‘Labour is rich, we are not’ – Borg Olivier in funds appeal

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in recorded appeal to supporters to donate money: ‘without your help we cannot cover the costs’

Paul Borg Olivier's email message is supported by a YouTube video in which Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi also appeals for donations.
Paul Borg Olivier's email message is supported by a YouTube video in which Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi also appeals for donations.

The Malta Labour Party is "rich" while the Nationalists "are not", according to the PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier in his latest email appeal.

In the customary mailshot for the PN's electoral reachout, Borg Olivier and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today urged supporters to donate money - specifically a total of €200,000 - to be able to cover the costs of billboards.

Borg Olivier insists that since election campaigns "cost money", the help of the public is needed to raise the money. "Just to give you an idea of the costs involved - throughout an electoral campaign the cost of our billboards will amount to around €200,000," Borg Olivier says.

The email goes on: "The Malta Labour Party seems to have unlimited funds, with posters and billboards erected all over the island every time they think an election is coming. They are rich whilst we are not."

The email message is supported by a YouTube video in which Prime Minister, and party leader, Lawrence Gonzi also appeals for donations.  

"The Nationalist Party is made up of individuals like you and me. Your help is essential. I am inviting you to make your donation to the PN for its election campaign. Without your help, the PN cannot cover the costs of the campaign," Gonzi says.

He adds that while volunteers' support is essential, the party still requires a lot of money. "With your donations we could prepare printed material, billboards, adverts, TV productions, organise mass meetings and several other activities," he adds.

"Success is not bred alone. It depends from all of us."

Workers were seen last week hard at work hoisting PN-owned billboards to set them up on roadsides. While the PL has already set up billboards earlier this year, the latest development confirms that the PN is not wasting any more time in entering campaign mode.

Moreover, going by the last three general elections, the placing of billboards by the PN had always been a clear sign that election was round the corner.

