PN is experiencing a revival - Therese Comodini Cachia
The Nationalist Party's new candidate Therese Comodini Cachia feels there has been no better time than now to join the PN.
New PN candidate Therese Comodini Cachia
The Nationalist Party's new candidate Therese Comodini Cachi insists that there has been no better time to join the PN than now, because "the party is going through a renaissance."
The human rights lawyer adds that the current political turmoil has not discouraged her but has "reassured" her that she made the right choice to put her name forward.
Comodini Cachia says that the political instability which has led to two prominent resignations from within the Cabinet and the resignation of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando shows a diversity in opinion and ideas which "enrich the PN and help it from becoming stagnant.
Read the full interview in tomorrow's edition of Illum

@Crazy_Country Naqbel perfettament mieghek u nzid li l-leadership ghandu jinbidel immedjatament billi jgibu lura lill-John Dalli u Louis Galea. John Dalli ghandu jkun hu li jmexxi l-PN lejn riforma shiha kif kien ghamel meta rriform lis-stamperija meta gab il-makni godda bil-kulur, irriforma il-finanzi u rriforma is-servizzi socjali meta kien Ministru ta' dawn. Minn hu dak li ghandu kredenzjali bhall tieghu....hekk biss jista' l-PN ikollu xi cans li fl-elezzjoni li gejja ma jitlifx b'5 siggijiet.

PN is experiencing a revival - it must be the fault of this summer's heat, miskina.

A revival? Are you implying that the GonziPN government was dead for the last 4 years Dr. Comodini?
You might be right after all.

What are you, inexperienced,drunk,deluded,untruthful,or trying to pull our legs. I am not amused!

What are you, inexperienced,drunk,deluded,untruthful,or trying to pull our legs. I am not amused!

Din fethet halqha l-ewwel darba u diga waqghet ghac-cajt!! Imbilli ghandek kunjom doppju ma timpressjonaniex.

Its like calling Nazism a renaissance..din bis-serjeta

LOL dawn ta gonzipn qed jghixu fi pjaneta ohra, iktar ma jitkellmu iktar
Qed idahhku nies bihom. Min fejn sabuha lill din komodoni, iktar ser iggibhom ghoqda.

Luke Camilleri •
PN is experiencing a revival ... FROM WHAT????
There is truly one born every minute with statements that -two prominent resignations from within the Cabinet and the resignation of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando shows a diversity in opinion and ideas which "enrich the PN and help it from becoming stagnant-

By the Gods, the poor woman is totally deluded, a PERFECT candidate for Gonzi's tribe.

Kompli ohlom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hallina Commodini. Bhalissa l-aghar zmien biex wiehed jibda' jimmitila fi hdan il-PN sempliciment ghax hu partit tal-passat u issa qabad it-triq tan-nizla. Il-kandidati godda, inkluza int, se tahlu partiu minn hajjitkom fil-vojt ghax se tkunu parti minn grupp ta' politikanti li se jiehdu l-akbar tkaxkira fl-istorja ta' Malta.

So according to this brand new candidate of GonziPn, the more civil-war that GonziPN experiences, the better it is for GonziPN , because this " enriches the PN "!
So my suggestion is that those other 9 GonziPN MPs who did not voice their criticizm openly of Lawrence Gonzi, should now take Ms. Comodini Cachia's advice and come out in the open , so as to enrich GonziPN even more !
I've never read such crap in all my life !

To me it seems not a revival but a counter-reformation movement.

Prosit , x 'naqra revival dak ! bil kriminali wara l - bieb ta' l- istamperija. Id- dottoressa politikant jew kosmonawta ?

Prosit , x 'naqra revival dak ! bil kriminali wara l - bieb ta' l- istamperija. Id- dottoressa politikant jew kosmonawta ?

In her dreams. THe PN will have to lose an election first to clean itself up, although the alternative is not better.

