-arcisqof mikiel gonzi triq wahda biss ghandu quddiemu .... jkompli ghaddej bit-thejjija tal-budget ghall-2013 qisu m'hu qed jigri xejn u mbaghad jitkahhal mal-hajt meta jara li mhux se jirnexxilu jghaddih mill-parlament .... sintendi mill-bini l-antik .....
Jekk Gonzi u l-PN jghiduli li d-dinja tonda lanqas nemminhom. Hergin b'wahda wara l-ohra u lanqas jekk ikun niezel mit-tqarbin ma nemmnu.
"We will do our utmost to create wealth and distribute it fairly" - probably through the yellow pages Mr Prime Minister.
After this statment by the Prim Minster how it is possible that the PM gives a good judgment. The result.....mhux hati.
Another frame-up! The last one I recall had 'John Dalli' written all over it. But then I guess Lawrence knows full well how that one was concocted.
Alla jbierek kullhadd hazin minbarra int u l-klikka tieghek. Veru fula maqsuma ma zijuk Sir Michael Gonzi ex Arcisqof ta Malta. Ir-ras iebsa dak li ggib. Wiehed kisser knisja u tant familji u l-iehor kisser il-partit.
Alla jbierek kullhadd hazin minbarra int u l-klikka tieghek. Veru fula maqsuma ma zijuk Sir Michael Gonzi ex Arcisqof ta Malta. Ir-ras iebsa dak li ggib. Wiehed kisser knisja u tant familji u l-iehor kisser il-partit.
Possibbli li hadd ma qed jghid lil Dr Gonzi li, akatar ma jiftah halqu u jaghmel intervisti u dikjarazzjonijiet, aktar qed juri kemm hu wahdu hu l-kawza ta' dan l-inkwiet kollu fi hdan il-partit. In-nies kapaci jiznu u jiflu min-naha l-mod isteriku, ripetittiv u anke insolenti tal-Prim Ministru, u min-naha l-ohra l-mod kalm, responsabbli u logiku li bih jesprimi ruhu Joe Muscat. Assolutament m'hemmx paragun.
Is=solitu retorika ta prim ministru ghajjien. Xejn konkret. Id disfatta fi hdan il PN gabha huwa bil management style tieghu. Issa qieghed jimxi li min ma jaqbilx mieghu huwa kontrih. Dejjem isemmi l passat ghax b hekk irid jirbah billi inizzel il biza. Rigward il kandidati li ghandu, partita ministri skaduti aktar minnu li gabu dizastru f Malta. Rigward il godda, min se jafda li Gejtu Vella li issa waqatlu l maskla A.Delia meta l poplu jiftakar fil qassata tal Arriva Claudio Grech - meta l poplu jiftakar fi Smart City, progett li kellu jimpjega 5000 haddiem sa 2011 u sal lum ghadu ma bediex jiffunzjona, anzi l lum harget l ahbar li Smart City se jbieghu artijiet ghal l izvilupp. Min se jafda lil Gonzi meta jara li lanqas kapaci isolvi l problem interni li ghandu fil partit ahsab u ara l problemi tal pajjiz. Aktar ma jdum fil gven aktar tohrog l inefficjenza tal prim ministru. Jekk Gonzi u shabu konvinti li se jirbhu ghandhom ixolju l parlament u jmorru ghal elezzjoni.
Victims of frame up were the workers, shipyard workers, Go, Bus Drivers and recently Air Malta workers, who received a job letter guarantee, sent signed by Lawrence Gonzi, before 2008 election. Soon after election, Gonzipn forgot his promises of brighter future to themselves and their families and send to these workers, a letter to resign from their jobs or else they would end up with their places of work closed. Dear Gonzipn, do you think these workers will ever forget your frame up. Wait and see. Soon you will have the result.
Miskin! Playing the victim now. So full of empty rhetoric as to make your stomach turn. Offer Labour to call an election Gonz, if they promise to make it up for the lost months' pay/perks. It will be worth the money to the Maltese.
From what I read no matter what the outcome will be RCC is going to be found not guilty. The next step is to prepare a crown of bayleaves some one to lift on his shoulder (EFA style) a palm leaf to hold in his LEFT HAND! And the Maltese people dancing in the middle!
Stefan Mifsud
The man is fighting for his political life which clearly has reached its sell by date. To say that Labour is full of empty promises irid ikollok wiiccek u it toqba ta imniehrek il lemininja l istess.
Rita Pizzuto
Kif u ghaliex Gonzi hu daqshekk imwerwer li jitle lil RCC? Hemm hafna xi twigged lil Gonzi li certament mhux qed ikon onset, la man-nies tisthi I wisq inqas mal-poplu. Imma l-is bah Wanda li ma jridx lil shabu jpe Rpru l-bandier a taghhom, imma tal-part it, u Dan Sara li ilu s-nin hu jperper il-bandiea tie hu, tant li sa bissel l-item tal-part it ghal GonziPN ibex l- unika bandier a tkun biss dik tie hu, u anke jrid lil sahbu perpruielu. Wished jag Mel tajjeb jixtarr dak kollu li qed jghid Gonzi skont Dan ir-rapport. Jekk isir hekk jinduna li hemm biss vojt. Kif dahhlu fil-but daqsxejn ta' zerbinott bhal Joseph Muscat hux? U kif intilef tant li Issa tiled il-fil. Le, le, ibqa' pap Ina sal-ahjar Gonz, Issa u mbaghad, kif tghidu intom, Is-Sewwa Jirbah ZGUR!
Anette B Cassar
X'jigifieri fame up, bhal Terrinata?
Yeah right Gonz! And all the Maltese people are being framed up by GonziPN!!!! What about it Gonz??????????????
Now there we go again! It seems that at all costs the Gonz must remain in power. What a farce! Now they are saying that this is a frameup! I think that the maltese citizens are being framed up by this arrogant government: i) euro 500 per week increase ii) smartcity smart joke, iii) state of the roads, iv) increase in the cost of living, iv) airmalta saga, v) unneeded promotions and employment of chosen ones in the past year, just to mention a few! Why is the rcc affair being given all this overblown importance? To us it seems that rcc is running the PN and the government and not the Gonz! We are fed up of this party and its wrongdoings! The gonz should resign immediately!
Dr. Gonzi in almost every issue has declared responsibility ,example the HFO of the BWSC saga, the Arriva fiasco and many other hot issues, which involved Finance. Dr.Gonzi declared responsibility umpteen times. It's like a General Manager appointed in a firm and any wrong doings in decisions that might have incurred financial losses, would be fired and later even taken to court with his irresponsibility and misuse of Finance. If Dr.Muscat does not intend when he is appointed Prime Minister in the coming months to assess Dr.Gonzi's declared decisions taken and to the extent of even enfolded and assumed responsibility taken regarding financial losses sustained during his reign as Prime Minister and with no complete transparency, I should think the new Government ought to sue the PN administration and even Dr.Gonzi and what was squandered from the nation, would be returned back to the country. Take a look at Greece, the Conservative government squandered all the money was not even taken to court for all the corruption and misuse of finance. It would be certainly wrong not to do so. Hope a new Government does.
Pathetic as usual.
Nixtieq inkun naf kemm il-"Frame Up" saru mill-Partit u Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti fuq nies fic-civil sempliciment ghaliex ma kienux Nazzjonalisti, jew Nazzjonalisti mhux "YES" men, mis sena 1987 l-hawn?