As they say "Some mothers do have them". - And who is PBO trying to impress?
Amazing how things are twisted I cant believe that anyone will believe these words that the PL is rich, while PN depends and expect donations from the masses on the streets. PN is the party that has dragged its feet on the Party financing bill, PN is the party that on every fund raising activity has some candidate that at the last minuets hands over thousands of euros as a donation, PN is the party that has failed to publish its funds as the PL dose every year. PN has always been known as the party that has no limits to funds so please Dr Borg Olovier as the saying is go and tell it to the Marines and for those who do not know what it means please look it up.
Minghajr l-ghajnuna tieghek GONZIPN ma nistghux inlahqu ma l-gholi tal hajja..mal gas, mal pitrol, mal kont tad dawl u l-ilma, max xirja ta kuljum, ma l-uniformijiet ta l-istudenti, kotba pitazzi, u affarijiet rigi, lapsijiet ect....hiiii le sorry insejt li kien tghana iz-zieda ta 500 euro fil gimgha....
Guidoforte daqs kemm waqajt ghan-nejk int mieghi zgur li le. Ghidilna x'ridt tghid bit-tabib, te, pastizzi, flus....VAVU!
Our money is in your poket, Mr PN,group.How can I put my hand in your pocket to give you some money?You are making yourself look innocent.Today people are not that stupid,ofcourse there are some that believe, that you are begers.
Our money is in your poket, Mr PN,group.How can I put my hand in your pocket to give you some money?You are making yourself look innocent.Today people are not that stupid,ofcourse there are some that believe, that you are begers.
Stupid comment which makes him ridiculous him and his party
Erba kelmiet Paul ...qeghed taqa ghan nejk f`kull ma qeghed thejd....jekk thobb lilek innifsek ...ieqaf.
Try the yellow pages, gahan.
Excuse me i need to go to the bathroom for this guy really gives me the sh.t.
Dr. JBO l-importanti bhallissa huwa li tistudja xinhu jigri fil-PN mhux fil-flus!! L-elezzjoni fadlila hafna skond Gonzi hux?? Mela allurra ghaliex qed tinkwieta ghall-bilboards la faddallek sa Marzu biex twahhalhom!! Issa jigi l-Perit tar-Rabat johroghom mill-glekk il-flus!
Well, Labour is paying for JPO's bodyguards so it does seem they have money to burn. Msieken dawk ix-xjuh li jaghtu xi haga mil-pensjoni lil partit taghhom f'xi gabra biex umbaghad tintuza ghal 'protezzjoni' tal-Jeff hej!
Well, Labour is paying for JPO's bodyguards so it does seem they have money to burn. Msieken dawk ix-xjuh li jaghtu xi haga mil-pensjoni lil partit taghhom f'xi gabra biex umbaghad tintuza ghal 'protezzjoni' tal-Jeff hej!
Kemm hu kiesah dan ir- ragel jipprova jinsulenta l- intelligenza tan- nies. Dejjem jipprova jirkeb in- nies anke fil- hajja ta' kuljum jarak tiehu kafe u jintefa' bilqieghda hdejk biex thallaslu wiehed! Trid tkun veru nieqes mir- rizorsi umani biex tpoggi gidra bhal dan bhal Sec. Gen !!!
Gonzipn needs money for printed material.......such as the letters, sent and signed by Lawrence Gonzi himself, before 2008 election, to Hunters, Go, Air Malta and shipyard workers, bus drivers and others, promising job guarantee and bright future for the workers and their families. Afterwards every one knows what happened. Gonzipn can place as much bill boards as he wants, even in front of the homes of these workers, because for sure he will not be trusted any more.
Ghax ma jsaqsux in-nutar tar-Rabat...kien igib tant mazzi tal-liri fil-Milied, jibda johroghom minn kullimkien!
If what pbo is saying is true i have one answer for him. The LP can do a lot with few resources and caution in spending. It seems that the PN works on same way the government does Money no problem and they spend more than required. Start treating Malta and your party as a family and with a good attitude you can achieve more for less.
Luke Camilleri
YES Labour is VERY RICH , in talent, in ideas, in inovation, in vision ,IN THE LEADERSHIP! Yes for once PBO is right, LABOUR IS RICH!
Luke Camilleri
YES Labour is VERY RICH , in talent, in ideas, in inovation, in vision ,IN THE LEADERSHIP! Yes for once PBO is right, LABOUR IS RICH!
Luke Camilleri
YES Labour is VERY RICH , in talent, in ideas, in inovation, in vision ,IN THE LEADERSHIP! Yes for once PBO is right, LABOUR IS RICH!
Forsi ihalsuhom il prim ministru u shabu l ministri mil Euro 500 zieda fil gimgha li hadu minn wara dar il poplu
Yet another senseless statement from PBO. With what ardor can this individual ask the people for money when the PN has been squeezing the people try with taxes over taxes, politely introduced over the years, while the PN cabinet members gave themselves hefty raises behind everyone's backs? Is this guy for real?
This is rich coming from the Party that boosts a state of the art TV and Radio Station together with the state of the art data base system: a poor party that employs hundreds of people!
Back in 1998 Fenech Adami was preaching that people can't afford to buy meat and cheese because of the poverty that existed under the Sant Government. Then they held events to raise money for their HQ and they collected huge thousands. The rich used to support them - what happened? Are they abandoning you? As long as I lived I always knew that the NP is rich - I think they have good reason to worry. Pack it up guys and leave in peace without causing more heart aches and suffering.
Ic-cajta tas-sena. Prosit. Joke of the year. Well done.
I fully agree with you that "The Malta Labour Party is "rich" while the Nationalists "are not", according to the PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier. Labour is rich in "Solidarity" with the workers, pensioners, sick people, those with special needs, etc etc. The things that Nationalist Party is rich is, in vendictive transfers, high utility bills, removing of benetis for the Maltese, voting against the majority of the Maltese, takinf €500 weekly while giving chicken feed to the workers, rich in creating deficits and debts, rich in arrogance, rich in preaching but very poor in acting on what they preach. I suggest to those who were treated like rubbish in the last 26 years to donate to the Nationalist Party, so that they might have the biggest political defeat in the world's history.
Of course Zaren Vassallo is only a "tessera" paying mer whilst ic-Caqnu is also. Why not ask RCC to contribute from the million euros plus he made as an ambassador I'm sure he will afford a couple of thousands. How about JPO his Mistra contract was something around €1.5 million ..... oh yes I forgot he is independent now. How about Mizzi of the BWSC fame he did make €4 million in commissions or how about asking Piano for a donation €3 million for simply coming up with a mucking project should spare a couple of thousands euros too. PBO just because you are thick it does not mean that the rest of us are.
Igor P. Shuvalov
‘Labour is rich, we are not’ – Borg Olivier in funds appeal. Is this the joke of the Year? Or is it an example of the mentality of the Nationalist Party who think that you can take the general public for a ride?
Problema ta xejn Pawl, 500 euro fil-gimgha bizzejjed bahhbuhh???
What's this, have they lost Zaren's phone number?
oh how interesting...the general secretary of gonzipn has been and is still thinking he is running the maltese government. yes the government that is malta is bankrupt both financially, morally and economically, but not gonzipn. it only takes another hundreds million euro project like the heavy fuel power station, or the roofless theatre or the bridge that leads to nowhere for benevolent contractors to fill the coffers of gonzipn to the brim....else labour will win and there will be no more contracts.......
Mr PBO why dont you dig into your own pockets, im sure with the 500 euro weekly you took from us the tax payers you surely must have lots of spare cash.
Paprati PBO please go and tell it to the marines. I will donate to my ex-friends once my utilities, gas, petrol bills are reduced to normal. These amongst others that is.
Dear PBO, please explain why the fact that PL seems better able to handle money than PN should convince us to trust Malta's finances in PN's hands again.
Paul who is going to believe you? I wish I can tell you a lot about what I think, and whats the majority of people especialy business people think.But I am sure the editor will not let me do this. So Paul what I can say its har to believe you.
500 fil gimgha u dak li tajtu lill RCC MHUX BIZZEJJED. ARA VERU PARTIT MA JAFX JISTHI
Mela ma ghadhomx itukhom il pampaluni.
"The NP is made up of individuals like you and me........" The difference is that the PM and his cabinet got a 500 euro increase per week and I only got a pittance of 1.60c. Now the Party wants me to donate from my 1.60c? Dr Paul go and ask for donations from the number of consultants that were paid thousands of euros by the govt for doing absolutely .......need I say more.