‘PN insider leaked Mistra contract to us’ – Labour on 2008 political scandal

As PN accuses Muscat of having revealed Labour's Mistra attack, PL says party insider leaked damning contract.

How the PN won the 2008 election: Alfred Sant (right) walking away from Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando during the Broadcasting Authority debate. Photo: Gilbert Calleja/Mediatoday
How the PN won the 2008 election: Alfred Sant (right) walking away from Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando during the Broadcasting Authority debate. Photo: Gilbert Calleja/Mediatoday

Adds PN statement at 3:21pm

The Labour Party has declared that a PN insider leaked the damning rental contract that betrayed Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando's denials of having had nothing to do with the questionable planning application for his land in Mistra, an ecologically sensitive area, to be turned into an open-air disco.

The statement comes hours after Nationalist MPs Francis Zammit Dimech and Beppe Fenech Adami declared on TVM's Realtà and One TV's Issues on Wednesday evening, that Opposition leader Joseph Muscat had been the source of information that forewarned the PN of Alfred Sant's plan to attack Pullicino Orlando in the 2008 election.

"The PN's spin is as big as the lies invented by Lawrence Gonzi and Richard Cachia Caruana in the 2008 election," the PL said in a statement.

"Joe Saliba had started this lie four years ago in an interview to the Sunday Times," the party said, referring to claims by the former secretary-general in June 2008 that Joseph Muscat had hinted at the Labour strategy on Mistra during a TV programme.

"GonziPN knows who amongst them leaked the Mistra story on the eve of the elections, who leaked the contract and who leaked sensitive documents," the PL said.

On its part the Nationalist Party issued a statement and said "nowhere in its statement did the Labour Party deny that Muscat spoke to a person within the Nationalist Party about the Mistra case."

The PN said that when Muscat had passed on the information that Labour's target was going to be a prominent PN candidate.

"Now that four years have passed since Saliba said that it was Muscat who had disclosed this information, Labour is trying to find a means of finding a way out of what its leader said."

The PN statement added that Labour never denied the claims when Saliba first made his statement, implying that Saliba's claims were true.

"It is only now, in a state of panic, that Muscat and Labour are trying to deny this in a weak attempt to cover what Muscat had done. This confirms that Muscat is an amateur and a coward politician."

The PN also noted that Labour did not deny that it was Muscat who had disclosed the information but instead alleged that it was somebody within the PN that leaked the Mistra story to Labour.

In the cited interview, Saliba claimed Joseph Muscat had given "indirect hints" at political activities that enabled the PN to deduce that Labour was about to reveal details of the controversial permit.

Saliba had said that Muscat had, on a TV programme, announced Labour would be releasing information "to implicate one of the candidates in corruption. A couple of days after the programme, in a private conversation, Muscat inadvertently continued giving hints to show that he was aware of Labour's strategy and we managed to identify the candidate they would be picking on."

The Mistra scandal of 2008 was the backdrop to a hard-won victory stolen from the jaws of defeat by the Nationalists, who managed to turn Pullicino Orlando into a victim of political 'bullying' and in the process get the MP elected on both his constituencies.

But since having voted with the Opposition to force the resignation of Richard Cachia Caruana from permanent representative to the EU, largely on the grounds that he suspected his hand behind a push to make him resign his seat after the 2008 election, the PN has now gone on record stating that the MP never told the party he had negotiated a €1.9 million rental agreement.

Reporting the aftermath

In 2009, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando claimed that Saliba did not just 'guess' he was going to be attacked, but that he knew exactly what he was going to be attacked about. "He sent me chasing after Sant prepared to rebut any allegation he might make about the Mistra 'scandal'.

"Hence he got me to write that famous article which appeared in the Times on 1/3/08 entitled 'Street Corner Gossip' which anticipated Sant's attack and neutralised it somewhat. One asks: why did Joe lie about how they were forewarned?"

The MP said this in a comment posted on columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia's blog, who today is credited as having ghost-written 'Street Corner Gossip'.

Pullicino Orlando had then claimed the details of the Mistra story were leaked to Labour from his own party, and that he was instantly sidelined by the PN after the election, despite setting up a veritable defence against Sant's accusations.

Jason Micallef, the former Labour secretary-general who was the first to get the details on the Mistra permit, had told this newspaper that the Labour Party's source was not a PN official.

The Mistra scandal also led to police charges against two MEPA officials charged with trading in influence for issuing the Mistra permit, but who were later acquitted Pullicino Orlando claimed it was "certain elements" from his political spectrum that fed "misinformation" to the media and whipped up a public outcry.

Pullicino Orlando also claimed "a high-ranking Cabinet minister" told him the two planning authority members were charged in court to satisfy the outrage generated by Mistra-gate.

