Youngest Canadian MP has Maltese roots
Canadian MP Charmaine Borg, the youngest member of the Canadian parliament, expresses the wish to see Canada and Malta working together on different levels.
Canadian MP Charmaine Borg
One of Canada's member of parliament, aged only 22, is of Maltese origin and was elected for the first time in parliament when she was 21. Charmaine Borg's grandfather, Alfred Borg from Hamrun, had immigrated to Canada in the 40s.
Interviewed by Sunday newspaper Illum, Borg says that she had faced much criticism questioning her ability to be an MP due to being so young.
"I believe that all of our hard work has now paid off and we have shown to the Canadians that young people have a place in parliament," she says.
Speaking on her holiday in Malta, Borg says she enjoyed visiting the Azure Window in Dwejra and watching fireworks at St Paul's Bay.
Read the full interview in Illum

Ghandek mitt elf ragun niko001! Veru pajjiz u poplu tal-Mickey Mouse.

nifirhu ghal xi hadd li ghandu biss l-gheruq Maltin ghax huwa l-izghar MP pero nghajjru lil Muscat ghax jista' jkun l-izghar MP. Viva Malta.