Pullicino Orlando resigns, Muscat: ‘PN government has ended’, Gonzi forges ahead with ‘coalition’

Pullicino Orlando resigns to become independent MP in ‘coalition’ with PN to see that it completes its electoral programme.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has lost his one-seat majority after Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando resigned from the PN parliamentary group. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has lost his one-seat majority after Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando resigned from the PN parliamentary group. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Additional reporting by Jurgen Balzan and Nestor Laiviera.

Updated with press conference by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat, statement by AD chairperson Michael Briguglio.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said his government will be forging ahead with its electoral mandate, after losing his one-seat majority with the resignation of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando from the PN parliamentary group.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando resigned from the PN today, effectively robbing Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi of his one-seat majority, but pledging to keep working with the Nationalist government for the completion of its electoral mandate.

Gonzi started off his press conference by declaring Pullicino Orlando would be collaborating with the government on its electoral programme. "We will have an agenda of laws from our electoral programme, and more are to be published in the coming weeks with the Whistleblowers Act, the cohabitation law and the IVF law," Gonzi said. "Our duty is to complete this electoral mandate and see that we deliver policies that guarantee jobs."

Gonzi said there was no need to seek the President's advice on the loss of his one-seat majority, since there was an understanding with Pullicino Orlando to consult on the government's work programme. "It is a working formula that will allow the government to keep functioning."

The prime minister said he would not enter into the merits of whether the Speaker of the House will have to convene parliament and seek the House's support for Gonzi.

Gonzi said the unusual arrangement will see him consulting Pullicino Orlando on forthcoming measures. "The upcoming Budget is going to be very important, especially within the European context and the changes yet to come from the European Stability Mechanism.

"I hope that, in the weeks to come, the new way of working will deliver results. My appeal is that we seek the national interest... the most important thing is the country, saving jobs and attracting investment, and fostering a good economic environment that guarantees incomes for families and the government."

Joseph Muscat: Malta has 'hung parliament'

In a press conference at 7:50pm, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said Lawrence Gonzi today had officially lost his majority. "What we have is a government that is working with the conditional external support of an MP. We have a hung parliament that is leaving families and businesses hanging. People are asking who is calling the shots in this country."

Muscat said Gonzi had lost his 'safe pair of hands', saying he had prioritised his internal party problems over those of the country. "He has put power before his duty to the country. The electorate did not vote for a coalition government, but for a Nationalist government, a government that has ended today."

"The decision is now obvious," Muscat said, urging Gonzi to shoulder the responsibility for the current situation his government finds itself in.

He also expressed scepticism regarding Gonzi's assurances that his government would see out its term to the end.

"He has claimed that he addressed the situation more than once before. And each time, he was proven wrong," Muscat said, pointing to Gonzi's previous assurances that the parliamentary dissent was "a closed chapter".

"Today, we have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog. The Prime Minister needs to shoulder the responsibility for this state of affairs, and I expect him to do so," Muscat said.

Asked by the media whether the PL planned to push for an early election, Muscat insisted that the ball was now in Lawrence Gonzi's court, and maintained that the present situation "is very different" compared to when it had presented its motions of confidence earlier during the year.

He also did not commit himself to whether he would call a vote of confidence when parliament convenes, in the event that Gonzi does not dissolve parliament before then. "The opposition will always work towards the national interest," Muscat said, adding that "the only road is an obvious one, and he must take responsibility and not drag his feet," Muscat said, referring to early elections.

Resignation letter

In a letter to Lawrence Gonzi, Pullicino Orlando said it was "with sincere regret that I must tender my resignation from the Nationalist Party, effective immediately." He left the PN headquarters at 6:45pm after holding a meeting with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Pullicino Orlando said his reason for resigning stemmed from the fact that he did not "feel comfortable militating in a party which has been hijacked by Mr Richard Cachia Caruana and Dr Austin Gatt. Without detracting from the attributes both these individuals may have, I do not subscribe to their way of doing politics."

Pullicino Orlando said that he will be informing the Speaker of the House Michael Frendo as he will no longer be a member of the PN parliamentary group. "I will also be requesting a meeting with him in order to plan a way forward, given the circumstances."

