Dalli not attending executive hearing but willing to give testimony

European Commissioner says he would have liked to appear before executive committee.

John Dalli (left) at a European Council meeting with Richard Cachia Caruana.
John Dalli (left) at a European Council meeting with Richard Cachia Caruana.

European commissioner John Dalli will not be attending this evening's PN hearing as his schedule had already been booked with important meetings months ago.

In a comment to MaltaToday, Dalli said he was sorry he couldn't attend but he couldn't do otherwise.

"I would have liked to appear before the executive but whoever set the date didn't even bother to check my availability," he said.

Dalli, who is currently in Brussels, said that if the hearing were to be held on Thursday he would have been able to attend.

"Since when is the executive not meeting on a Thursday? I would have attended if they had stuck to their usual day," Dalli insisted.

The procedure was decided upon by the administrative committee of the PN and approved by the executive committee last week.

PN executive president Marthese Portelli yesterday informed the five witnesses proposed by backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando that they were to appear before the committee this evening.

Pullicino Orlando will be giving evidence as to why Richard Cachia Caruana should be expelled from the party. Meanwhile, Portelli has accused Pullicino Orlando of "acting in bad faith" and of having failed to follow the procedure as set by the executive.

The four other witnesses include Labour whip Joe Mizzi, Labour MP Karmenu Vella, Police Commissioner John Rizzo and the Prime Minister's spokesman Gordon Pisani.

While Mizzi would not comment on whether he'll be attending the meeting and Vella could not be contacted, Commissioner Rizzo told MaltaToday he would "not comment at this stage".

On the other hand, Pisani has already declared he will be considering any accusations which Pullicino Orlando might make against Cachia Caruana as "unfounded".

Pisani will be attending tonight's meeting.

Ghaliex jibzghu dqstant mix-xhieda ta' John Dalli ? Ghaliex anki ma riduhx jixhed quddiem il-Kumitat tal-Kamra dwar il-mozzjoni tal-oppozizzjoni rigward RCC ??
Iz-zejt qed jitla f wicc l- ilma u fl- ahhar qed inkunu nafu min huma il-persuni ta wara il- partit nazzjonalista!! Tahseb li qed taqra dwar xi storja tal mafia, izda dawn huma persuni li kienu qed imexxuna ghall dawn l- ahhar 25 sena li kienu jippretendu li huma qaddisin iktar mill papa u allat tad demokrazija. X' ser jghidilna issa TA MARTIN fuq dan it-tahwid u intricci li hemm fil partit tieghu?
Joseph Sant
@falzonalfred6: Of course they've heard about video conferencing... why,they even know all about interactive white boards!.... but of course it's not in their interest to get anywhere neat the truth.
Rita Pizzuto
VGA Issa l-istazzjonijiet tat- televizjoni jkunu nieqsa minn program originali. Bil-malt nghidu xotti. Barra minhekk l-istazzjon Net hula cost l-inqas li jgawdi udjenzi. Allura hemm xi cans li llejla jtuna trasmissjoni diretta ta li jsehh meta l- ezaekuttiv se jittratta l-kaz u l-akkuzi contra RCC? Li Kelli naghmel hekk, in-NET gha darba jkolli udjenza rekord. Fl-istess waqt juruna kemm kapaci jkunu gusti!! U li jqisu lil kulhadd l-istess. Imma zoom ftit, mhux diga' qatAwha li RCC huwa abjad altar mis-silg?
Ever heard of video conference?
what a farce, or rather tragedy, as they fight each other the worse comes out.Pisani has already declared he will be considering any accusations as " unfounded"....and this is supposed to be a FAIR hearing...
The night of the long knives may have to wait!!
I do not think that the PN executive is too keen to hear what Commissioner Dalli wants to say!!! It is a know fact that therewas no love lost between Dalli and RCC !! However, these dirty manouvers from the PN are not lost on most of us who have some grey matter between our ears and they are no credit to the PN. Seems that they are enjoying digging and digging and digging even when they are already in a huge deep hole. The PN is keen to hear the likes of Gordon Pisani, who I am sure has been coached ( by Peppi Xarabank?) on what to say and how to inflict most damage on JPO. The same Gordon who pisses under him when RCC just walks into the room!!!!
Did they have rehearsals for this sham "telecomedia" final show? It has degraded the PN's democratic credentials no end. What the Labour party has not managed in so many years, now has been self inflicted by arrogant administrators that believe themselves supreme. I suppose that would be the feeling after 25 years of practically absolute control of the electorate process via fellow press and church corruptible travellers.