Debono blogs missive against ‘Austin Gatt clone’

Nationalist MP still claiming he won’t support government with Austin Gatt as minister.

Franco Debono hit at at Claudio Grech (left) as a clone of transport minister Austin Gatt (right).
Franco Debono hit at at Claudio Grech (left) as a clone of transport minister Austin Gatt (right).

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has kept up his threat not to support his own government  as long as transport and investments minister Austin Gatt remains a cabinet member.

Punctuating the lull of the summer months with his outbursts on his personal blog, Debono - recently banned from contesting on the PN ticket - is claiming he will withdraw support for Lawrence Gonzi's government as long as Gatt is minister.

Parliament reconvenes on 1 October with, amongst other matters, a crucial and difficult Budget 2013 on its agenda.

In his salvo, Debono drew comparisons between the ban on his candidature, and the candidature of Claudio Grech, the IT policy advisor for Austin Gatt, specifically after having been found guilty of falsifying a police identification card in 1994.

Describing Grech as an 'Austin Gatt clone', Debono cited excerpts from the court transcript that said Grech had counterfeited the ID card ostensibly in a bid to impress a girlfriend. "Every human being likes to impress, but those willing to commit a criminal offence just to impress and show off are the rare exceptions and show particular character and psychological traits," Debono said.

"The trick is having an Austin Gatt canvasser in the family and then 'everything is possible'," he said, mocking the 2008 electoral slogan for the PN.

"As a reward, some two years after Grech formed part of Austin Gatt's private secretariat... after the conviction [Grech] was employed in the justice minister's private secretariat."

On his part, Claudio Grech accused the Labour party media of attacking him personally in a bid to tarnish his reputation. He said the 1994 charge demonstrated "little else than my youthful zeal to join the police force."

Grech said the Labour party rekindles its interest in this matter in an attempt to weaken his credibility. "These attacks are indicative of a party that is focused on undermining the achievements that this country has registered through the years. I am proud to have served in several roles, which have led to such successes."

"Puerile tactics harm the perpetrators and not its targets. These attacks will energise me further to work in the best interest of my country, my constituency and the Nationalist Party," Grech said in a statement.

If my memory serves me well, some years back someone from Valletta with the same name (Claudio Grech),was arraigned in court accused of throwing bottles from a truck during a demonstration of some sort in Valletta. Is he the same person ?. Dr. Franco please illuminate.
Lil dan ir-ragel sewwa u rett min qed jattakkah? Mhux Franco Debono hareg b'dan l-attakk? Jaqaw Franco Debono sar Laburist f'daqqa wahda? Imbaghad wara kollox, rejat huwa rejat, tghid xi tghid fuqu. Jew ghal min hu pprevileggat bhal dal-ragel tajjeb (Claudio Grech) dan mhux il-kas? U dan Grech suppost wiehed mill-istilel ta' GozniPN!
Luke Camilleri
Why doesn't Franco Debono just do the big step like JPO did and go INDEPENDENT? He should know by now HE IS NOT WANTED, and only candidates with good and not SO GOOD QUALITIES qualify to form part of the GonziPN Oligarchy! FRANCO just do it! Don't spoil it next time....don't abstain, you had your chance already and lost it, what next?