Language school federation expresses concern about missing Russian
FELTOM says situation requires ‘more complete media coverage’ and updates from authorities.
The Federation of English-language Teaching Organisations Malta (FELTON) has expressed concern at the recent disappearance of a Russian 17-year-old, Polina Rahman, while studying English in Malta.
"Although, not a student of a FELTOM member school, FELTOM would like to show support and offer any help to the family and authorities in locating the teenager," the organisation said.
FELTOM said Rahman's disappearance required more complete media coverage and that the authorities should provide regular updates on all and any developments. "It is of utmost importance that international media, along with the local public, is made aware that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure that Rahman is returned to her family safely."
FELTOM member schools have been advised to ensure that several precautions are taken when handling junior students.
"FELTOM recommends to its members that students under 18 years of are supervised at all times, have curfews in effect, and are kept as much as possible from areas such as Paceville, by attending FELTOM organised events and others conducted outside of the area. Further to this, FELTOM accredited schools are required to have contracts with host families and enforce a student welfare code of conduct," the organisation said.
FELTOM also said the authorities should establish with the school hosting the student, why Rahman was out unsupervised, at 4am, and why the media published the notification more than 48 hours after her disappearance.