The MP said in his letter that 5,100 constituents had given him their first preference vote in the last general elections, which he contested on the PN ticket. "I will, out of respect for the clear mandate they honoured me with, continue to collaborate in the implementation of the measures outlined in the PN electoral programme for 2008."

Pullicino Orlando's letter confirms that as an independent MP, he will come to a sort of 'coalition' agreement with Gonzi to see that the government completes its five-year mandate. "Given the circumstances, I expect to be consulted by you should any measure which is not specifically mentioned in the electoral programme require my support in Parliament."

It is with some irony that the Prime Minister's coalition of MPs, as MaltaToday described the GonziPN parliamentary group, has now reached its logical conclusion.

"This onerous decision should not, in any way, be interpreted as a reflection of the respect I have for you on a personal level, which remains unaffected," Pullicino Orlando told Gonzi in his resignation letter.

AD: call elections

In a comment posted on Facebook, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Michael Briguglio said AD was reiterating its call for an announcement of the date of general elections. "Postponing the inevitable will only cause more uncertainty. If in parliament, AD will not act like a primadonna on petty issues, but will work responsibly for progressive change."

Red-letter day for Gonzi

As the MP entered the PN's headquarters for a meeting with Gonzi at 6pm today, just days after his case for the expulsion of party strategist Richard Cachia Caruana was unanimously voted down by the party executive, renewed speculation that the MP will finally break off from the party came from sources who had spoken to Pullicino Orlando in the last 24 hours. "After the RCC debacle it is clear that he has little room for manoeuvre but to break away from the party and declare himself an independent MP," a source told MaltaToday.

Now it is up to Gonzi to either seek a constitutional solution to his parliamentary crisis, or go for early elections when parliament is reconvened in October. He will certainly need Pullicino Orlando's vote if he wants to pass the 2013 Budget in October.

He will not be able to seek the President's advice on the matter: George Abela is on missionary work in Lima, Peru.

There is no doubt that the MP's resignation will hasten calls from Labour for a swift solution to the impending parliamentary quandary. Parliament is in summer recess until 1 October and the government's position may then have to be determined by a vote of confidence.

In January, when Nationalist MP Franco Debono declared that he would not be supporting the government in Parliament, the leader of the Opposition, Joseph Muscat asked the Speaker of the House to re-convene Parliament urgently.

In a letter sent to Speaker Michael Frendo, Muscat asked the Speaker to urgently recall Parliament from its Christmas recess to determine whether the government enjoyed a parliamentary majority to remove the uncertainty that was hindering the country's progress.

The Speaker had turned down the request and justified the decision by saying that Parliament was due to reconvene from the Christmas recess a week later and felt that there was no need to put the date forward.

However this time around there are two major differences to the situation in January: in January the likelihood of government losing its majority was only a threat, which came from Franco Debono's declarations that he would withdraw his support. However if Pullicino Orlando resigns from the party, it would be much more than a plain threat. It would officially mean that the government has 34 MPs, the same number of MPs the Opposition has.

Secondly, in contrast to January, the Parliament will not be reconvening within one week's time but within 10 weeks.

According to Parliament's Permanent Orders, the Speaker can of his own accord or if requested reconvene Parliament earlier than planned but only if he feels the matter is urgent.

