Labour MP reveals further irregularities at WasteServ
Labour MP Leo Brincat reveals further irregularities at the national waste agency WasteServ.
Documents revealed to Sunday newspaper Illum by Labour MP Leo Brincat show that two years ago independent auditors pointed out a number of irregularities at WasteServ.
This follows the publication of a letter from the former auditors of the national waste agency Wasteserv, complaining to finance minister Tonio Fenech of having been berated by his former head of secretariat Alan Caruana over their audit reports.
The irregularities highlighted by Brincat in an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum amount to millions of euros. A €1 million overrun on the Sant Antnin plan is among the irregularities pointed out by the auditors in their reports. According to the agency's Chief Financial Officer, although the engineers running the project did not sanction the overrun, WasteServ's board of directors approved the expenditure.
Another deal that caught the auditors' attention was the purchase of various transformers and cables from Enemalta which was procured under a quotation dated 15 December 2009. The invoice TD/11370 was dated the following day for €753,450 and was checked by the co-engineer and certified by the Chief Financial Officer. The auditors pointed out that they did not come across any board approval of the purchase.
The auditors also reported irregularities at the civil abbatoir which is used for the incineration of waste.
Read the full interview on today's edition of Illum