‘Muscat identified JPO as Labour’s target during 2008 elections' – Zammit Dimech

Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech says the PN will be releasing ‘proof’ that Labour leader Joseph Muscat had been ‘the source of information to the PN’ of Mistra scandal.

Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech describes Labour leader Joseph Muscat as their 'source of information' during the 2008 elections.
Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech describes Labour leader Joseph Muscat as their 'source of information' during the 2008 elections.

Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech has stated that Opposition leader Joseph Muscat had "informed" the Nationalist Party that Labour would be targeting Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando over the Mistra case.

"The source of information to the PN with regards to identifying Pullicino Orlando as being the intended target of the PL in the last days of 2008 electoral campaign was none other than Joseph Muscat," Zammit Dimech said during TVM's Realta this evening.

When asked by host Brian Hansford to substantiate his claims, Zammit Dimech simply said that in the coming days, "the PN will be releasing proof".

Contacted by MaltaToday asking when, where and to who this information was "leaked", Zammit Dimech reiterated the same answer.

During the programme, the former minister went on to accuse Labour of "taking advantage of Jeffrey's [Pullicino Orlando] vulnerable position in a bid to overthrow government".

 "The PL had used Jeffrey as their target in an attempt to win the last general elections. If he allows them to manipulate the situation, they are once again - even if in a different scenario - using him in their attempts to win the elections," Zammit Dimech insisted.

Commenting on Tuesday's meeting of the PN's executive committee that cleared Richard Cachia Caruana of any accusations raised by Pullicino Orlando, Dimech said that "true democracy" had prevailed.

He said that despite having voted in favour of the Opposition motion to oust Pullicino Orlando, he was given the full opportunity to make his case to why Cachia Caruana should be expelled from the party.

"But while Pullicino Orlando was there asking and answering questions, the two Labour MPs who took opportunity of his vulnerable position and filled his head with unsubstantial claims chickened out," Zammit Dimech said of Karmenu Vella and Joe Mizzi.

Zammit Dimech said that Vella and Mizzi had allowed Pullicino Orlando to make use of their comments, but refused to substantiate their claims.

Also present for the discussion was lawyer and Labour candidate for the general elections Manuel Mallia.

Throughout the programme, Mallia pressed Zammit Dimech to declare that the internal problems within the PN have been solved once and for all and rubbished statements by Zammit Dimech that the public "cared little" about whether Cachia Caruana should be expelled or not.

"Don't you realise that the people worry about uncertainty? Out there people ask whether parliament will meet again or whether the PN's internal problems have been solved.

"Isn't it worrying when Franco Debono states that with Austin Gatt member of the Cabinet he will not be supporting government anymore? Is Zammit Dimech comfortable working in an environment where doubts still exist on how the three MPs - Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett and Franco Debono - will be voting in parliament?" Mallia said.

Mallia insisted that people needed to put at mind their rest that the problems within the PN have been solved for good: "No one can blame this on Labour. John Dalli himself accused the PN of destroying the party. Is the PN ready to state once and for all that no more conflicts will be afflicting the party?"

Throughout the programme, Zammit Dimech insisted that the current political crisis wasn't the result of the PN's internal conflicts but of Labour being "manipulative" and "opportunistic".

Pressured by Mallia to state that once parliament convenes, the three backbenchers will be supporting government throughout the rest of the legislature, Zammit Dimech said he would only comment on facts.

"You know how many times the PL tried to bring down government? Joseph Muscat's sole goal is to become Malta's youngest prime minister," he said.