Luke Camilleri
Gonzi forges ahead .... AHEAD? Ging downhill more likely with brakes!
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi forges ahead .... AHEAD? Ging downhill more likely with brakes!
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi forges ahead .... AHEAD? Ging downhill more likely with brakes!
L-Onorevoli Prim MInistru jiddikjara li ser jibqa jmexxi sal-aħħar u għalhekk ser jiddedika id-diska " Sa l-Aħħar Nifs " ta' Claudio Faniello lill-poplu ta' Malta u Għawdex . Dejjem jekk ma jinqalax xi ħaġa oħra min taħt >
Xi hadd nesa' li fl-1995, Censu Moran irriżwenja mill-MLP u baqa jappoggja lill-Gvern?
Franco Debono’s high horse has been yanked from under his a**e. Previously RCC and AG were manoeuvring the party with LG as the front, now it is JPO pulling the reins and possibly soon FD, as the latter cannot stand being outdone. GonziPN will be forced finally to introduce the Whistle Blowers Act. Whilst Malta burns, Malta’s President George Abela has run away to Peru to fulfil his life’s Christian mission. Even in this instance, the Catholic Church has meddled indirectly with the political process.
Malta taht "Dittatura ala Ewropeja Faxxista"??? Jekk xi darba kelli dubju li ta GONZIPN hu affiljat mal partit FAXXISTA TALJAN, issa nehhejtu zgur.
Malta taht "Dittatura ala Ewropeja Faxxista"???
Malta taht "Dittatura ala Ewropeja Faxxista"???
Mela GonziPN xi cuc Malti, biex imur ghall elezjoni,fejn jaf li ghandu telfa kbira fdan il mument.Jekk juza is sistema tal flus jirbaha l-elezjoni li jmis.Money talks bullshit walks.
Priscilla Darmenia
How many times Franco Debono did say that he had resigned from the PN and he is still there, and the resignation of JPO has immediately brought the government into a coalition between the PN and JPO. – It seems that none took Franco Debono seriously when he said he had resigned from the PN and none shall take him seriously in the future if he continues to say statements and then act the opposite way.
"The electorate did not vote for a coalition government, but for a Nationalist government, a government that has ended today." That's not how our constitution works and JM knows it. Even if JPO voted against, but one opposition MP voted in favour of the government, it would still remain standing. There are no parties in parliament except in assigning additional seats to the party with most votes, and in casual elections. There are only representatives. What would happen if three parties were elected to parliament with an almost-similar amount of seats? Whichever two parties agree to work together would become the government, and that's as it should be.
" Nibqa nigverna sa l-ahhar sekonda " Qallilna il P.M. X`Misthija,X`Umiljazzjoni....jigifieri GonziPN gie bhal beccun, irid jiekol min idejn JPO.Irid imur ikkaki meta jghejdlu JPO, jghaddi il ligijiet li irid JPO...jghamel li irid JPO....Allura kif jista isejjeah lilu innifsu Prim Ministru ? meta kull ma ser jaghmel irid jiehu il `go ahead` min Jeffery ? u jekk xi wiehed jew iz zewg muskettieri toghgobhom il bicca u jithajru jaghmlu l-istess x`ser taghmel ? Kollu tort ta min ivvinta li taghmel il farsa ta " PRIM MINISTER FOR A DAY " .
The way I see things: JPO is showing RCC who is "THE PRIME MINISTER" now!
Now let's see who will take over? Mr Finance Minister Mr T Fenech or the safe pair of hands the Chief Whip Mr David Agius
Kompli tqanzah Guz....prattikament PM ghalissa....il-PN fil-maltemp u int fl-oppozizzjoni!!!
@Giovanni Demartino mela ihhekkjawk, ghax John Dalli hekk ghamlulu shabek il-qaddisin ghax int mal qaddisin tghsmila mela mal marmalja lejburista tat-tmeninijiet li nahseb huma abbatini hdejn il hmieg li qed nisimaw ghax shabek Kardinali bil pedigree. Din mhux vjolenza bil pulit,nistaqsi? Gibtuha c-cikkulata ta barra, gibtu anki spaghetti u ma naf xhiex izjed, semmili kemm ghamiltu gid? jew dejn sfrenat ta shabek li gawdew bhalek. Ic-cejca dalwaqt tieqaf u ghal inqas tkompli tgawdii int u ahna mhux int biss, lilna hallejtulna l-loqma imma Joey il Lejburist diga qal min hela u berbaq ihallas u mhux ahna l-haddiema siehbi Giovann u nahseb siehbek Wenzu jivvota u jlebbet x'imkien mohbi ghal kwiet forsi jintaqa ma Ben Ali u jghidlu kemm ghanqu lil Muammar Gaddafi li kien kapaci fl-istorja li kien l-ahhar kap ta stat li ghanqu. Kulhadd igawdi issa Giovann, int u jien u l-ohrajn u mhux int u shabek biss tal klikka.
