Updated | Hacking attempt on Dalli was made by PN officials

European Commissioner says hacking attempt on his email came from within Nationalist Party quarters. Prime Minister 'hopes' police investigation doesn't take too long

European Commissioner John Dalli.
European Commissioner John Dalli.

Updated at 6:45pm with Prime Minister's comments

European Commissioner John Dalli has claimed PN officials or party members were behind an attempted hacking of his email account, and that he had passed on the relevant information to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and the Police.

Reacting, Gonzi said he hoped the Police concluded its investigations shortly, and that the outcome of that investigations are made "public".

Dalli, a former leadership rival to Gonzi, told the press during a visit to the national abattoir that in a private meeting he had yesterday with the prime minister, he had passed on the names of PN officials whom he claims worked against him during the 2004 leadership campaign.

Dalli also took umbrage at the way he was made to resign in 2004 when Lawrence Gonzi told him he was "under investigation", when it turned out that a fabricated report alleging kickbacks had not even been passed on to the Commissioner of Police for investigation.

"What happened to me happened in the most incorrect way possible. The thing that bothers me was the fact that I was not informed of what I was being accused.

"In the case of Richard Cachia Caruana, an effort was made to have his witnesses declare what they would be accusing him of. In my case, there was a report in the hands of the prime minister that was not revealed to me and whose accusations I could not be aware of."

Dalli had resigned as foreign minister in 2004 on the basis of a private investigator's report containing fabricated allegations of kickbacks on a hospital equipment contract. The investigator was later arraigned on fraud charges and convicted, after Dalli had resigned.

"What happened to me was the highest form of disloyalty, which will haunt me forever. I knew of the contents of the investigator's report on the 15 August, when I had resigned the 4 July, when a journalist informed me that somebody had been arraigned on fraud charges over the report. That's when I got to know of the accusations."

On Thursday, Dalli met Gonzi to tell him that he had been the target of "renewed" attacks made against him, and to provide him with information on PN and government officials at the source of these alleged attacks. He also confirmed that he passed on the information to the Police for further investigation.

Asked about the PN's internal crisis and who should shoulder the responsibility for what happened, Dalli insisted that "who is leading should shoulder the responsibility", stopping short of mentioning names.

Dalli said he has have given Gonzi the origin of anonymous blogs, and also email conversations, which attacked him some time in February when his name was being floated as a possible candidate for the party leadership election in February.

Dalli also revealed that on Wednesday, 11 July, he was specifically asked by Cachia Caruana to issue a statement in his favour, but that he declined. But on Thursday, 12 July - the next day - he found that his email domain had been hacked in an attempt at replicating his email traffic, and claimed the hacking originated from an IP address that was directly linked to the group fomenting anonymous attacks on him.

Dalli has also passed on the names of party officials who he claims passed on information on to the Labour party in a bid to inflict damage upon him.

