PN braces itself for Pullicino Orlando departure

Day of spin as PN’s infighting to be diverted over accusations on 2008 Mistra scandal.

A red-letter day for Lawrence Gonzi. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
A red-letter day for Lawrence Gonzi. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today meets rebel MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and European Commissioner John Dalli in what is set to be a red-letter day for the Nationalist Party.

The PN is bracing itself for the possible exit of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, whose bid to have the party's chief strategist Richard Cachia Caruana expelled was expectedly turned down by the PN executive committee's unanimous vote.

The MP was banned from contesting the next elections on the PN ticket after voting for an Opposition motion that forced the resignation of Cachia Caruana from permanent representative to the EU.

Gonzi's former leadership rival John Dalli will also be meeting the prime minister, in a bid to hand him names of PN officials whom he claims worked against him by passing on information to the Labour party.

Adding more flavour to what is going to be a day of political spin are new PN revelations that accuse Opposition leader Joseph Muscat of having been the source of information that Alfred Sant was going to attack Pullicino Orlando on the 2008 Mistra permit, which had nearly cost the PN its re-election.

Yesterday, Nationalist MPs Francis Zammit and Beppe Fenech Adami declared Muscat was the source of information that prepared the PN for the Mistra onslaught.

On its part, the Nationalist Party has so far refused to chastise Pullicino Orlando for his role in in the party's internal, albeit contrived, trial of Cachia Caruana.

Instead the PN blamed Joseph Muscat for orchestrating a 'political frame-up', after two Labour MPs called in as witnesses by Pullicino Orlando to substantiate his accusations of collusion against Cachia Caruana publicly stated their own recollections of meeting or dealing with the former ambassador. Cachia Caruana has filed a criminal slander suit against Labour whip Joe Mizzi for implicating him in a botched drugs raid aboard the yacht.

Adding to this soup are declarations by the Prime Minister's communications chief Gordon Pisani that in 2008, Pullicino Orlando was economical with the truth on his involvement in the Mistra scandal, when he did not reveal he had rented out the land for an open-air disco. As Labour leader Alfred Sant accused him of using his influence to gain planning permits for the disco, Pullicino Orlando chose to deny even knowing the applicant for the discotheque, when it turned out he had in fact negotiated a rental agreement with him.

On Tuesday, as the PN executive met to vote on Pullicino Orlando's accusations, Labour issued a secret recording of Cachia Caruana speaking about the 1994 assassination on his life, in which he is heard complaining that former deputy prime minister Guido de Marco had fomented the resentment against him by the family of Brigadier Maurice Calleja. Calleja had resigned in 1993 after his on Meinrad was convicted on drug trafficking charges; Meinrad Calleja was later charged with commissioning the assassination attempt against Cachia Caruana but acquitted in 2004.

U IZJED MA DDUM IZJED TINZEL GOL HAMA. Wehhlu f Joseph Muscat li thom informazzjoni fuq tal Mistra...halluna, issa ix xjaten ta l-infern ha jqumu ghal Joseph, izjed ma toqrob l-elezzjoni. Imma in-nies issa jafuhom sewwa lil ta GONZIPN...TAFDAWHOMX...
Tghid issa il gvern ta coalizzjoni tal PN ser jibqa johrog informazzjoni privata ta dak li ghadda bejn JPO u l-klikka ta Gonzi PN? Li hu zgur hu li issa JPO immansakhom u immutakhom u gab li Dr.Gonzi jittallab ghal vot tieghu.
Luke Camilleri
U dan taghhom f'taghhom u araw sa fejn jaslu b'kull konversazzjoni irrekordjata...ara sa fejn jaslu aktar ma min jopponijhom! Jigu f'mohhi il-hacking tal-e-mails mill-MITTS, trekking mil- mobile, insomma ghamlu il-pajjiz taghhom ghas servizz taghhom u nahseb anki bis Servizzi tal-pajjiz ghas servizz tal-Partit taghhom!
Politicial Frame-up ? It's so ridiulous to say so. How stupid deos the PN think the people are ? I believe that those billboards showing the PM that he wan't see, look or listen cannot be a better explanation of what is occurring within the GonziPN. So ridiulous I just cannot believe it !! I also believe that when you have been long in power you start to loose the feeling of the people's thoughts, hardships, expectancies and common sense - you feel that you are the one and only who could lead the gathering. So hopless and ridicuous the sitaution is that I cannot imagine worse!! I only feel sorry for the Hon Dr Carm, but for the rest I pity them.
U wara dan il- glied kollu fil-partit nazzjonalista,it-tort ta min? Ta Joseph Muscat. Imma kif dawn in-nies ma jisthux min alla li- halaqhom.
Imhawra sew il-borma. U Gonzi jghid li business as usual u se jkompli sal-ahhar tal-legislatura. Dr Gonzi qisu ragel wahdu imdawwar min kullimkien bin-nar u kull ma ghandu f'idu u barmil bl-ilma. Tghid jirnexxilu jisgicca? Jien qatt ma rajt iljunfant jghaddi minn ras ta labra.
fuq il-profs de Marco ghad irridu nisimghu iktar affarijiet. ex. ghaliex Dr. EFA heba l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi u li kienu implikati nies minn ta' madwaru fil-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, meta Dr. de Marco kien se jiehu l-Post ta' President tal-United Nations? Forsi biex ma jinbarazzax lil UN bl-ghazla? Aqraw ILLUM fuq google Karm Grima u taraw kif kien gie iffrejmjat missieri imma Dr. Gonzi ma jridx jiftaf griehi tal-passat u jinkixef skeletri fuq il-PN u ghalhekk qieghed ta' kull darba li niktiblu jirrispondini issa nara jew baghatha lill-AG il-kas ta' kumpens taghakom.Kitba kienet ta' Dr. Harry Vassallo li dritt tawh post Brussels nahseb biex jghalqulu halqu u jieqaf jikteb il-verita'; meta qabel ried jitfghu il-habs issa s-sur Dalli ghamlu adviser tieghu! Araw Times of Malta page 13, tiftakruha. tat-tmeninijiet fuq Dr. De Marco u is-sahha li kellu fil-qrati ta' Malta.
Isnt it funny how they blame the Labour ministers for speaking up but not turning up yet they dont mention the police commissioner john Rizzo who did not turn up either, this Government is just laughable.
This reminds me of the times during the Roman Empire. Bow your head to Ceaser's wishes or you will be fed to the Lions. Democracy at its Best -> Flimkien Kollox Possibli, u is-Solidarjeta, ma min?????????? mat Tajjeb jew mal-Hazin,Mas-sinjur jew il-fqir, ma min huwa bshatu jew il-batut, jew mal KLIKKA?
Not much of a point to delay this election drama. Call an electin and let the winner govern.