Wara ir rizenja ta JPO dan il gvern tilef il mandat u ma ghandu l ebda dritt jifforma xi koalizzjoni.B din l attitudni irresponsabbli u dittatorjali ta Gonzi se jwassal il pajjiz f'xifer ta anarkija u jekk allahares qatt jigri hekk tkun ir responsabbilta tieghu biss u fuq il kuxjenza tieghu li jkun gab il pajjiz f dak l istat
X'nimmagina li ghadda bejn JPO u GonziPN: JPO: Hello, hello, inti il-Par Idejn Sodi"? GonziPN: Jien GonziPN. Int min int? JPO: Jien dak li int u l-kunsill tieghek minghalikom li c-censurajtuni u kissirtuni. Nhar il-Hamis wara nofs-in-nhar qis li tkun l-ufficcju tieghek ghax ghandi xi nghidlek. GonziPN: Ok, Ok Jeffrey. Basta ma ggibx bodyguards mieghek. Id-diskursata tkompli il-Hamis wara nofs-in-nhar fl-ufficcju ta' GonziPN. JPO: Ha din ir-rizenja tieghi trid ma tridx. Ifhimni sew se nghidlek darba biss. Jien se nkopmpli nonora il- programm ta' l-ahhar elezzjoni bil kundizzjoni li int trid tikkunsultani fuq dak kollu li tkun se tghaddi mill-parlament u jrid ikollok l-approvazzjoni tieghi. Il-vot tieghi nikkmandah jien. GonziPN: Grazzi hafna Jeffrey kemm int generuz. Inbus idejk. Naghmel dak kollu li tghidli. B'dan il-ftehim nista nibqa mwahhal mas-siggu. Tghidx kemm hu komdu u kemm hu ghal-qalbi. X'nofrilek? JPO: Dal hin ma nixrobx. Nispera li fhimtni sew. Ciao.
The soap opera continues with a new episode of today....I think there is more to come. This soap opera was beginning to be comic but now it is turning into tragedy for the Maltese people. This Government is no longer functioning. GonziPN has now turned against the Maltese Republic. We are in a confirmed DICTATORSHIP!!!
Ghandi kurzita kbira.mela, FD irrezenja mill PN f'Novembru li ghadda u ma gietx accetata jew ghada ''pending'' u illum deputat iehor jigi accetat li irrezenja mill partit.hawadni ha nifhem !!!!
JPO said in his letter of resignation from the PN that he will collaborate in the implementation of the 2008 electoral progamme with which the PN was returned to power. In no way he is implying that he will continue to show unconditional confidence in Lawrence Gonzi as Prime Minister! Defacto, Lawrence Gonzi has lost the confidence of the majority of the Members of Parliament! Is the President anywhere about to see if someone else enjoys the confidence of the majority of the members in the HOuse? It seems that poor Malta has been thrown in a constitutional vacuum! E tutto va bene!!!
ara vera l-istess bhal zijuh dan GONZIKARETTAPN.
Ghandi kurzita kbira.mela, FD irrezenja mill PN f'Novembru li ghadda u ma gietx accetata jew ghada ''pending'' u illum deputat iehor jigi accetat li irrezenja mill partit.hawadni ha nifhem !!!!
Kif nara 'l GonziPN illum. Qed narah b'zewg feluliet (JPO & FD) fuq il-ponta ta' mniehru. Il-problema hi li GonziPN ma jarax sal ponta ta' mniehru. Mela ma jistax jikkurhom. Jaf jikkankraw jew jisfigurawh.
Dawn l-ahbarijiet li in naha tal-Gvern jidrilhom li huma importanti illum: No need to comment: aħbarijiet minn maltarightnow.com @ 22.27HRS 1. Vjolenza u insistenza bil-veto 2. Jgħibu fl-għarqa ta' ferry 3. Joseph Muscat jgħid li l-ballun mhux f'saqajh 4. Il-mira tal-Prim Ministru hi li jiddeċiedi l-aħjar għall-pajjiż 5. Ben Ali jingħata ħabs għal għomru fl-assenza tiegħu 6. Imut l-eks kap tas-servizzi sigrieti Eġizzjani taħt Mubarak 7. L-ebda għaġla għal konflitt wara l-attakk fuq it-turisti fil-Bulgarija X'MISTHIJA????????????????????
Dr Gonzi gal darba kin travel mieghek innifsek u ghamel dark li ghandek taghmel. Jekk ikun irid lilek, il-poplu lilek jerga jtella. Perot hard ma hu ghal dejjem. Lanqas dark li kont into l-ahhar Prim Ministry li ghannaqtu ghax meta wasal zmienu tajruh ukoll!
