AD calls for Pullicino’s resignation over EC waste management report

Alternattiva Demokratika slams Malta’s classification in waste management performance, says Minister George Pullicino should resign.

AD says Minister Pullicino should resign, accuse him of being more interested in political confrontation on issues such as the Waste Recycling Plant at Sant'Antnin in Marsaskala. (File photo: Minister visiting the plant)
AD says Minister Pullicino should resign, accuse him of being more interested in political confrontation on issues such as the Waste Recycling Plant at Sant'Antnin in Marsaskala. (File photo: Minister visiting the plant)

Alternattiva Demokratika has called for the resignation of Resources Minister George Pullicino following Malta's weak classification in the European Commission's report on Waste Management.

"Malta's performance has been classified with countries that have an implementation deficit in practically all areas of waste management," AD's spokesman Carmel Cacopardo said in a statement. "It is only Greece and Bulgaria who have received a worse classification."

The EC's report, 'Screening of Waste Management Performance of EU Member States', was released on 7 August.

Cacopardo said accused Pullicino, responsible for waste management policy, of being "more interested in political confrontation" rather than seek ways of implementing EU policy on waste.

Whilst this report is a reflection of the situation as it was two years ago, it is still serious as it indicates a lack of will to implement adequately waste management policy," he said.

He added that the report showed serious failure very clearly.

"Minister Pullicino should assume political responsibility and resign thereby creating an opportunity for someone else who can take charge and contribute positively to an adequate implementation of waste management policy," Cacopardo insisted.

gs, Even the UE is Dreaming, Did You Read The Report ?