Min zmien Strickland in Nazzjonalisti issa GONZIPN dejjem laghbu l-istess lobgha tal gideb u biza. Dejjem jivvintaw, bhal terrinu etc. Dejjem kellhom il hajt tal knisja favur taghhom. Intant Francis irrid jitkellem li tkecca b'SMS ghax bla talent. lill JPOS inqdejtu bih u rebbah l-elezzjoni lill GONZIPN. Issa irridu jinsinwaw lill Joseph. Staqsu lill DALLI?
It is well known that the best form of defence is attack! Notwithstanding, nothing will change the general public's perception that the PN is a broken, defeated, divided party. All this at the hands of EFA's and RCC's preferred successor Lawrence Gonzi, whom they judged to be malleable and vain enough to last long enough for Beppe to be able to take over.
The unelected FZD has a bloody cheek to talk of democracy. PN is slightly less democratic than the DPRK.
Waqt il-programm REALTA Dr.Frances Zammit Dimech wera kemm hu bniedem arroganti u jaħrab milli jwieġeb għall-mistoqsijiet li beda jagħmillu Dr,Manuel Mallia u jisposta l-argumenti tiegħu min fuq is-suġġett . Barra min dan , dan l-għaref ikkonferma bi kliemu stess li meta hu kien ministru ma kienx tajjeb ghall din il-pozizzjoni , ghax skont dak li qal hu stess , il-Prim Ministru qallu li għazel lill dawk li deherlu li kienu l-ahjar nies biex jimlew dawn il-pozizzjonijiet . Issa qallux b-SMS , dak irrelevanti .
beda hireg il gideb, fzd li meta kien ministru hlief tgerfix ma ghamilx.
Why is Joseph Muscat and those who still support him after this news so worried!? If the PN MPs are lying - which I doubt - then all dear Joseph has to do is file a police report and take them to court … or maybe the truth is not so far away from what the PN MPs are reporting … or maybe our dear Joseph was undermining Sant’s campaign from the inside in order for him to become the next leader?
maria aquilina
Veru kellu foresight Joseph Muscat ghax il-PN ghadu jitkerrfex fil-kaz ta-Mistra sal-lum. Imbaghad jghidu li l-imgienen qeghdin barra!
Luke Camilleri
During the programme, the former minister went on to accuse Labour of "taking advantage of Jeffrey's [Pullicino Orlando] vulnerable position in a bid to overthrow government". --------------------------- Mela ma Dr. Sant , l-gentlom tal-Politika Maltija kif imxew tal-P.N.? Dr. Sant ma kienx "vulnerabli" bil-marda li kienet hakmithu dak iz-zmien? Baqghu lura tal-P.N., urew nitfa rispett? X'ghamlu xerdu ir-ritratt tieghu fuq il-billboards ! Imma dawn x'nies huma, f'liema livel aktar baxx kapaci jaslu? Issa anki in-nies taghhom qedin jindunaw, ghas-spejjes taghhom!
What a sad state of affairs, Maltese politics has become. Here is a political dinosaur who takes full advantage of the warped Maltese constitution to remain in parliament, trying to sober up his intoxicated Maltese electorate with another sob story that RCC has probably fabricated from his position as PN consultant to take the pressure off his democratic adventures and secret tape recordings. One must be grateful that RCC engages the right political characters to act in his 3 ring circus. Actually the qualifications are very simple. You must be an experienced fairy tale raconteur and an incompetent ex-minister whose main political mission is to be a devoted disciple that would do anything to be allowed to keep his nostril in the public trough.
Ara dan min ghadu jaghti kazu. Mhux il-Kap tieghu stess nehhieh minn Ministru ghax bla talenti?
Ara dan min ghadu jaghti kazu. Mhux il-Kap tieghu stess nehhieh minn Ministru ghax bla talenti?
FD kontra Austin FD kontra KMB JPO kontra RCC JM kontra RCC FD kontra Charlo Bonnici Frame kontra Dalli JPO kontra Austin JPO kontra Gonzi FD kontra Gonzi Kullhadd jattakka lil kullhadd. U imbaghad irid ikollok wiccek qieghed u bla zejt biex twahhal li dan l-inkwiet tort tal PL u ta' Joseph. Naqra rispett lejn l-inteligenza tal poplu pls.
Quoting below gordon pisani from Malta today of today "The conversation I had with him [Pullicino Orlando] and which I testified about during the PN executive meeting, shows that the PN did not know the entire truth. The PN did not know that Pullicino Orlando had a signed contract covering the rental of his land, and when he was asked Pullicino Orlando said he never had the contract. "Had the party known any different, it would have acted differently," Pisani said, harking back to the PN's strategy of deploying the MP as an attack dog tagging Alfred Sant throughout the campaign to back up his accusations. Pisani vs beppe and the qlique :)))))