Labour accuses PN of ‘inconsistency in their lies’

Labour dismisses claims made by Nationalist MPs Beppe Fenech Adami and Francis Zammit Dimech in two separate current affairs programmes aired at the same time.

The PN this evening accused Joseph Muscat of having 'leaked' the Mistra scandal to the PN that Labour, back in 2008.
The PN this evening accused Joseph Muscat of having 'leaked' the Mistra scandal to the PN that Labour, back in 2008.

The Labour Party has categorically denied statements made by Nationalist MPs Beppe Fenech Adami and Francis Zammit Dimech accusing Labour leader Joseph Muscat of having been the source of information to the PN that made the party aware of the Mistra scandal that was about to erupt in the last days of the 2008 elections campaign.

Speaking on One TV's Issues, Fenech Adami alleged Muscat had leaked the story to the PN media.

"Do you know who leaked the Mistra story to the PN? Do you know who? It was Joseph Muscat. Joseph Muscat was the one who leaked the story," Fenech Adami insisted.

On the other hand, Zammit Dimech said: "The source of information to the PN with regards to identifying Pullicino Orlando as being the intended target of the PL in the last days of 2008 electoral campaign was none other than Joseph Muscat."

Zammit Dimech was appearing on TVM's Realta.

In a reaction, the PL accused the two MPs of "inconsistency in their lies".

"GonziPN is in such a state of confusion that two of its MPs cannot even be consistent in their lies," the PL's spokesman told MaltaToday.

"Beppe Fenech Adami and Francis Zammit Dimech gave two different versions of the same lie. It's ironic that this 'leak' claim is being done on the same day GonziPN media are carrying a selectively leaked story attacking its own MP, Jeffery Pullicino Orlando."

The PL was referring to a leaked transcript of an alleged telephone conversation between Gordon Pisani, who was deputy secretary-general during the 2008 elections, and MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

The transcript, presented to the PN's executive which yesterday exonerated its chief party strategist Richard Cachia Caruana from accusations of collusion by Pullicino Orlando, is dated Thursday, 6 March 2008 - the eve of the day of reflection prior to the election voting day.

The transcript seeks to reinforce a portrayal of Pullicino Orlando, first made by Cachia Caruana in an interview to The Times, as having 'misled' the party when he did not reveal beforehand his €1.9 million contract that was the subject of corruption allegations by Alfred Sant.

Both Zammit Dimech and Fenech Adami did not delve into the specifics of their claims. However, when contacted by MaltaToday to state where, when and how the alleged leak was made, Zammit Dimech insisted that in the coming days the PN would be "publishing proof of this". Attempts to contact Fenech Adami proved to be futile.

Din mhix l-ewwel darba li intqalet, mela ghalfejn issa l-LP qedghin joggezjonaw qishom qatt ma semghu biha. F'intervista li kien ta' Joe Saliba lit-TImes f'Gunju 2008, Saliba kien diga qal li il-PN saru jafu li l-MLP kellhom xi haga fuq JPO meta Joeseph Muscat instema jghid waqt party xi kliem f'dan is-sens.
Jekk BFA jitwemmen daqs missieru EFA li kien gideb fuq Alfred Sant qabel l-elezzjoni tal-1998, allura wiehed jista jimmagina kemm hu kredibbli. Pero`mhux stuz daqs missieru illi kien gideb fuq Alfred Sant qabel il-gurnata tas-silenzzju u allura Sant ma setax jiddefendi ruhu mill-ewwel. Fuq FZD, dan il-proxxmu kieku kellu jkejjel il-kapacita tieghu permezz tal-hila tieghu bhala Ministru u mhux b'ilsienu allura jinduna kemm hu verament cuc Malti u ta'ftit talent(quote ta' siehbu il-genju accountant Toninu Fenech u referenza ghall-hsieb tal-kapo tieghu Gonzi).
RCC is having a field day and enjoying himself immensely manipulating his puppets' strings. First Demarco now Fenech Adami and Zammit Dimech. Who will be next in line with a blooper?
Beppe Fenech Adami, like father like son, no need to elaborate their reputation precedes them. On the other hand Francis Zammit Dimech has lately been kissing Ss maybe he would be given a ministry again.
"exonerated its chief party strategist Richard Cachia Caruana", Completely expected, and would have been difficult to understand otherwise. RCC has the low-down on most, and has a tremendous hold on many secrets. However, the general public has made up their own minds on the whole sordid affair, and the way the PN conducts business.
Claiming “inconsistency” just because one said PN and the other said PN Media just shows the pathetic situation that PL are currently in; Isn’t it obvious as day light that there is no difference between the political parties and their media branches!! Now PL has to defend their leader who – according to the claims of these two Nationalists MPs – back stabbed their previous leader Sant!!
Lying through their teeth must be a family trait for the Fenech Adamis, or as they say "like father, like son". Perhaps that's their main asset as most of the time BFA opens his mouth, it's just hot air.
Why is Joseph Muscat and those who still support him after this news so worried!? If the PN MPs are lying then all dear Joseph has to do is file a police report and take them to court … or maybe the truth is not so far away from what the PN MPs are reporting? … or maybe our dear Joseph was undermining Sant’s campaign from the inside in order for him to become the next leader?
Il-Giddibin ghomorhom qasir.
Three times and you are out; we are used to outright brazen lies by Gonzi+PN: Fenech Adami was fined in court for lying about Alfred Sant and Eddie's son (was it Beppe?),lies about John Dalli, and now, again lies again on Joseph Muscat. This what they call European politics? To me, it sounds more like it is 'parochial politics' a description concocted by the slimy Sahhara creep vis a vee Dr Fenech Adami!
beppe like father giddeb bil provi
Kollox jista ikun, pero naghmel rasi taht mannara li din hija `TERRINATA ` ohra bhal tat tletinijiet.Nghejd hekk ghal raguni semplici..Kieku dan li qeghedin jghejdu dawn iz zewg deputati kien minnu, ilhom li harguh fil berah l-ghada li Joseph Muscat sar Leader tal partit. Sa issa ghadhom bil ghatc, sabiex jaraw isibux ghanke sufa sabiex ihammgu lil Joseph Muscat.
Luke Camilleri
Anki fil-gideb mhux konsistenti tal-P.N.! Ghalkemm fil-vokabularju taghhom 'jisthu' jsejhulhom gidem imma "ekonomiji fil-verita"..... u skarsa il-verita fi hdan gonziPN ....skarsa hafna u REKORDJATA!
jigifieri beppe u dimech jahsbu li f pajjjizna fadlilhom nitfa kredibilta?
Allura li ma kontux tan-n**k, issa qed titkellmu? Tidher biċ-ċar li din hija GIDBA oħra tan-nazzjonalisti. Jew xogħol Wistin tal-Belt jew l'ex Kardinal tal-Imdina. Insew meta fil-Parlament ippruvaw igiddbu lil Justyne dwar kif ivvutat? Niftakru li kien Wistin tal-Belt li beda bil-gidba u komplew id-dixxipli. Misskom tistħu tinqdew bir-reliġjon u tgħidu li inthom Kattoliċi, meta moħħkom biex TIGDBU u timxu BL'INGANN. Ħadtuh t-tagħlim ta' Makkjavelli, dak il-gakbin taljan l'inthom tant tassoċjaw ruħkom magħhom. Imma ħafna nies drawkom, għalkemm baqa' ħafna mzazen jiġru mas-saqajn, speżjalment dawk li jinxtraw bix-xejn.