Lil gianni: kont taf habib li il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, dak li kien wehel bl-irvellijiet tal-15 ta' Ottubru 1979,kien ghamlu l-avukat taghna stess minn wara daharna, u kien avukat f'sahhtu u gholi fil-PN. Ara Google internet fuq Karm Grima artikolu ta' Dr. Harry Vassallo fuq il-gazzetta ILLUM. Dr. Vassallo tawh post Brussels biex ma jkomplix jikxef nahseb' propju minn John Dalli li 3 snin ilu ried jitfghu il-habs fuq xi ftit vat defaults.l-ikbar dispjacir li kien ghal Dr. Vassallo kien li hadd ma kien cempillu biex jikkummenta fuq dak li kiteb, biex tara kemm huma interessati tal-Partit Laburista li jitilghu fil-gvern.
Veru tixirqilhom il-kanzunetta Parole, parole, parole, soltanto parole lil dawn kollha ta' hawn taht. X'ipokrezija grassa. Kemm saru jhobbuhom lil JPO (addio mistra u mhux mistra) lil Mugliett (addio pontijiet u mhux pontijiet) Lil FRanco (illum bla bocci, ghada bocci ta' barri), lil John Dalli (addio, hu Bastjan u mhux hu Bastjan) Tiftakruhom dawn? IPOKRITI! Nissuggerielkom: daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2012/t-shirt-slogan-i-hacked-john-dallis-email-account/ Kemm hi kerha l-ghira fil-bniedem. Wiehed mis-sebat irjus tad-dnubiet il-mejta konna nitghallmu.
Ghadni kif gej min fuq gazzetta ohra li jien ma ghadniex nikteb fuqha ghax bias wisq.....is sur Giovanni DeMartino qata` qalbu idahhaqna fuq din il gazzetta...bil Malti waqa ghan nej....k. u rega mar hemm, ghax waqqajtu ghac cajt....
Jista xi hadd pls jejdli fejnhom dawk li min hawn tejdx kemm jitkazaw bil-passat tal partit laburista?. Dak kollhu li kien jinqala fis snin 80 kollhu orginnazat minn PARTIT li jahdem ezatt kif tahdem il-mafja jigifieri il-partit GONZIPN.
Biex qeghdin tistaghgbu? Hallew kappella fil-Belt, li taqa' taht il-Gvern, tintuza biex jarmaw il-karrijiet tal-Karnival. X'baqa' jsir izjed minn hekk?
Not peace of mind. NO! He promised a fully beefed up, Stasi style, secret service.
What happened to me was the highest form of disloyalty, which will haunt me forever - Thabbilx rasek aktar Sur Dalli issa iz-zejt beda tiela f'wicc l-ilma u fl-ahhar mil-ahhar kulhadd jiehu dak li haqqu, meta ssaqsi l-opinioni pubblika dwar il-kaz tieghek ma ssibx wiehed li ma jemminx li dik kienet frame-up ikbar minn dik ta' Pietru Pawl, ghalhekk ghandek issib il-hin u s-sahha biex hekk kif il-poplu (li mhux brccun) jehles minn Gonzi PN tkun inti li terga tghaqqad lil-PN biex jissaffa kemm jista jkun malajr.
This goes hand-in-hand to what according to Franco Debono, Gonzi told him, namely to attack Labour on a daily basis. Is this what he meant when he said that he will be employing a new way of doing politics?
Who could the IT specialists be? We know of Claudio and Austin's offsprings, one is a gonzipn candidate the others are helping the electoral gang. Anybody elese you know?
X tahwid man!! anqas Sharelock Holmes ma jsolvih dan il kas!! Allura issa qeghdin b zewg Prim ministri insaqsi ta cuc Malti li jien? Vapur b zewg kaptani ma jimxix ghax wiehed jghidlu dawwar lemm u l-iehor idawru l-hawan, u dritt ghal gol blat!! Insomma ghal gol hajt minn tlett nahat man.......
ser jghidu issa dawk kollha li kitbu kontra jpo u franco?issa ghanda it tielet wiehed li gie attakkat vilment mil klikka ta gonzipn.Issa mhux slow puncture il karozza ghandhom imma vapur li qieghed jeghreq ftit ftit.issa jidher car li il klikka ta imperatur austinus gattos ila tahdem min taht biex tkisser xi individwi mil pn.Min hawn nghid lil Dalli sabiex ma jaqtax qalbu ghaliex is sewwa maghruf johrog zgur.Int ghandek il kapacijiet kollha li tkun il kaptan ta dan il vapur li ga tmejjel ghaliex l ilma ghadu diehel sewwa.Il Kaptan li hemm bhal issa huwa bhal dak il poster tal pl..GHADU MA JRIDX JISMA,ISSA IL WAQT LI TIDRITTAW IL VAPUR QABEL JEGHREQ.DALLI+JPO+FRANCO u ohrajn li sgur huma milquta min din il klikka hudu nota ta dan .Sa kemm fil partit taghkom jibqa limperatur AUSTINUS GATTOS mintohmx ser tiehdu ruh
Il-hmieg li jghum fih dan il-partit ma jitwemminx. Pero' l-akbar hmieg hu li hafna minn dawn id-demonji kristjani ma jitilfux okkazzjoni biex tarahom jitilghu jitqarbnu. Fuq kollox jahsbu li ghandom monopolju, anke fuq il-genna.
@ Progress...Mr.Giovanni DeMartino min huwa ? Jaqaw dak li jiehu pjacir idahhaq in nies bih? Fejnu ? Ilu tlett t`ijiem ma jghejdilna xi cucata halli inkomplu nidhqu aktar mill praspar li qeghedin naraw fuq in NET....produzzjoni tal tal partit f`minoranza u qeghed imexxi b`dittatura.Ovvja dak il hmieg li qeghed isir bhal issa fil kwartieri f`tal Pieta jozboq il ftit trab li isemmi is sur Giovann, fuq tal lejber.`Spjunagg bhal ma kienu jaghmlu il faxxisti u in nazzisti` u fuq in nies taghhom stess!!!..ahseb u ara fuq l-avversarji politici x`qeghedin jaghmlu.Partit tal hmieg sar.
Jien nahseb li l-Partit tal-Farfett kellu aktar 'dignity' mill-klikka li assorbew il-PN ghall interessi taghhom! Ghax kieku m'hux hekk ma jkomplux inizzlu l-PN fil-hama,u jaraw il-gid tal-partit qabel taghhom, u jaghtu cans lil haddiehor jirrailita mill-gdid lil PN. Tghid GonziPN qed forsi jghix go univers iehor parrallelu?
X.kukkanja din; il-hmieg ta GonziPN qed imarrad lilu innifsu u waqgha f'koma politika. L-insest politiku li welled hu,mal-broadcasters, opinion makers, u l-creepy bloggers, ma jistax jinhafer, u issa l-gudizju u s-sewwa li sofrew minnu hafna nazzjonalisti genwini, qed jitlob gustizzja ! Possibli Dr Gonzi ghadu ma jafx f'liema bassezza nizel il-Partit? Sahha se jeghreq hu, hemm ghalfejn jghaddasna mieghu fl-abbis ekonomiku? Disgrace!
Mr.Giovanni Demartino has all the answers for you Mr.John Dalli, cause he can only say it might not be PN officials that hacked your emails but Pl officials. Case solved LOL. No need for a hassle to go to the Commissioner of Police. Waste of time , Giovanni knows it all.
Luke Camilleri
Didn't Gonzi promise "Peace of mind" before the last election? What he did not say and SPECIFY was for whom! Apparently not even for John Dalli! BIG BROTHER or the hidden hand IS NOT ONLY WATCHING YOU…but keeping recordings and transcripts as well …… and no one excluded !