Could have sworn the PN is going thru an Inquisition, soon to be followed by a Salem witch hunt once they lose the elections

Tant hemm 'diversity of opinion' li kif fethu halqhom JPO, FD, u JM tefaghhom il-barra. Staqsi lil John Dalli ha jghidlek kemm hemm 'opinion diversity'.

Having such inexperienced people in the PN, I would never put my vote into this empty vessel. Her perfromance on TV has always been so flat that putting her into Parliament would be like voting to stack of hay.
Keep harping your theories on human rights and leave politics for better politicins.
Your training with Lou Bondi and Xarabank has not earned you anything.

What renaissance is she talking about? They have killed off any chance of discussion and banish those who had a different opinion. The message has been OBEY THE leader or ELSE. We are a 'European country' with a 'North Korean' cult of the leader.
The same can be said for all everything on the island. Show allegiance to the party and abysmal levels of stupidity and incompetence will be tolerated. Show dissent and you could have the intellect of Einstein and Newton combined - you will be treated worse than dirt.
Therese is either incredibly stupid or an incredibly bad liar. She is clearly - a prime PN candidate.

Someone must have been dreaming. Hahhaha!

The core of the party has imploded and not renewing itself at all.

This debutante seems to have a lot of insight. Is she Malta's reply to Condoleeza Rice by any chance?

Sinjura Comodini Cachia qeghda tighx gewwa Disney World jaqaw?

Dear Dr Comodini, By which stretch of imagination would you call what Gonzipn is going through as a renaissance ? The turmoil between most of the gonzipn MP's is endless. Other than that would you call the suppression of thought and belief as relating to the Renaissance. You should well know that dear Dr Comodini !!! I am afraid that you have made the wrong choice.

In the history of human rights law in Malta the Ex PM Fenech Adami was found twice in breach of this important law. How can you guarantee the human rights in Malta when international institutions said that our human rights vis a vis illegal immigrants are deploring , court cases takes years to be decided, promotions are only for GONZIPN supporters, PL supporters are kept out of tendering process. What human rights can you guarantee Dr Cachia? Before we have a system where judges are not choose by the PM and before we have a system where a magistrate can decide to start investigation we can never have human rights. How can we have human rights when a journalist is fined €18,000. this means shoot your mouth. No one is believing what you are trying to say.

Maybe Dr Comodini should consider taking the case of Dr Franco Debono,Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando & Jesmond Mulliet regarding their Human Rights within Gonzi Pn's friends of friends.To me they were oblviated before justice was held.

Can you kindly explain where are our human rights protected in Malta where the goverment exproriates our property and we are unable to have justice in our constitutional courts but have to recourse to Brussel to fight for our rights. This is all about institutionalized robbery by the government in power whoever that may be. Maybe you are one of the Illuminati and live in a different world in which case you need to see the reality of facts as they really are in our courts. We simply do no have any human rights a dog in the stret has more rights than we the maltese citizen.

To stand a chance at winning the next election, the party in government needs to replace its leadership. This is the only way to for the people to consider forgiving and forgetting for what seems like an era of stagnation. This will never happen in Malta.

"the resignation of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando shows a diversity in opinion and ideas which enrich the PN and help it from becoming stagnant" - INFATTI KECCEWHOM!

Can Dr Therese Comodini Cachia kindly explain what sort of "Human Rights" her Nationalist Party belives in?
Does she intends to tell us that her Party also belives in the "Will of the Majority" ?

"the party is going through a renaissance." The Nationalist Party will do so, after a 5 or 10 year period in opposition. There are no short term solutions. The party has been hustled by a powerful moneyed clique that would lose its grip once out of the gravy train. The Maltese voter will see to this.

The Renaissance spanned over 3 centuries, and was kick started by the Plague. I see many present local analogies, and hope it takes its due course too. LOL.

The Renaissance spanned over 3 centuries, and was kick started by the Plague. I see many present local analogies, and hope it takes its due course too. LOL.