If we had to, for one little moment, believe the PN's claims that JM inadvertently exposed labour's intentions in the Mistragate, does this make the scandal any more acceptable? The crux of all this was and remains clear for everyone to see. The PN will do anything, just anything, as long as it retains its grip on power. The party has long ago lost its soul. It has long ago become a ruthless, power hungry, defective 'supposedly' democratic party.
I fully agree with Donna & jaquilina. Who was the PN source? This is now of paramount importance.
@jaquilina......Joseph needs not waste time on libels that take years to end, by the time he wins it he'll be preparing general elections as PM, gonzi would be history and RCC languishing in his indoor swimming pool in Mdina.John Dalli would be PN leader and JPO would be back together with Mugliette and Franco. Whilst Beppe and Francis would , maybe,be making up the numbers in the PN opposition.Austin Gatt employed by his son as an office clerk and Mario contemplating why he was affraid of RCC while and lost his chance to become leader as a backbencher with Beppe and Francis.
"Hence he got me to write that famous article which appeared in the Times on 1/3/08 entitled 'Street Corner Gossip' which anticipated Sant's attack and neutralised it somewhat. One asks: why did Joe lie about how they were forewarned?".......Isn't it immaterial who leaked what and who supplied what when it is obvious that gonzipn are admitting that they were accessories to a crime. They are damning themselves with these accusations admitting that they new more than did actually let on and blatanly lied and manipulated the electorate. It is wisely said that "the gods drive you mad before taking you".
Fuq l-Istazzjon Nazzjonali Francis Zammit Dimech ghamel akkuza serja fil-konfront ta' Dr Muscat fejn qal li Dr Muscat infurmahom fl-2008 li ser isiru l-attakki fuq JPO minhabba l-Iskandlu tal-Mistra. Ftit tal-hin wara fuq OneTV Beppe Fenech Adami qal li l-PN ma kinux jafu bl-Iskandlu tal-Mistra sakemm raw lil Dr Alfred Sant fuq it-TV bil-Kuntratt f'idejh. MISSEK TISTHI FRANCIS tohrog b'din il-gidba lejliet Elezzjoni Generali biex tipprova thammeg lil Dr Joseph Muscat!!Konferma ta inkosistenza fil-gideb taghhom! Att: Lawrence Gonzi Jekk kont taf minghand Jospeh bl-iskandlu ghalfejn hallejt lil JPO jikkontesta fuq 2 distretti? Ghalfejn inghata timbru min kastilja sabiex jaghmilha ta' gurnalist u jidhol PBS sabiex jikkonfronta lil Dr Alfred Sant? Ghalfejn accejtajtuh jigi taht it-tinda mieghek u joqghod jibki sabiex jilghaba tal-vittma fost ic-capcip tieghek stess on record kif ukoll tal-partitarji nazzjonalisti?
Fuq l-Istazzjon Nazzjonali Francis Zammit Dimech ghamel akkuza serja fil-konfront ta' Dr Muscat fejn qal li Dr Muscat infurmahom fl-2008 li ser isiru l-attakki fuq JPO minhabba l-Iskandlu tal-Mistra. Ftit tal-hin wara fuq OneTV Beppe Fenech Adami qal li l-PN ma kinux jafu bl-Iskandlu tal-Mistra sakemm raw lil Dr Alfred Sant fuq it-TV bil-Kuntratt f'idejh. MISSEK TISTHI FRANCIS tohrog b'din il-gidba lejliet Elezzjoni Generali biex tipprova thammeg lil Dr Joseph Muscat!!Konferma ta inkosistenza fil-gideb taghhom! Att: Lawrence Gonzi Jekk kont taf minghand Jospeh bl-iskandlu ghalfejn hallejt lil JPO jikkontesta fuq 2 distretti? Ghalfejn inghata timbru min kastilja sabiex jaghmilha ta' gurnalist u jidhol PBS sabiex jikkonfronta lil Dr Alfred Sant? Ghalfejn accejtajtuh jigi taht it-tinda mieghek u joqghod jibki sabiex jilghaba tal-vittma fost ic-capcip tieghek stess on record kif ukoll tal-partitarji nazzjonalisti?
Luke Camilleri
Not only do we have GonziPN meltdown but there is GONZIleaks as well! This PNtomime is truly turning into a Tragi-comic Soap Opera!
If Joseph Muscat is so sure of himself then all he has to do is sue the two nationalist MPs for libel ... and why doesn't labour give names?
Alfred Sant rega inghata ragun, din id-darba mil PN biex ikunu jistghu ' issawtu ' lil JPO.
I think the Labour party should name the PN person responsible, and not leave us all in the dark. GonziPN keep naming JM and blaming him for everything they have done wrong so give them a taste of their own medicine and shut the liars up.