Dak li tizra tahsad. Bhali minn ilu jivvota lil PN qed niehdu dak li haqqna. Wara li poggejna partita skampli fil-poter li farrku pajjiz u qaghdu tajjeb kemm felhu minn fuq darna, issa li ghamlu tahthom u cappsu l-qalziet issa jparpru bil-kwiet 'l hemm igawdu dak li gwadanjaw u l-poplu jibqa jixxejer. Bil-haqq gej Gejtu Vella tafux! Forsi jerga johloq ukoll Vince tal-Grtu. Xi hadd kuljomu Shakespeare biex inkomplu nghaqdu l-lista tat-tragedja.
Jista il-kbir Franko jghidilna x'hini d-differenza bejn ir-rizenja tieghu u dik ta' JPO mill-partit GonziPN?
Kuragg Joseph, iz-zmien li pajjizek jajatlek qijed fil-qrib u lilna ser issibna dejjem warajk.
This is not the first time that a government MP resigned and remained in parliament and supported government. During Dr Sant administration, Dr Vincent Moran resigned (24.5.1995) after the "Gens" story about him and said that he would continue support Sant' Government as he was elected on a Labour mandate. Nothing new in this island of ours.
RCC recently sent his letter of resignation. From a purely linguistic point-of-view, JPO should have asked RCC for a bit of help with the English :-)
It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings. [Mahatma Gandhi] As the world's finest democracy, we do not do guillotines. But there are other less bloody rituals of humiliation, designed to reassure the populace that order is restored, the Republic cleansed.[William Greider]
Eddyjoyce skuzani ta, imma l-qarrejja kollha qed jistennewk in-naha l-ohra. Possibbli int chicken daqshekk?
The Cobra (GonziPN) will now have to sway to the tune played by the Snake Charmer (JPO) or else...
Ghadek ma ndunajtx sur Lawerence Gonzi x'loghba laghbek JPO??Ghadek ma ndunajtx li dawk il-billboards tieghek mwahhal ma siggu tal poter issa taw ragun lil PL u min ghada l-gazetti INDIPENDENTI se jiktbulek fuq l-editorjal li tlift il-maggoranza u jmissek issejjah elezzjoni? Bli stqaarija ta llum ikkonfermajt li se tibqa sejjer bil programm elettorali tieghek.Ergajt tajt ragun lil billboards tal PL fejn gabuk ghajnejk maluqin u isodd widnejk ghax ma tridtx tisma mil maggoranza ta nies u opinjonisti politici bi sens mhux bhal Gejtu Vella li wara llum se jghidtulek sejjah elezzjoni.X'nassa ghamilek JPO u ma ndunajtx li qieghed tazzaq ghax meta jkollok vizju,debbolezza u ossesjoni tibqa taghmel ta rasek u ma tirragunax. Issa xi xenarji godda se jinfethu??Min huwa prim ministru??GONZI PN JEW JPO INDIPENDENTI?Kif se tibqa dwar Franco Debono li qal mhux se jissaportja lil super man Wistin??Jghaddu granet u iktar qied tidbijed min nies sur prim ministru u aghar minhekk,nies stess min gewwa l-partit telqu ghax xebu mil istill ta tmexxija tieghek li fija xejn wahda ta djufija lejn nies bhal RCC U Wistin Gatt
Gvern mabut mal poter. Oppozizzjoni imcahhda mill poter. Poplu fin nofs jaqla.
Gvern mabut mal poter. Oppozizzjoni imcahhda mill poter. Poplu fin nofs jaqla.
Zack Depasquale
Gonzi has no self respect left, he will be remembered as the worst Prim Minister ever.
tghid issa jibqghu jattakawh lil Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Andrew Borg Cardona, Daphne u l-hafna kummentaturi ta' GonziPN ?? Issa Gonzi se jkollu joqghod ghal li jghidlu JPO u mhux Austin Gatt u RCC !!!!
Gonzi imdendel b'harira. Bongu Dr Franco. Fejn hu l-imqass?
Joseph Sant
The new Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta, Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, said this evening he will be leading the country with a strong pair of hands and will not tolerate bullying tactics. Congratulations to the new Prime Minister. P.S.: Absolutely no sarcasm intended. This is a statement of fact.
Stefan Mifsud
This is a quote from our PM. ... the most important thing is the country, saving jobs and attracting investment, and fostering a good economic environment that guarantees incomes for families and the government." This man is now even able to lie to himself and to the whole of Malta in front of the local press. He has become such a joke the man makes me blush!!!!
Stefan Mifsud
