Muscat plays down Micallef resignation issue

Labour leader expects ‘good sense’ to prevail for Jason Micallef to resign chairmanship.

Jason Micallef.
Jason Micallef.

Questions over the future of One Productions chairman Jason Micallef are being raised, but Labour leader Joseph Muscat is trying to skirt the issue of his resignation.

Former Labour secretary-general Jason Micallef was re-elected to his post after losing the 2008 general election, but after Muscat abolished the post in a bid to consolidate his new leadership, he kicked Micallef to the post of chairman of the Labour TV production house.

Muscat today would not commit himself as to whether Micallef had to resign the chairmanship. "I can't see the issue at stake. I expect that good sense will prevail, but it's not of any national importance," Muscat said when asked about the former secretary-general running for election.

When asked bluntly whether he expected him to resign, Muscat replied that he saw "no issue" in the matter.

The decision by Micallef to announce his candidature has shocked the PL's kitchen cabinet but top brass are reluctant to ask him to resign his chairman's post.

As party secretary-general, Micallef had in the past imposed that all staff at One TV should resign from their posts if they chose to stand as candidates.

But Micallef has since strained relations with many of Joseph Muscat's lieutenants and his relations with the party leader are considered to be far from good.

The decision by the PL administration to appoint Micallef as chairman of One TV was interpreted as a sop to convince Micallef to move out quietly from the PL's administration.

His decision comes after Muscat publicly thanked him in the last general conference for deciding not to stand for the national elections.

Sources at One TV told MaltaToday that Jason Micallef refuses to resign as chairman of One TV, even though the post creates a conflict of interest with his candidature.

Micallef believes that he has a good chance of winning, though he is up against deep-seated or so called 'star candidates' in the Mosta constituency which all come armed with the vote-winning 'blessing' of the party leadership.

May I point out that Jason Micallef is one of Labour's choices that is being proposed to the vast electorate eligible to vote. The LP is doing conscious decisions where by the Maltese electorate is being given a vast choice of valid candidates, from which to vote for. (This is a move to provide candidates that appeal and affinity to the electorate) I’m sure that Micallef under the leadership of Dr Muscat will surely strive to give this country a better government and the much needed efficient administration.
May I point out that Jason Micallef is one of Labour's choices that is being proposed to the vast electorate eligible to vote. The LP is doing conscious decisions where by the Maltese electorate is being given a vast choice of valid candidates, from which to vote for. (This is a move to provide candidates that appeal and affinity to the electorate) I’m sure that Micallef under the leadership of Dr Muscat will surely strive to give this country a better government and the much needed efficient administration.
I would like to comment on the technical issues of ONE under the leadership of Jason Micallef. The standard of ONE has declined considerably especially in 92.7 Radio. The 11.45am news sound is not balanced, microphones not dubbed well etc. I do not know why Mr. Micallef let the station and the party down. Maybe I am mistaken however I am right how the standards of television and radio have deteriorated. Its time to move on and find someone is qualified.
Dik l- akbar problema fil- fatt ghax sens komun m' ghandux. Jahseb li bravu u jifhem f' kollox u l- One hadhu lura. Nittama li jekk veru jhobb il- partit joqghod fis-dell u mhux dejjem jiggieled biex joqghod fic- centru. Il- PN kisser Malta , ittihomx petrol waslu fl- ahhar. Ahdem darba ghal haddiehor mhux ghalik, imbghad il- Mercedes ohrogha l- ghada ta' l- elezzjoni almenu
Jason, we wont elect you. You are too ambitous and you always seem to say many things that the party is trying to avoid. You are always in a bad spotlight. Work for the party in another way. we at mosta know how much you love the party but please jason do not contest the election. you are not parliament material. the party could use you in many other ways.
Aqbdu ma Jason kemm tridu bi Franco wara l-bieb ifaqqalkom il-hama, x'fadlilkom, taghmlu? Kif qallu Gonzi lil Franco ohorgu ghidu kontra L-Pl, ghamlu min kollox, nahseb anki xi gidba lhawn u lhemm? Jason Micallef ghandu dritt johrog ghal politika ghaliex le? Hiereg Caludio Grech b'kondotta mcappsa. Ta Jason imcappsa? Dak imiskom taraw jew xi whip kien jikkopja, Jason inqabad jikkopja? Dak dizunur zgur, meta l-ezekuttiv jhalli zewg kandidati bil kondotta mcappsa johorgu ghal politika
Is sens komun ghandu jirbah...L-irgulija titlob li kull min ghandu xi kariga li tista tinfluwenza lil l-elettorat, ghandu jirrezenja min meta jigi konfermat bhala kandidat. Ghawn Sindki, u persuni f`kunsilli u f`kumitati li ghandhom il priviligg li juzaw il pozizjoni li ghandhom sabiex jiehdu vantagg politiku fuq haddiehor. Is serjeta titlob li ghandhom jirrizenjaw, u jibdew il kampanja fuq l-istess livel.....Dan japplika ghaz zewg partiti.
I cannot understand why all this fuss about Mr. Micallef's candidature. If he thinks that he can be part of a new government, let him be, then its up to citizens to decide whether they wish to have him or not. Though very controversial, I still think that he has good values and qualities
Minn Klikka Nazzjonalista sejrin nehilsu u ghandu ikun qed tifforma ohra!