This is a quote from our PM. ... the most important thing is the country, saving jobs and attracting investment, and fostering a good economic environment that guarantees incomes for families and the government." This man is now even able to lie to himself and to the whole of Malta in front of the local press. He has become such a joke the man makes me blush!!!!
Stefan Mifsud
This is a quote from our PM. ... the most important thing is the country, saving jobs and attracting investment, and fostering a good economic environment that guarantees incomes for families and the government." This man is now even able to lie to himself and to the whole of Malta in front of the local press. He has become such a joke the man makes me blush!!!!
Tghid nergghu narawh jibki dal-vavu?
I think that if Dr Lawrence Gonzi convenes the PN die-hards to contest another leadership race; he will solve everything again!!! Yups!
GonziPN should not worry; now he can call RCC, the witch of Bidnija, and Austin Gatt to spin and create an other MP. As the sayings goes:' ma GonziPN kollox possibli'....anke l-impossibli...halla lil sahhara tf..ti partit!
Gonzi under JPO's thumb! JPO defacto "premier"; how long will Gonzi continue to humiliate himself?
GonziPN should not worry; now he can call RCC, the witch of Bidnija, and Austin Gatt to spin and create an other MP. As the sayings goes:' ma GonziPN kollox possibli'....anke l-impossibli...halli lil sahhara tf..ti partit!
Few comments, if any, were made towards Austin Gatt's attempted frame-up to JPO in front of all those who were attending the PN's executive council, when he said the JPO told him on election victory that if not given a Ministry he would bring the government down. Such talk certainly did not help the situation. I wonder what sort of strategy Austin Gatt has. This is something which Franco Debono commented upon earlier this week.
So, the election looms nearer, although economic reasons - Government's inability to reach the targets set in the Budget - feature even more prominently in the decision to tackle the rebel trio than the stability they engendered itself. Government knows it cannot hope to go beyond the next budget date and win, soit might as well precipiate a political crisis, so it can blame the rebels for the early election. Who were the winners and losers after Tuesday's showdown at the PN Headqurters? http://thaxwix.blogspot.com/2012/07/no-piety-at-pieta.html
So, the election looms nearer, although economic reasons - Government's inability to reach the targets set in the Budget - feature even more prominently in the decision to tackle the rebel trio than the stability they engendered itself. Government knows it cannot hope to go beyond the next budget date and win, soit might as well precipiate a political crisis, so it can blame the rebels for the early election. Who were the winners and losers after Tuesday's showdown at the PN Headqurters? http://thaxwix.blogspot.com/2012/07/no-piety-at-pieta.html
You see dear Prime Minister, you are no longer in command (and you never were) cos now it's JPO who tells you what to do and not even your shadow RCC can help you! But I'm sure you are naive enough to hang on till the end when then the defeat will be much greater!
la xorta se tkun coalizjoni mal gvern, stajt bqajt fejn kont..issa haj kollna gonzipn u pullypn, kemm qedin sew,,
What is the difference? If JPO will still give gonzi his support, what a farce of the highest order only apuppet PM would accept this situation, goes to show that gonzi is real glued to the seat of power and would not give it up without a big loud cry. Money money money, very funny in a PMs world.
zgur li ragel ta kelma aktar mill Hon. Franco Debono
i thought that this would happen...
If JPO goes independent it shows how gutless is Franco who suffered at the hands of gonzi's oligarchy just as much but has no self respect or respects his family considering the vile attacks they suffered at the hands of the nazzies.I bet that another surprise would surface one of these days.
If JPO will become an Indepedent MP expect more filth from the 'strategos' and more vitriol from the creepy Bidnija witch.!